~~Chapter 3~~

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~Chapter 3: New and Old Friends~

Ash's pov:
After walking around the food courts for about 20 minutes Pikachu finally found a place he wanted to eat at. It was a big outdoor restaurant with private eating spaces for you and your pokemon so I was fine with it. I walked past a bunch of people and pokemon in their own private squares to the service desk. "Hi welcome to Rana's how can I help you" The waitress asks with a small smile. "I'll take a private eating area please" I answer her. "Ok where would you like to eat we have front or back dining" She asks pulling out a menu. "I'll eat at the front please" I say. She tells me to follow her so I do. She walks up to a private block and sets my menu down. "I'll be back for your order" She says and walks off. "Wow Pikachu look at this. There isn't anyone around till the next 2 blocks and we get an upfront view of the mall still" I tell Pikachu and sit down. " Pi pika" He squeals and nods. "Alright com on out you guys but be quiet" I say releasing my pokemon. Once all of them are out I pass around the menu for them to point at something they want. I see a bunch of people look at us as they pass bye so I just stare back. 5 minutes later the waitress comes back an I order everything. She writes it all down and walks off again.

I get out of my seat and walk around finding a ball. I pick up the ball earning the attention of Lycanroc and Pikachu. I look at them and smirk throwing the ball to the other end of the block. They both rush at it but Pikachu was quicker and got to it first. He picked up the ball but lost it almost immediately after from Lycan tackling him. I laugh as Lycan comes back with the ball and Pikachu sulks in the corner.

"Come on buddy don't be mad" I say to him which he totally ignored me. I shrug and walk over to Charizard. I pick up his wing checking the folds by his body to make sure they weren't sore. He wasn't happy but still let me so he could fly better and smoother. One thing my pokemon don't know beside Pikachu is that I learned I can use Aura. I'm sure that Lucario has felt it but he hasn't said anything. I figured it out when Pikachu an me went flying off a cliff from a wild onix but we don't talk about that. I was about to check Lucario's knuckles but our food came out so they rushed past me to go eat.

I was almost finished eating when the waitresses came with the check. I looked at it and glared at my pokemon. I sighed and put my pokecard in the book for her to scan. She came back and took it by the time I was done eating. After she gave me my card and receipt I put everyone back in their pokeballs except lycanroc and Pikachu and walked out into the mall again.

As we walked Pikachu rode on top of Lycan pretending like he was a Tauros Rider. I laugh at the 2 and walk in a Pokemon snack shop called Amina Treats.
Lycan followed me occasionally sniffing some snacks. I picked out a few treats for Lucario, Charizard, and Greninja since they couldn't pick out their own. "Alright guys you can pick out a few treats each" I say and follow them as they start walking. Lycan stopped at the bones and Pikachu ran over to the cupcakes that had red frosting. I grab a couple bones and walk to Pikachu. I shake my head and grab a 10 pack of his cupcakes then walk to the cashier. After spending 3,000 Pokedollars we waked out of the store going back to the pokemon center.

What I did not expect to see when I walked in was Brock and Misty arguing over an Ever. "Hey Brock and Misty" I say with a small wave walking over to them. They both turned to me with surprise written across their faces. Eevee see this chance and runs away from the to under Lycan. He barks in surprise from the fast pokemon hiding under him. "What did you guys do to this Eevee for it to run from you" I ask bending down to look at Eevee. "Well I thought it belonged to a trainer and Brock thought it was wild and wanted to capture it so we were arguing about if it has a trainer" Misty says putting her hands on her hips. "Ahh ok. Hey Eevee can you come out" I say taking a Pokemon treat out, holding it in front of me. Eevee slowly crawls out from under Lycan and takes the treat. I pick it up and take it to Nurse Joy.

"Nurse Joy can you check if this Eevee is registered to a trainer and what gender it it please" I ask handing her the Eevee. She nods and takes it to a room. "See that was really hard guys. Makes me wonder who is actually older here" I say to them leaning against the counter waiting for Eevee. I look at Lycan and Pikachu laying down, So I recall Lycanroc and call Pikachu over. "Pika pika pi" Pikachu says and waves his arms around. I understand him just fine so I nod not to make it weird.

Nurse Joy comes back 6 minutes later with Eevee and a piece of paper. "Well this Eevee is a male and is not registered under any trainer" She says and hands me the paper then going back to work. I read it and it has all of Eevee's moves on it. They consist of Bite, Copycat, Tackle, Swift, and sand-attack. My eyes widen as it shows he has 5 moves already. I look at Eevee to see him licking his paw. "Eevee would you like to come with me on my journey. I'm planning on traveling to see the world and enjoy the sights. Maybe even have some pokemon battles." I ask hoping he would want to come with. I take out an empty pokeball and stick it in front of him.

He stares at it before growling and waving his tail. Thank god I have Lycan or otherwise I would have never have known that he wanted a fight. I guess he wants me to prove I'm a good trainer. "Alright, 1 fight but you pick my pokemon" I say and lay the pokeballs out for him to pick. He walks up to Pikachu and paws him. I nod and clip the pokeballs back on my belt. "Well then let's go to the battle field" I say walking to the back of the poke center. Once in the field Pikachu runs to the middle waiting for my command. I let Eevee attack first.

He jumps in the air and fires swift. "Pikachu dodge it and use quick attack as soon as he lands" I say and Pikachu runs to the right last second before rushing in. Eevee saw this and as soon as Pikachu was near him he used bite. "Pikachu you ok buddy" I yell out and he just nods. "Good you electro ball and follow up with a quick attack" I say He fires electro ball but Eevee dodges and gets hit by a quick attack. Eevee growls and begins to glow white. "Protect" I say right before Eevee slams into Pikachu coping his quick attack. Before I can give Pikachu another command Eevee fires sand-attack right in Pikachu's eyes blinding him. "Pikachu buddy you ok" I ask and he nods. "Alright electro ball to your left" I command and before Eevee can react the electro ball slams into him throwing him a few feet back. "Are you okay Eevee" I yell and run to him. I notice the static around him and figure he's paralyzed. I pick him and Pikachu up going back into the center. I give them to Nurse Joy to heal.

Brock and Misty come up to me. "Wow Ash Pikachu almost got beaten by a wild Eevee" Misty says smirking. "Actually Misty he was trying not to hurt Eevee to much. He was just trying to tone his attacks down but he got hit with sand-attack straight into the eyes" I state confused on how she'd think Pikachu would loose after he won the coronation battle. Nurse Joy came back and Pikachu ran at me grabbed an empty pokeball and threw it at Eevee. I stood shocked as I watched the pokeball click and glow green in succession. "Pikachu why would you do that" I ask and grab the pokeball releasing Eevee out. "Pikachu! Pika!" He mouths back at me. I sigh and look at Eevee. "It's late let's go to our room guys" I say and bid Brock and Misty goodbye heading to the room with Pikachu and Eevee. I open up the door and walk in grabbing some pj's. I throw them on and fall backwards in bed. Pikachu and Eevee hop up and get comfortable. "Welcome to the family Vee" I say to Eevee before I close my eyes.

~A/N: Finished another chapter today. I got bored so decided to write some more. Hope this chapter is good. Ash added another pokemon to his party!! Stay tuned to find out how Eevee's journey with Ash will end✌🏻!

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