Chapter 18 ~ championing the cause ~

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The bed and breakfast was full so Kan kept busy helping his mum and though he was still in contact with Kiri, Lon had been in touch once or twice on his behalf to say that he was busy with work and not to worry and that as soon as Kiri was able he would call. Kan found that a bit odd but was grateful that Kiri had cared enough to ask Lon to call.

The weeks were passing quickly and it was late summer. It had been a scorching day, one of the last of summer. It was football season and Champ had said the lads were all going to meet at the pub for a pint later so Kan decided to join. He wore jeans and a white tee shirt and at about seven o' clock, Champ walked in the house and asked him if he was ready?

Grabbing his stuff they both set off walking to the local and when they got there the team were all sitting outside in the beer garden. They had pushed two tables together and ordered fish, chips and mushy peas and ice cold beers. Everyone was having a great time, they were talking about football, no surprise there and flirting with the odd girl who was brave enough to pass the table.

The conversation soon turned to girls and who was dating who so it wasn't long before they are started teasing Kan and asking he had met any nice girls in Thailand? Kan was feeling no pain after a couple ofbeers, his parents knew about Kiri and were ok with it so he thought it was about time that Champ and the team knew.

He held up his hand flashing the platinum band and said, "I already have someone"

The guys all began quizzing him, what was her name? did he have a photo? were they engaged? and Kan just decided to go for it.

"I'm actually dating a dude"

The silence was deafening, the guys just gaped at him and then at each other until Champ piped up,

"let me guess, I bet it's that dude from the barbecue? , he is fucking handsome guys" he said telling the other guys and the guys all started talking again and asking to see a picture. Andy, the youngest member of the team seemed particularly interested.

Kan pulled up a picture on his phone and showed the guys to which they all responded how handsome he was and made comments like,

"if I was gay I'd definitely go for him!"

to which Kan replied,

"I'm not gay though, we just like each other"

Keith who had been sitting quietly at the other end of the table started snorting,

"come off it, you must be gay taking up with a dude"

The guys could tell Keith was drunk and talking shit so they told him to chill but Keith would have none of it.

"no, I won't fucking chill, all those times we've played football together and got changed in the same hut and in other club houses when we've played away we've even showered together and what? he's a fucking faggot!"

Champ stood up and grabbed hold of Keith's shirt,

"fucking apologize you bastard!" Champ said.

"fuck you! " Keith shouted.

and Champ began punching him until the rest of the guys had to pull them apart.

"Keith, fuck off home" one of the guys said to which he replied,

"don't worry, I'm going and you can drop me from the fucking team too"

"great, one less asshole, you homophobic fucker!" Champ shouted.

The guys decided to call it a night and dispersed after making sure that Kan was ok. Champ and Kan walked back to the bed and breakfast and Champ asked him if he was ok?

"yeah, I'm fine Champ, and thank you" he said tossing his head, "for back there"

"no worries mate, hey, you know I have to tell you I'm a bit pissed off though" Champ said.

"I'm sorry Champ, you must be disappointed too" Kan said.

"yeah, I am actually, you should have fucking told me first, we're supposed to be best mates!" he replied.

"oh, I thought you meant ..."

"stop right there Kan, it doesn't matter how you choose to live your life, I'll always be there for you mate ... unless you become a fucking mass murderer or something, then your on your own pal" Champ said laughing and fake punching Kan in the arm.

"bastard" Kan said laughing.

The following morning Kan woke up feeling like crap. There was plenty of time before breakfasts started for the guests so he decided to take a walk. He quickly washed and dressed and went downstairs. He took a couple of paracetamol for his headache and set off up the garden and past the guest cottages.

He decided to walk down the lane to see if he could find out what they were doing with the old football field. He reached the end of the garden, climbed over the stile and began walking. The sun was just beginning to rise, it looked like it was going to be another hot day. 

He was glad to have an hour to himself especially after last night. He was so happy that the guys were ok with him and he certainly wouldn't lose any sleep over Keith, what an asshole!

Reaching the old field he saw that the hoarding was still in place so he couldn't see over it. Even the old gate had been changed to allow for lorries and construction crews to get in and out. There was a security guy with a dog and Kan walked up to him.

"hi there, nice morning isn't it?" Kan said trying to start up a conversation .

"looks like it's going to be another hot one" the guy said.

"so what are they building?, everyone in the village has been asking the council for years for a village hall, are we finally going to get one?" Kan asked.

"I don't know mate, apparently the boss is on his way so you might be able to ask him?" he said before walking away with his dog in tow.

Kan decided to walk a bit further before turning around, time was getting on and he needed to get back home to help his mum.

He soon reached the field entrance again but even when he jumped up and down he still couldn't see anything. Turning to walk back home he heard a vehicle behind him.

He looked over his shoulder and saw a 4x4 with tinted windows, he assumed it was a construction worker then shrugging to himself he carried on walking.

He heard someone get out of the jeep and slam the door shut,

"hey baby!"

Kan froze, the hairs on his body standing up, he turned slowly and couldn't believe his eyes. There was Kiri, arms folded across his chest, leaning against the jeep, looking like a fucking super model again, blue jeans, white shirt, tan sweater and brown safety boots.

They both began to walk towards each other, Kiri picking Kan up and spinning him around then carefully lowering him back down and capturing his lips in a full on kiss, nipping, licking, grinding and groaning. Kan started crying and Kiri kissed away his tears.

"Kan baby, I've missed you so much" Kiri said.

"I've missed you too Kiri, so fucking much!" Kan replied.

"ah, I see you've fallen into your old habits again with that foul mouth, I guess you need to be punished" Kiri threatened.

"well it will have to be after breakfast, I need to help my mum" Kan laughed.

"when will you be done?" Kiri asked.

"in about a couple of hours" Kan replied, his heart pounding.

"then I'll see you later baby" Kiri said taking Kan's right hand to make sure he was still wearing the band and revealing his own in the process.

"I have a lot to tell you baby" Kiri said and with a final kiss he smacked Kan on the behind and walked back to his jeep.


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