Chapter 49 The Decision for Rest

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Adishh's POV

It's Adhya's sixth month of pregnancy, and our small get-together with both sets of parents, Advish, and Trishul was a heartwarming affair. Despite the joy and laughter, there's a lingering concern. Adhya's pregnancy has taken a toll on her health, and the doctor has strictly advised complete rest. No work, no stress—nothing that could potentially harm her or our baby.

As much as I try to stay strong, I can't hide my worry. Every time I see Adhya, I notice the fatigue etched on her face, the way she moves carefully, and how she winces with discomfort. Our parents have been incredibly supportive, always ready to help, but the truth is, I can't be with her every moment of the day.

One evening, after everyone had left, Adhya and I sat on the couch, her head resting on my shoulder. I could feel her exhaustion.

"Adi," she whispered, breaking the silence, "I think we need to talk about what the doctor said."

I sighed, gently stroking her hair. "I know, Adhya. You need to rest completely, but I'm worried about leaving you here alone when I have to be at the hospital."

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with concern and love. "Our parents suggested I go stay with them. They're neighbors, and they can take turns taking care of me. It makes sense, Adi. You won't have to worry about me all the time, and I can focus on resting."

My heart ached at the thought of being apart from her, but I knew she was right. She needed rest, and our parents could provide the support and care she needed while I continued my work. "Are you sure about this, Adhya?" I asked softly, searching her eyes for any hesitation.

She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Adi. It’s the best decision for our baby and me. And it’s not forever. Once the baby is here and I’m stronger, we’ll be back together."

I hugged her tightly, my heart heavy with emotion. "I’m going to miss you so much."

"I’ll miss you too," she whispered back, tears brimming in her eyes. "But we have to do what's best for our baby."

Adhya's POV

Leaving for my parents' home was harder than I anticipated. As much as I knew it was the right thing to do, the thought of being away from Adi filled me with sadness. But the baby’s health and my own had to come first.

Our parents arrived the next morning to help with the move. My mom and Adi’s mom busied themselves packing my essentials, while our dads reassured Adi that everything would be fine. It was a flurry of activity, and amidst it all, I caught Adi’s eyes, filled with unspoken emotion.

As the time came for me to leave, Adi held me close, not wanting to let go. "Promise me you’ll take care of yourself and rest," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

"I promise," I whispered, holding him just as tightly. "You promise me you’ll take care of yourself too. Don’t overwork, and remember to eat properly."

He smiled, trying to be brave. "I will. And I’ll call you every day. We’ll get through this, Adhya."

With one last kiss, we finally let go. I got into the car, and as we drove away, I watched him standing there, looking so alone. It broke my heart, but I knew we were doing this for the right reasons.

Adishh's POV

The first night without Adhya was the hardest. The apartment felt empty and lifeless. I wandered from room to room, feeling her absence acutely. Her laughter, her presence, even the way she filled the space with warmth—all of it was missing.

I tried to distract myself with work, diving into patient rounds and paperwork, but it was futile. Every time my phone buzzed, my heart leapt, hoping it was her. And every night, I called her, needing to hear her voice to calm my restless heart.

"Hi, Adi," she greeted me warmly on our first call.

"Hey, love. How are you feeling?"

"I’m okay. Our parents are taking great care of me. I’m resting, just like the doctor ordered."

I could hear the tiredness in her voice but also the determination. "I’m glad. I miss you so much, Adhya."

"I miss you too, Adi. But remember, this is just temporary. Soon, we’ll be back together, with our little one."

Her words were a comfort, but the ache of missing her never quite left. I threw myself into preparing the nursery, painting it soft, calming colors, and assembling the crib. It was my way of feeling connected to her and our baby, even when we were apart.

Adhya's POV

Being at my parents' home was both comforting and challenging. They took care of me lovingly, ensuring I got plenty of rest and nutritious food. But I missed Adi desperately. Every night, we would talk on the phone, sharing the details of our days, our hopes, and our dreams.

One evening, as I lay in bed, I felt a gentle flutter in my belly. It was the baby, moving for the first time. I laughed softly, tears of joy streaming down my face. I wished Adi could be here to share this moment with me.

When I told him about it during our call, he was ecstatic. "I wish I could have been there, Adhya. I can’t wait to feel our baby move."

"I know, Adi. But soon. We’ll have so many moments like this together."

As the weeks passed, I focused on staying healthy and positive. My mom would sit with me, talking about when I was a baby, sharing stories that made me laugh and cry. My dad would take me for gentle walks in the garden, reminding me to stay active in a safe way.

Adishh's POV

The weeks without Adhya were the longest of my life. I missed her with every fiber of my being. Work was a welcome distraction, but it didn’t fill the void. Every night, I would sit in the nursery, imagining what it would be like to bring our baby home.

One day, as I was finishing a particularly tough surgery, my phone buzzed with a message from Adhya.

Adhya: "Hi, Adi. Guess what? The baby kicked again today, and it was so strong!"

I smiled, my heart swelling with pride and love. Me: "That’s amazing, love. I can’t wait to feel those kicks myself."

Finally, the day came when I could visit her. I took a few days off work, eager to see her and our baby. As I arrived at her parents’ home, my heart raced with excitement and anticipation.

When I saw her, my breath caught. She was glowing, her baby bump prominent. She looked tired but happy, and I couldn’t wait to hold her.

“Adi!” she exclaimed, her face lighting up as she saw me.

I rushed to her, pulling her into a gentle hug. “I missed you so much, Adhya.”

“I missed you too,” she said, tears of joy in her eyes.

For the next few days, we were inseparable. I cherished every moment, feeling the baby kick, talking about our future, and simply being together. It was everything I had missed and more.

Adhya's POV

Having Adi here was everything I needed. His presence filled me with strength and hope. We spent our days talking, planning for the future, and feeling the baby’s movements together. It was pure joy, and I savored every second.

One evening, as we sat in the garden, Adi took my hand and looked into my eyes. “Adhya, I promise you, once the baby is here and you’re feeling better, we’ll be together again. We’ll make our home the happiest place for our child.”

I smiled, tears of happiness streaming down my face. “I know, Adi. And I promise you, I’ll take care of myself and our baby. We’ll be a family soon.”

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over us, I felt a sense of peace and contentment. We had faced challenges and obstacles, but our love had only grown stronger. And now, as we prepared to welcome our baby into the world, I knew we were ready for whatever came our way.

Together, we could overcome anything.

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