Part IV & V

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Scene IV

The Control Tower Operator whose name was Frank Remington was watching the yard movements & routing trains in & out of the yard complex, when the telephone ran.

Frank: Hello

Worker 1: Frank, this is Mark, Baldwin fell off the locomotive, he's dead, you got a runaway heading your way on Track 7.

Frank: What did you just say?

Mark (Worker 1): 4 Units, stop them for god sake, speak up Frank.

Frank then looks at the Control System set up.

Frank: Uh, switch it to Track 11

Mark: I can't it's too late (staring at his co-workers)

Frank then calls Dispatch

Frank: Central, Damn you Central, emergency, pick up the fucking phone you ass.

The scene changes to the railroad's main Dispatcher's office outside of Tyrone PA. Where one of the dispatcher's is reading a magazine article about (Censored/ What Dave Price in Runaway Train is reading), the man who picked up the phone is Second Dispatcher Jeff Allen & counter clerk Lily Faucet.

Jeff:(Relaxed) Central Control here

Frank: (Panicked) This is Frank, get me Joey

Jeff: (Still Relaxed) Yeah hold it Frank

Setting back inside the Control Tower

Frank: (yelling) Hold it my ass, where the hell is Joey, we got an emergency a big emergency

Back in the central Dispatch center.

Frank: (Still yelling over the phone) we got for unmanned units

Jeff: (Realizing the Situation) Wait What?

Setting to the Control Tower

Frank: I said we got runaway units, 4 of them, they're headed this way.

Back in the Dispatchers office, Jeff immediately turns to Lily.

Jeff: Lily, go get Joey now, run come on.

Lily: Got it

Lily runs to the mens bathroom, we're Joseph Harwick, The Lead Dispatcher, was just washing his hands after a bathroom break.

Lily: Hey Joseph

Joseph: Yeah

Lily: Frank from Mount Carbon PA Yard needs you.

Joseph knew this was urgent & headed into the dispatcher's office.

Frank: (Still Yelling on the phone): Where are you Joey god damn it.

Joseph picks up the phone.

Joe: I'm here Frank, what's the problem?

Frank: We got a runaway on Track 11, the bastard engineer fell off the damn train

Joe: Is there anyone on board?

Frank: How the fuck should I know, it's already gone 11 miles & is increasing speed.

Joe: 11 miles already?

Frank: That's right, what are you going to do, fuck around and....

Joe: Hey, Hey, please calm it down.

Frank: Alright, Alright

Joe: Right, now what I want you to do is switch the Runaway onto the mainline at Track 1, you got it?

Frank: Okay

Joe: I'll take things over from there.

Switches back to the Control Tower.

Frank: Right Joey (Hangs up & switches the Runaway onto Track 1)

Scene V

Frank walks out of his control tower to the lower platform. Just as the Runaway was going past, the last of the brakes burned off, dashing any hope of stopping the Runaway. Frank went to pick up one of the brake shoes.

Frank: Shit (Drops the Brake shoe & Looks back at the Out of Control units)

Little did Frank & the dispatchers know, That there were people onboard & little did they know that the train they're on would be the train that would take them to their deaths. 

The Runaway From Hell: A Terror on American Rails FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now