~~Chapter 14~~

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~Chapter 14: Birthday wishes~

Ash pov:
Today is my birthday. Lillie decided to stay in Lumiose City until my birthday then she wants to head to Unova. I didn't want a party for my birthday so Lillie said that we'll have a small get together at the bar. Which in my mind is basically a birthday party but I just get drinks. I think it's a win, but Lillie won't be aloud in the bar since she's only 19. Right now we're currently discussing what to do. "Why don't we just buy drinks and bring them back yeah" I say to shut up everyone in the room. "But Ash we traveled here for your birthday to go out" Hop says. "Alright listen up everyone. It's my birthday if I decided we're going to buy drinks and drink em here then we're doing it. Got it, fucking hell people" I say and run a hand through my hair. Lillie walks behind me hand runs her hands through my hair. It calms me down almost instantly. One thing I learned after I became champion is I have like major anger issues with stupid people. Like don't be stupid and they're won't be a problem. Anyway the room was dead silent you could hear a pin drop. "Alright Ash" Lillie is the first one to speak and she steps away from me. I nod and get up. "I'll take Ashy-Boy to the store since my car is better" He rants about how good his car is and I drag him out the house.

Once we loaded all the drinks up which was a lot, we headed back to the house. Once we arrive I call out everyone to start unloading it. I grab a couple cases and walk in the house. I place em on the counter and immediately open a case. I take a beer out a pop the lid taking a refreshing sip. "I'm starting to think you have an addiction" Someone says. I turn to look at Brock. I smile and shake my head. "Hey it's not like I bought it. Gary paid for it all saying it's the last gift he's gonna get me" I say back and give him a handshake. "Yeah ok. It's been a long time. You could have at least called" He says. I roll my eyes and hand him a beer. He takes it and pops it open taking a sip. "So I heard you proposed to someone" I say raising my eyebrow. I ask who she is and he smirks. "Well for starters how are you going to ask me about proposing when Misty of all people told me you proposed. Anyway you know her. The name Olivia" He says. I hear a gasp behind me so I turn to see Lillie. "No way, when did you travel to Alola. Also Ash Ketchum when did you tell Misty and who else did you tell" She demands crossing her arms. "You fucked up" Brock whispers to me before bolting out of the kitchen. I groan at my own misery and put my hands up. "L-listen Lillie she's the one who helped me plan it so please calm down" I say in my defense. She doesn't listen to me and runs at me. I bolt away and run into the living room where everyone is literally standing there. "Fuck move" I yell slipping past people. I see Pikachu and I know I'm doomed.

He jumps on me and I fall forward from his weight. I place my arms out and catch us just in time which leaves me in the most awkward push up position ever. I see Pikachu run out from under me and I feel someone sit on my back. I groan and hold the position because I know it's Lillie and if I drop I die. Someone thinks it's a good idea and puts a beer to my mouth. The bottle is tilted and the beer flows into my mouth smoothly. I hear Pikachu yelling about something. I turn my head and see Pikachu trying to do a handstand in front of Lillie's Pikachu. I laugh but it is quickly silenced when Lillie pulls my head back by my hair and kisses me. My neck is definitely going to hurt but she had beer in her mouth so it's whatever. The drink flows into my mouth and I swallow breaking the kiss. I finally drop my position and get squashed to the ground with an oof. "Big baby" Misty mumbles but I hear her. I send her a playful glare. Lillie finally gets up so I roll onto my back. I Huff and reluctantly get up with Brock's help. "What the hell happened. I walk in and it's a mess" A new voice says. "GOH!!" I yell and run at him. I bring him in a quick hug. I let go and fist bump him. "Been forever yeah" I say and smirk. "Sooo where's Chloe?" I ask looking behind him. "Uh she's coming" He says rubbing the back of his neck. Now I known him long enough to know when he isn't telling me something. I narrow my eyes at him and push past him. I walk out the door to see Chloe waking up the pathway. My eyes widen at her. "No fucking way. Dude what the hell. You didn't tell me!!" I turn my head and yell at Goh. I rush down to Chloe and help her in. Lillie comes running up. "Chloe you're huge. Is it only one? When are you due? Boy or girl?" She says quickly. I wake behind her and grab her shoulders pulling her away. "Now, now Lillie. They just got in the door calm down yeah" I say and she nods. I walk back over to Goh and punch him in the arm. "Why didn't you tell me" I ask after congratulating him. "Well we wanted to surprise you but I didn't know how. But you're present from us is being a godfather yay" He says and makes jazz hands. I stare at him before I laugh. "Missed you Goh" I say and we walk to the kitchen for another beer leaving the girls to talk. Now I have a high achohol tolerance so this beer was doing little to nothing to get me drunk. I grab another beer and hand it to Goh. We open them and chug them. I laugh at his face. "When's the last time you actually had a drink" I ask still laughing. He grunts and walks away. I follow him and sit in the living room with everyone else. "Alright we should have cake before we're all to drunk" Gladion says.

He's the only one who traveled from Alola for my birthday. He also wanted to see Lillie but I appreciate him here. We all agree and walk into the kitchen. I'm forced to sit down as the cake was placed in front of me. "I'm too old for this" I grumble.  Lillie whacks me upside the head and tells me to stop complaining. I shut up and let them sing to me. "Alright Ashy-Boy make a wish" Gary says and pats my back. I make a wish and blow out the candles. Little did I know my wish was actually going to come true.

~A/N- Sorry it took so long to post a chapter guys. I've had a lot going on lately. I promise to try and update more but the keyword is try. So of I don't update for a while don't worry because I will eventually update it.

Thanks for 1K reads guys. I appreciate that people read it.

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