Chapter 10 ~ dinner with Kiri ~

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After sending that last message, Kan had spent most of the night tossing and turning and wondering what the heck to do. He didn't know a lot about relationships but he knew he wasn't a one night stand kind of a guy. 

He had spent the whole of his adult life waiting for the right person to appear so it kind of went against the grain even considering throwing all that away just for a fling. In the end he had decided the best thing to do was to go to dinner with Kiri for one last time and cut ties.

He had enjoyed the kiss even though it had been a shock but so what? he should just put out for someone that only a few weeks ago he could not stand and he doubted very much that Kiri had fallen madly in love with him.

He made it obvious that he often found Kan childish and annoying so none of this made sense? Kiri was a very wealthy businessman, he could have anyone he wanted so maybe he was just bored and playing with Kan to pass the time?... yes, he was making the right decision, he would go to dinner, say thank you for everything and goodbye. 

Nodding to himself, Kan dragged his body out of bed to wash and get dressed and after breakfast he helped his nan wash up and they went to the market for groceries. On the way home they stopped to get ice cream and sat on a park bench people watching and after a while, Kan's grandmother spoke,

"it's so lovely today isn't it Kan? she said.

"it is nan, we mustn't sit out too long though or you might get sick" Kan replied.

"I know dear, I just wanted to enjoy some quiet time with you. You've been having a lot of fun with your friends since you came back?"

"yes nan, it's been fun but if you want me to stay at home with you more I'm happy to do that too" he said leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"No no dear, I wasn't complaining, I'm happy that you have people your own age to go out with when you stay with us, they miss you too. Phak is always asking after you when your not here. I just wondered if you had any thoughts to date anyone, is there anyone you like?" Kan's nan asked him.

"not really nan, I always seem too busy to even think about dating" Kan said.

"that young man Kiri, he seems like a lovely young man, a hard worker too" his nan prompted.

"but he's a man"

"I know dear but as long as two people make each other happy, what does that matter? I saw it on a drama, what did they call it now? ah' a BL that was it"

"nan" Kan laughed, are you trying to set me up with Kiri hehehe, "you do realize you wouldn't get any great grandkids if I married Kiri?"

"you could adopt dear" she replied

"hehehe you've got it all worked out haven't you nan" Kan said,

"not really dear, I just want you to be happy and to never be afraid to follow your heart" she said and then they both stood up to continue on home.

"I'm actually having dinner with Kiri tonight nan" he told her.

"that will be nice dear, say hello from grandad and I won't you?"

"yes nan but I don't think I will see him again after this evening. He's a very busy man and I only have a few more weeks with you" Kan said and they slowly walked home, laughing together and putting the world to rights.

At about 4pm, Kan received a message from Kiri informing him that he wouldn't be able to pick him up but he was sending Lon instead, he thought it would be ok considering they had already met?. Kan replied that it would be fine and asked what time Lon would be there? 

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