Chapter 4 ~ taking responsibility ~

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After chugging down the champagne, Kan continued to look out of the window completely ignoring the asshole sitting across from him. When he was upgraded he had planned to thoroughly enjoy the experience, reclining in these lovely chair's, appreciating a glass or two of champagne and indulging in some first class in flight cuisine. 

It's not like Kan's family was poor exactly but money always went back into the business so this would have been a welcome treat.

Kiri couldn't help but keep glancing at Kan's seemingly unhappy face, did Kan hate him that much? He had tried to apologize for his outburst after their first meeting but if Kan wouldn't accept his apology there was little more he could do? He tried to place himself in Kan's shoes and imagine things from his perspective.

Kiri could understand why Kan thought it was because he had discovered that he could understand Thai but even if he couldn't, Kiri would have still felt compelled to apologize for his bad attitude.

Kiri knew he could be arrogant, you had to be in this world or you would be eaten up by the sharks but that didn't mean he couldn't apologize when he knew he was in the wrong. Eventually he saw Kan fall asleep so he asked one of the hostesses for a blanket and neck support then standing up he gently placed the soft cushion behind Kan's head then covered him with the blanket.

Kiri watched the sleeping boy for a while before he continued to work on his laptop. Snack time came and went and the in flight meal was served and Kiri told the hostess not to disturb the still sleeping boy, it must have been the champagne that knocked him out. 

He managed to get a couple of hours sleep himself before the hostess was gently waking him and moving along to wake Kan.

Kan opened his eyes and stretched like a baby, glancing all around him while he got his bearings then Kiri noticed the veil fall over his expression once again when their eyes met.

"huh, I see your still here then" Kan said slipping easily into Thai after interacting with the hostesses on the Thai airline.

"where did you think I would be, there is no stop in between" Kiri replied drily.

"unfortunately" Kan whispered but the comment didn't go unnoticed by the man opposite.

"Miss" Kan said calling a hostess over, "I guess I missed lunch?" he prompted.

"yes sir, your friend here requested that we didn't wake you"

"ok, thank you " Kan said while glaring at Kiri, "so ... you took it upon yourself to decide whether or not I wanted to be woken up for my in flight meal regardless of the fact that it's been over twelve hours since I ate!"

"you looked like you needed the sleep, I can never do right where you are concerned can I" Kiri spoke.

"the answer is simple, stop butting into my life and mind your own f'.... business" Kan stopped himself from cursing, he had to remember to tone down his language especially now that he was in Thailand.

They continued to ignore each other until the plane landed and when it was time to disembark they both stood up and Kan lost his footing and would have fallen had it not been for the strong arm which caught him around his waist. 

Kan looked up into Kiri's face, they were so close they could both feel the others warm breath and when Kan saw Kiri look down at his lips he pushed him hard in the chest and regained his balance.

Kiri heard Kan's stomach growl and spoke,

"look, let me take you to dinner to make up for not waking you"

"no thanks, my friend is picking me up and to be honest I think the less time we spend in each others company, the better, have a nice life and goodbye" Kan said.

Kiri once again grabbed Kan's wrist,

"when are you going to forgive me for my outburst that day?"

"does it really matter? it's not as if we will see each other again, today was a fluke so just forget about it and forget about me" Kan said whilst stomping towards the exit.

"that's the trouble, I can't" Kiri whispered to himself.

Lon had returned to Thailand a couple of days previously so Kiri made his way to arrivals and collected his luggage then he walked out of the airport and called Lon to arrange his own pick up when he saw Kan standing with his case beside him talking on his phone.

"what Phak, you can't make it because Klem is sick? look don't worry I'll find my own way there but I'll be a bit late because I slept through my meal so I want to grab something to eat ... yeah, see you later" and with that he ended the call.

Kiri decided, like it or not he was going to take responsibility, he walked up to Kan, took hold of his suitcase and began walking away.

"hey, where are you going with my stuff" Kan shouted.

"come on, I'm taking you to dinner and then I'll take you to your destination" Kiri told him.

"I already told you thanks but no thanks"

"and I told you I'm taking you to dinner, enough of this Kan, your on my turf now!"

"aaaah" Kan said in a sing song voice before continuing ...

"I see how it is, you think because we're in Thailand now and you reckon you're some kind of big shot I'm just going to roll over and show you my belly!"

"as interesting as that scenario would be Kan I simply want to feed you and make sure you get to your destination safely" Kiri replied,

"I can not walk away from someone when I know they have been abandoned outside an airport at night"

"it's not my first time here you know and I can speak the language"

"I know but you obviously have no idea of the situations a pretty boy like you can get himself in to"

Kan gulped, Kiri was a pain in the ass but at least he did trust him to get him to his nan & grandads house safely so he acquiesced.

"ok, let's go then" Kan smart mouthed.

"that mouth of yours is going to get you into all kind's of trouble one day" Kiri said.

"I'm only like this with you, it must be you who brings out the worst in me eh?" Kan responded.

"then maybe I should be the one who brings you trouble, I can certainly think of many ways to keep that smart mouth occupied!" and Kiri led him to where his men had already arrived and were waiting.

They approached two identical cars and Kan noticed two guys wearing dark suits. They bowed at Kiri and they looked like bodyguards but surely Kiri wasn't that important? 

Kiri instructed the guys to take his own luggage in the second vehicle and he placed Kan's suitcase in the first one. He took a set of keys from one of the guys and told them he would see them later then after helping Kan into the passenger seat he walked around to the drivers side.

"ok, what do you want to eat Kan" he asked as he leaned over to check that Kan's seat belt was secure.

"spicy chicken, basil and rice ... please " Kan replied.

"ok, I know just the place" and Kiri put the car in drive.


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