⏳Seasons Greetings⏳

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One month past and it's now December. Siren's don't celebrate human holidays so like his birthday, this will be Hwa's first Christmas. Hong decided that for his present for Hwa would be the fixed bracelet. Yunho and Mingi decided to share a gift and their's would be the clothes that they'd worked so hard on.
Hong was in his office, sorting through some actual paperwork, when Yunho came in, needing to talk with him. "Do you have a minute, Cap'n?" Yuyu asked softly. Hong nodded and gestured for Yunho to sit. "What's on your mind?" He asked, watching Yunho sit. "I'm going to propose something that has been on my mind for months...You remember when Hwa was last captured in June? He got out all by himself, right?" "Yes...what's this got to do with anything?" Hong said, leaning back and raising his eyebrow. "Well him doing that was really impressive and not even I could pull that off and survive. I would've died as soon as I hit the water." "Where are you going with this?" Yunho sighed and continued. "I think he's ready to take a new role on this ship, Cap'n. A role that needs to be pasted down to him. I want to give him Master in Arms." Hong cleared his throat and sat forward, not really liking the thought of it. "I'm not sure about that. I don't want to put him in danger, Yunho." "I understand that but I wouldn't be giving it to him if I didn't think he was capable. I believe he's surpassed me and he deserves it, Joong." Yunho said, trying his best to convince him. "IF we did give him Master in Arms...What would you do?" "I'll still be first mate. The only thing that will change is that Hwa would fight alongside you instead. I'd handle the bother weaponry such as the cannons." Hong sighed. "I'll think about it. Come ask me later." "Yes, Captain." Yunho said before getting up and leaving.
    As the days went by, the snow started to fall. Hwa had never seen snow before. He looked out onto the land, watching the snow collect onto the grass and soon, the ship. Hong came over to him and grabbed his waist. "You should probably get inside and put some warmer clothes on. It gets really cold here in the winter." He muttered, kissing Hwa's shoulder. Hwa nodded and went inside to change.
    After changing, all of them left the ship to go watch the snow fall. As they watched, the snow started to slowly pile up at their feet. Hong watched Hwa's excitement in awe, going into a bit of a daze that he was soon knocked out of by getting hit in the head. He rubbed the back of his head and looked behind him to see Wooyoung laughing. He had thrown a snowball at him. "I knew you'd be the first one to cause trouble today." Hong said with a little laugh, picking up a good amount of snow, making a snowball, and threw it at Woo who was still laughing. His laughing came to an abrupt stop as he was hit in the face. Hwa and the others started laughing at them and soon a snowball fight broke out, lasting until the sun went down. The fight ended in a truce, both parties promising they would stop.
    Everyone went inside to get ready for dinner. While changing, Hong noticed scaly parts on Hwa's legs where the snow had hit. He grabbed a towel and came over, crouching and gently drying the spots on Hwa's legs before letting him finish changing.
    On Christmas Day, everyone was snuggled up in their shared rooms, sleeping peacefully. Hong woke up first, his sleeping prince laying his head on his chest. He couldn't help but smile and pet Hwa's head, trying his best to let him sleep a little longer.
    After a little, he gently shook Hwa awake. "Hwa, it's time to get up." Hong said softly. Hwa groaned and pulled the blankets over his face, making Hong laugh a little. "Mhp...No..." Hwa mumbled. "Fine, I'll give you a little longer." He said, pulling the covers back and kissing Hwa's forehead.
    Eventually, he was able to get Hwa up. They were going to have the Kim and Choi family over for Christmas. Hwa and Woo got breakfast ready while they waited for the families to arrive. As they arrived, Mingi and Yeo took the presents they brought to a corner by the stairs where they wouldn't be touched.
    Everyone sat down and ate breakfast together, chatting and catching up as they did so. After breakfast, Yeo, Mingi, and Yunho went to get the presents. They sorted them out and everyone started opening their gifts.
    When Hwa opened his smallest gift, he saw it was the bracelet and started to tear up a little. "I saw how upset you were about it breaking and you didn't want a new one...so uhm...all those nights I was late to bed, I was really trying my best to repair it." Hong said softly. Hwa bit his lip and hugged Joong, sniffling a little as a few "aww"'s were heard from the families.
    After Hwa calmed down a little, he opened Mingi and Yunho's gift. It was the clothes they had been working on. "Okay so basically, we thought you might need clothes since your's disappear once you're wet." Mingi said. "These clothes should come back after you're dry." Yunho added. Hwa smiled at them happily. He finally wouldn't have to worry about transforming anymore.
    After a while, everyone had opened their gifts and were just hanging out. Hong still had one more gift to give Hwa and it included Yunho. He eventually got Hwa alone to tell him the news. "Yunho came to talk to me about a new rank for you. I was uhm...pretty hesitant to assign you the role...but after some thinking and convincing from the rest of the crew, I've made up my mind. Hwa, you'll be taking Yunho's rank as the Master in Arms." Hong said. "Wait what, I don't even know what I'd do." Hwa said nervously. "The only thing that will change is that you'll fight alongside Hongjoong instead of me." Yunho said, trying to calm his nerves. Hwa hesitated. "I really appreciate it...but I don't know if I'm cut out for it. I don't want to take Yuyu's role...and what would it do to the other roles?" "It was my idea. I wouldn't be giving it to you if I didn't believe in you. I'm proud to be your teacher but I believe you've surpassed me. You deserve this. Don't worry, I'll still be first mate. I just won't be fighting alongside you." Yunho replied. Hwa thought for a second. "If I'm Master in Arms...the. Yunho is going to be the second Master in Arms." Yunho laughed a little. "Hwa, that isn't a thing." "Well now it is." They all laughed for a second before Hong spoke. "From here on out, Hwa will be the one to fight beside me."
    After that, they partied hard, drinking alcohol and eating food. A few days after, they started to get ready for New Years. By the end of the day, The King looked like a New Year's party explosion. Mama Kim loves New Years and they found out that they would be able to see the fireworks the best from their ship and it was far enough for Hwa's sensitive ears.
    On the night of New Year's Eve, they got table and chairs out on the deck, waiting for the fireworks. When they went off, it'd finally be a new year.
    After a bit of drinking and chatting, the fireworks went off, announcing the new year had begun. Everyone raised their glasses for a cheer as they all yelled "Happy New Year".

[Don't forget to vote so more ppl will read! It helps us out a lot and gives me motivation to write! If you haven't already, go ahead and check out our other stories, Love Bites, Built for Sin, and Lethal Love. Haven is also published but we still haven't written anything for it yet!❤️ - Muchii🦈]

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