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Scene XXX (Soundtrack: Runaway Train/Runaway Train)

Meanwhile in the Choppers

Joey: (calling on the radio) Hey Chief

PC Ray: (Picks up the radio) Yeah

Joey: Any sign of the train yet?

PC Ray: No, not yet.

Joey: Okay tell me when we caught up with her.

PC Ray: Alright Joey.

(Music Kicks in)

Just then, Joey looked to his left.

Joey: Hey Rich, look

Richard got up & moved to Joey's side to take a look. There in the Cops & their sites, was the Runaway. The crew had caught up with the train.

Joey; (getting on the radio) Hey PC Ray, come in.

PC Ray: Yeah?

Joey: We caught up with the train.

PC Ray: Okay, let's get someone down there.

Joey: Right.

Back onboard the Train, the Wormwoods, Ms Trunchbull, & Grace were starting to think that there's no hope to get the train stopped. Then, Grace heard the Helicopters go over. She looked up & was surprised.

Grace: Hey guys, look.

The Wormwoods looked out the fogged up window & saw PC Ray's accomplice climbing down the ladder to capture Ms. Trunchbull & the Wormwoods. He managed to land on the rear of the hood of the lead unit before losing footing & crashing into the window of the second unit. Killing him instantly in the process.

Ms. Trunchbull: (Laughing maniacally) See that you fucking coppers, see that bitches.

She continues to taunt the police & Joey's crew like a mad woman while PC Ray gets ready for his descent onto the Lead Unit.

Joey: PC Ray, tunnel ahead

PC Ray, heard Joey & halted his descent down the ladder until the tunnels were cleared. Meanwhile, in the second unit.

Ms. Trunchbull: You'll never catch me coppers, try it, try it bitches. What's the matter cunts, you'll never stop this fucker, you'll never, you hear me.

Mr. Wormwood: You'll never stop this bitch motherfucker. You'll never stop it, hear me damn coppers. I'll tell you. You hear me, you'll never take me alive bitches. I won, I won. We'll kill you onboard this motherfucker, come on down, come on down I'm alive motherfucker, come on copper.

The train ran through another tunnel before ms. Trunchbull's shouting began again.

Ms. Trunchbull: You hear copper, you hear me. You hear me, you'll never catch me, you'll never get. You'll never stop this bitch you'll never understand. I won (Train heads into another tunnel) I won, I won.

The train travels through more tunnels while the two recede back inside the cab of the F7.

Scene XXXI

Soon, as expected to Joey, the Train was diverted off the Mainline & onto the abandoned branchline.

Ms. Trunchbull: what was that, what was that.

Grace looked out the window, before collapsing onto the floor.

Mr. Wormwood: What happened, what happened?

Grace: They gave up on us, they switched us off the mainline onto a dead end.

Rudolpho: What does that mean?

Grace: We're going to crash in a few minutes.

Micheal: Oh.

The Crosses a Bridge before entering in one of the many curves.

Grace moves over to Mrs. Wormwood.

Grace: Hold me

Mrs. Wormwood wraps her around her arms.

Mrs. Wormwood: We're going to be alright, we're going to be fine.

Grace: Yeah.

Ms. Trunchbull: We all die alone (Starts yelling out the window & starts smashing the remaining glass) Come on copper. Come on bitch, here I am, I'm out of my cage now. I'm never going to prison I'm never going to prison, never, you'll never get me motherfucker

Micheal: You can't get across Trunchbull & dad.

Ms Trunchbull: (turned to Micheal) You're going to learn, kid.

Mr. Wormwood: It's in the head, watch us.

Both Ms. Trunchbull & Mr. Wormwood climbed out the damaged window before taking a breath of preparation. Then they jumped. Grace buries her head in Mrs. Wormwood's arms.

The Runaway From Hell: A Terror on American Rails FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now