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The Helicopter Pilots were wondering what happened to the Fugitives that jumped.

Joey: Where are they?

PC Ray: (Picking up his radio) Don't know Joey, we'll have to find them.

Rich: Well, hope they're alright & not dragged underneath the train.

Frank: We'll look for them, alright.

Joey: Alright.

The two helicopters looked around the train, but couldn't find Ms. Trunchbull & Mr. Wormwood. In the Cab of the Second Unit, Mrs. Wormwood, Rodolpho, Michael, & Grace were hoping they're alright. Little did they know, that both Ms. Trunchbull & Mr. Wormwood were underneath the gap between the first & second units. Mr. Wormwood was holding on to the railing while Ms. Trunchbull was underneath the couplers trying to get a grip with her hold on the knuckles. Eventually, Ms., Trunchbull put her footing on the coupler mounts & her fingers in the couplers. This was a terrible mistake, as the train began to go down hill & pick up speed, the knuckles closed, crushing Trunchbull's fingers.

Ms. Trunchbull: (Crying in pain) AH SHIT! (Pulls her fingers out in pain & groans)

Mr. Wormwood: You're alright (look at her fingers) Oh, you shouldn't have put your fingers in there.

Ms. Trunchbull: Ah shut up dickhead, come on.

Both made their way to the cab of the lead locomotive, while Mr. Wormwood dragged Ms. Trunchbull to the cab, because she was brutally dragged. PC ray, immediately orders his helicopter's pilot to lower him onto the hood of the lead locomotive. Eventually, both Mr. Wormwood & Ms Trunchbull made it into the cab of the lead locomotive, where Mr. Wormwood grabbed a fire extinguisher & waited to ambush the cops.


Soon, PC Ray landed on the hood of the lead unit & made his way to the cab along the side steps.

Joey & Rich: Be careful

PC Ray: Thanks guys.

PC Ray's helicopter pulls off & flies away, while Joey & Rich's helicopter stay close to the Runaway to see what happens. PC Ray enters the cab with a revolver, but was distracted & unaware, that Mr. Wormwood & Ms. Trunchbull were near the control stand. Then, PC ray accidentally fires his revolver, causing Mr. Wormwood & Ms. Trunchbull to ambush him with the fire extinguisher.

Ms. Trunchbull: Hey There Son of a Bitch.

Mr. Wormwood then takes the Fire extinguisher & nails PC Ray in the balls before pinning him between the debris of what was left of the last 2 cars of Train MF134 & handcuffed him.

Mr. Wormwood: You think you can arrest us now you motherfucker? Huh, Huh, would you, would you.

PC Ray: What does it look like to you as of now, considering what you have done both to me & your daughter & niece?

Ms. Trunchbull: (taking his gun) That's good, who cares about those pricks & my niece who took my job after those fucking maggots ran me out of the academy.

PC Ray tried to move but realized he was handcuffed & couldn't move out of his position.


The train crosses a bridge over a creek before rounding one of the sharp curves.

PC Ray: Don't do it Trunchbull & Wormwood, you'll burn you fucking dicks, I know you will. (Motions towards the Fuel Cutoff safety switch) push the button, we're on an abandoned branch line, a dead end track, we're going to crash in a few minutes.

Mr. Wormwood: Well, I guess have a short ride together (sit down in the engineers seat)

PC Ray: (Chuckles) you think you're a smart guy huh, you're a sack of shit.

Ms. Trunchbull: We're all shit brother.

The train crashes through a barricaded tunnel demolishing the wooden barricade unaffected by the destruction.

PC Ray looks back at the button & back at Ms. Trunchbull & Mr. Wormwood. Mr. Wormwood takes off his hat & smirks.

PC Ray: One of you is going to push that button & stop this damn train, we only got a couple of minutes.

Mr. Wormwood: We have all the time in the world.

PC Ray: You'll die you bastards.

Ms. Trunchbull: You'll die with us (smirks)

PC Ray: (Smiles) Fuck you, you two are afraid to die alone. & I'll never let you both free if I capture you guys alive. You hear me.

Mr. Wormwood: (Grins) We are free copper, we are free.

PC Ray: You think you guys won. (Laughs) I know how to die too.

Ms. Trunchbull: Win, Lose, what's the difference.

PC Ray: (Moves a bit) What about your family Mr. Wormwood & the girl?

Mr. Wormwood stands up & both he & Ms. Trunchbull pat PC Ray on the shoulder.

Ms. Trunchbull: Oh no, it's just you & us.

Both leave to decouple the lead locomotive from the rest of the train.

The Runaway From Hell: A Terror on American Rails FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now