Chapter 44 A Bittersweet Farewell

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Adhya’s POV:

The sendoff ceremony was emotional, a bittersweet farewell to the life I had known and the family who had nurtured me. The courtyard outside the wedding venue was adorned with lights and flowers, the remnants of a day filled with joy and celebration. Now, it was time to leave, and the air was thick with emotions.

My parents stood with me, their eyes glistening with tears. My mother, always the strong one, couldn’t hold back her sobs as she hugged me tightly. “Ladhu, take care of yourself. Be happy,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

“I will, Amma. I promise,” I replied, my own tears mingling with hers.

My father, usually reserved, looked at me with a mixture of pride and sorrow. “You’ve grown into a wonderful woman, Adhya. We’re so proud of you,” he said, his voice trembling.

“Thank you, Appa. I love you both so much,” I said, hugging him tightly.

As I turned to leave, my friends and relatives gathered around, offering their best wishes and blessings. Meera, my closest cousin, pulled me into a tight embrace. “I’m going to miss you so much, Adhya. But I know you’re going to be so happy.”

“I’ll miss you too, Meera. Thank you for everything,” I said, my voice choked with emotion.

Finally, it was time to go. Adishh stood by the car, waiting patiently. His presence was a comforting anchor amidst the sea of emotions. He took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Ready to go, love?”

I nodded, though my heart was heavy. As we sat in the car, I glanced back one last time, seeing my parents and friends waving, their faces a mixture of joy and sadness.

Adishh’s POV:

The car ride home was quiet, filled with a mixture of emotions. I glanced at Adhya, her face still wet with tears. I reached over and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s going to be okay, Adhya. We’ll visit often, and they’re just next door.” I laughed like a fool.

She smiled weakly, appreciating the reassurance. “I know, Adi. It’s just hard to leave them. You dont know all this who it feel."

As we reached our home, I saw our families waiting outside, ready to welcome us. Adhya’s parents are also there, funny but truth we are neighbor.  They had planned a light-hearted celebration to ease the transition, knowing how emotional the sendoff had been.

“Welcome home!” my mother exclaimed, pulling Adhya into a warm hug. “We’re so happy to have you as part of our family.”

“Thank you, maa” Adhya replied, her smile a bit brighter now.

My father, always the jokester, couldn’t resist. “So, Adishh, how does it feel to finally bring Adhya home?”

I chuckled, wrapping my arm around Adhya. “It feels perfect, paapa. Like everything is finally falling into place.”

Our friends and relatives had gathered as well, turning the homecoming into a mini celebration. There were jokes, laughter, and a few more tears, but this time they were tears of joy.

“Didn’t expect to see you two back so soon,” Trishul teased. “Thought you’d run off on a honeymoon already.”

“Soon enough,” I replied, winking at Adhya. “But for now, we’re just happy to be home.”

Adhya’s POV:

Despite the sadness of the sendoff, being back at our home felt comforting. The familiar faces, the laughter, and the warmth of our families made the transition easier. As the evening progressed, the atmosphere became more relaxed, filled with love and joy.

Later that night, as the festivities wound down and everyone started to leave, Adishh and I found ourselves alone because they have planned a First night, so all other shifted to my home. We sat on the balcony, looking out at the quiet night.

“Today was a whirlwind, wasn’t it?” I said, leaning into him.

“It was,” he agreed, wrapping his arm around me. “But we made it through. And now, we have the rest of our lives to look forward to.”

I looked up at him, feeling a surge of love and gratitude. “Thank you, Adi, for everything. For making today so special, and for always being there for me.”

He smiled, leaning down to kiss my forehead. “Always, Adhya. You’re my everything.”

As we sat there, under the starlit sky, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. This was just the beginning of our journey, and I knew that with Adishh by my side, anything was possible.

Adishh’s POV:

The night was calm and peaceful, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions we had experienced throughout the day. Holding Adhya close, I felt a profound sense of contentment. We had navigated through the emotional farewell, and now we were embarking on a new chapter of our lives.

“Let’s make a promise,” I said, breaking the comfortable silence.

“What promise?” Adhya asked, looking up at me with curiosity.

“No matter what happens, we’ll always communicate. We’ll always be honest with each other and never let misunderstandings come between us.”

She nodded, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of her words. “I promise, Adi. We’ll face everything together. But I think you have forgotten that you have to still please for your mistake."

"Okay my lord... But what about first night laddu." I cannot judge his smile because it was like foolish Still flirty smile. So maintain silence.

"I know, we both are tired we can do that some other day right." He whispered in my ears. I shock my head that it. He laughed so hard. "My daredevil wife, is scared of her husband. I should celebrate it."  By saying this he went out of the room. I was blushing so hard if I tried to justify my behavior I would have surly caught my blushing face. After 2 minute he came with some juice and snacks "lets watch some movie please." I nodded.

And so, surrounded by the love of our families and the warmth of our home, we took our first steps into our new life together, cherishing every moment and looking forward to the adventures that lay ahead.


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