⏳A Sick Lil Boy & Treasures To Come⏳

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The crew had been relaxing for a day, knowing they'd soon be leaving the dock and having to get back to work again. Once sunset came, the crew went off to tell the two families goodbye, telling them they'd visit again in the future. After their goodbyes, the crew got back on ship and left dock, beginning their newest journey, a journey for treasure. Hong planned on stealing the best loot for his queen.
The next day, Hongjoong woke up bright and early, excited to start his first voyage with his wife. He wanted to give him the best experience on being an official pirate, especially since he was now the pirate queen. Hong eventually realized that Hwa was not near him like he usually was. He turned to see Hwa lying near the edge of the bed with his back to him. Hong scooted over to Hwa and cuddled him. After a while of cuddling his sleeping wife, Hong tried to wake him up. "Wake up honey, today's the day we start a new adventure" Hong said in an excited tone as if he were a child again. Hwa didn't budge. Hong tried again to wake Hwa up. "Cmon love, wake up" Hwa made some noises and opened his eyes. "Damn Hwa, were you having a deep sleep?" "No..." Hwa said, his voice sounding different. "What's wrong honey. You don't sound too good." Hong said, gently rubbing Hwa's hair and realizing how hot his forehead was. "I don't know..I just..don't feel good today." "Yea...your head is hot. I think you have a fever." Hong said, pushing Hwa's hair out of his face. "Is there anything I can get you?" "I....don't know. I just feel gross." "What are you feeling?" "I'm not sure, my stomach doesn't....feel good.." Hwa said before dry heaving a little. "Hwa I'll be right back ok? Don't move. Don't talk." Hwa nodded his head and Joong quickly left the room to go find a bucket.
He returned to the room to Hwa sitting up on the edge of the bed. Hong walked over to Hwa and gave him the bucket. "I told you not to move. You could have upset your stomach more than it already is." He said very worried. Hwa sat there for a little before he threw up into the bucket. Hong pulled Hwa's hair out of his face so he wouldn't get the vomit in it. "Oh honey" Hong said, very worried. He looked around the room and found some ribbon on the nightstand. He proceeded to tie Hwa's hair back. "Babe, you need to lay down. Just rest. I'll get Jongho to come in here later to check up on you" He said, wiping off Hwa's mouth and laying him back in the bed, setting the bucket beside him.
Jongho came into the room about 20 minutes later. He gently felt Hwa's forehead before grabbing Hwa's face and opening his mouth, examining his throat. Hong was standing at the door, leaning against the frame and watching nervously. "What's wrong with him...?" "Hm. His throat's a little inflamed...he's definitely got a fever.." Jongho said, moving Hwa's face a little. "He's got a runny nose.." He opened Hwa's eyes, examining them closely. "his eyes are watery...a little red too. Due to the inflamed throat..it seems he's been coughing...Captain..I think he has the measles.." "What? I thought that was for babies. Plus, he doesn't even have a rash" He said, quickly coming over. "The rash usually only appears after at least 3 days of having it and...well...you gotta think, Captain. He's lived underwater. Sirens aren't gonna get exposed to stuff like this." Jongho said, looking at Hong and then sighing. "He should be fine within a matter of days. Maybe his immune system will get rid of it quickly unlike our sensitive human immune system" Sure enough, Hwa recovered from the bad part of the infection within 2 days. They were out at sea and Hwa was walking around like normal. He just had a little rash and a runny nose for about 2 days after he'd recovered. They don't know how he got sick but they figured he could've gotten it from one of the civilians when they were out walking around one day.
    Eventually, after a week, they'd arrived at the island. Hwa was fully recovered by then and was back to his normal self. Everyone was walking around, doing their usual jobs. Hongjoong came out of his office, stretching a little. "San, come on. You're coming with me to the island." San nodded, coming over to him quickly. "I just feel we need a little quality time together" Hong said, patting San's back. They both went over to the side of the ship and Mingi and Yeosang let them down into the water.
    "So..what do you think we'll find Captain?" San said as he rowed, looking over his shoulder at the island. "Something good I hope..I want to get Hwa something pretty.." Hong said, biting his lip as he rowed. San laughed a little "God, you're head over heels for him Captain" "Well I'd sure hope so, i'm married to him" Hong replied, laughing a little.
    On the ship, Hwa noticed something swimming up to the pirogue. He squinted his eyes, trying to see what it was but he couldn't quite tell. Hongjoong and San were talking and rowing until San stopped. "Captain..something just touched the boat. I'm sure of it" Hongjoong stopped rowing, looking around at the water. "San, that's enough nonsense. There's nothing out here. We're alone." "No, Captain. I swear I felt the boat move" "C'mon you're just being delusional" Hong said, grabbing his oars. As he was about to row, he felt the boat move himself and looked up at San before the pirogue flipped.
    As they were under the water, they were struggling to get free from the sirens pulling them. They fought back and Hongjoong tried to get to San, trying to help him but all he could do was continue to get pulled down as he watched San get pulled, hit, and clawed. Hong eventually broke free with a few scratches being left on his arms. He swam to San, trying to grab him and get him away but he was only hit with a tail in the process. Soon enough, Hong was pulled down again, loosing sight of San. It was getting harder for him to breathe and he felt his consciousness slipping away.
    Back on the ship, Hwa saw the pirogue tip over and splashing being made in the water. "Shit" He said, quickly dropping the rope he was holding and jumping into the water. He swam quickly towards them, seeing Hong trying to fight off a siren close by. When Hwa got close, the siren swam off into the unknown, leaving Hwa and an unconscious Hong alone. Hwa grabbed him and swam them back to ship, keeping them above water so Joong could breathe.
    When they got back on the ship, Hong didn't move. He just remained unconscious. The rest of the crew were standing close by. They'd been waiting for Hwa to return. Jongho quickly rushed over and felt for Hongjoong's pulse...but he couldn't find one. "He's not breathing" He yelled quickly. "Hwa, I need you to blow air into his mouth, I'm going to do chest compressions." Jongho said, quickly instructing Hwa on what to do.
    While they were doing CPR on Hong, Woo was looking over the side of the ship, concern filling his face. He was looking for San...but he was nowhere to be seen.
    Soon enough, Hong jolted, coughing up a bit of water before laying back on the deck "Shit...where...where's San." He said, looking around quickly. "That...That's what I wanna know.." Woo said, turning to face the crew, his eyes a little watery. "I uhm...I didn't see him down there..." Hwa said, wiping his mouth as Mingi placed a towel around him. Woo bit his lip, trying to hold his tears back. "Come here sweetie" Hwa said, opening his arms. Woo ran over and hugged Hwa, breaking down into tears almost immediately.

[I'm sorry to say that we will not be posting again this weekend. We'll probably stay to only posting during the week. This is mainly because I do stuff during the weekend and I consider it as a break period. I'm sorry for those of you who might get upset over this but it's my life. I'd like to live it to its fullest. I will post chapters if we happen to have any already written though. -Love, Muchii🦈]

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