Chapter 15 ~ communicating ~

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It was about 6.30 in the morning when Kan woke up in Phak's bed, Phak came in the room shortly after with a tray of food and drinks.

"hey Kan, are you feeling any better?" he asked when he saw that Kan was awake.

"I guess so, I'm sorry about last night mate, I couldn't go home and I couldn't go back to his place" Kan continued.

"I don't know what happened Kan but at some point you will have to talk it through with him" Phak said.

"I know, I'll call him after breakfast and then I'll get out of your hair" Kan replied.

"I didn't mean it like that bro' your welcome anytime, you know that but you shouldn't let an argument linger"

They both ate breakfast and then Kan turned on his phone, there were 51 unanswered calls all from Kiri, every ten minutes all through the night and several messages all asking where he was, please get in touch and call me back.

As soon as Kan read the messages another call came in, he sighed then swiping his finger across the screen he picked up the call.

"Kan, where the hell are you? do you have any idea how worried I've been, tell me where you are? I'll come to you now" Kiri was frantic.

"I'm ok Kiri, don't worry about me" Kan said.

"how the hell can I not worry? tell me where you are Kan" Kiri said angrily.

"I'm with Phak, I'm ok, I ..."

"I'm on my way, do not go anywhere! " and Kiri ended the call.

"I'd better go and wait out front Phak, he's coming to get me" Kan said.

"good, you guys need to talk about whatever it is but you know where I am if you need me" and Phak gave him a bro hug then left the room to take the dishes away.

Kan got a quick wash and dressed, his clothes weren't too messed up because Phak had taken his pants off for him when he had fallen asleep and hung them over the back of a chair. He carried the jacket over his arm and went to wait outside Phak's gate.

After about fifteen minutes Kiri's car drew up beside him and the window rolled down,

"get in!" a voice commanded

"I only live up the road Kiri, I can walk" Kan protested.

"I said get in, damn it!" Kiri shouted and Kan had never heard him so angry.

Kan climbed in beside Kiri and was shocked by his appearance, he had dark circles beneath his eyes and unkempt hair. Kiri was also wearing the same pants he had worn last night and the same shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the top two buttons undone, he didn't say a word just put the car into drive and sped off in the direction of his apartment.

To say Kiri was angry was an understatement and if he was honest Kan had to admit he was a little bit scared, Kiri ground to a halt near his building, climbed out of the car and rounded it to tug open the passenger door then he grabbed Kan's wrist and pulled him from the car, slammed the door shut and began to drag him inside the building.

"your hurting me Kiri, stop"

Kiri stopped walking and looked back at Kan's face with a look that said, you'd better shut up or so help me god before he started dragging him again.

Into the lobby and across to the elevator where he practically threw him in and Kan tumbled against the toughened glass wall where he continued to shrink against it as Kiri's glare became angrier.

Before long the elevator reached the penthouse and Kiri spoke, "get out"

Kan walked timidly in to the apartment whilst rubbing his wrist.

"well, what's your excuse? why did you leave like that? where did you go? were you with someone else? do you know how worried I've been?" Kiri exploded.

"I didn't think you would want me there anymore" Kan explained as calmly as he could.

"what the hell are you talking about?"

"I saw you with Pang, I heard what he said and saw how you both hugged" Kan told him

"you saw that?" Kiri asked, then Kan began to cry again,

"yes, I thought you would want to be with Pang so I left" he spluttered through his tears.

"but you didn't stick around long enough to see me push him away and I didn't hug Pang, he hugged me! " Kiri shouted.

"whatever, does it really matter now? I'll be leaving Thailand soon and ..."

"and what? what do you think we've been doing all this time?" Kiri shouted again.

"I ... I don't know" Kan said and fell to his knees sobbing.

Kiri rushed over to Kan still angry but also concerned now,

"Kan baby, Kan don't cry honey, Kan look at me" Kiri said as he lifted Kan's face to his.

"I like you Kan, I love you, I don't want anyone else, only you" Kiri said and the stress of the past few hours took it's toll on Kan as he fell limp in Kiri's arms.

"don't ever do this to me again Kan or so help me god!" Kiri spoke as he lifted Kan and carried him to their bed.

"you don't have to say all those things to me Kiri, Pang told me about all your one night stands and the kind of people you date, he said I wasn't your type"

"and you believed another person over me?" Kiri began to get angry again, "

"I ... but he's been with you for so many years" Kan defended himself.

"not in the biblical sense, he's just my damn assistant, nothing more but apparently he thinks he's in love with me, is that my fault? "

"I never said it was your fault Kiri" Kan said, "I just thought I'd get out of your way, make thing's easier for you"

"I'll say it one last time Kan, I love you, you are the person that I want so now you tell me, how do you feel about me? "

"I... think I love you too but how can we have any kind of relationship with thousands of miles between us? it won't work just seeing each other for a few weeks every year" Kan replied.

"do you trust me Kan?" Kiri asked


"then keep trusting me and leave everything to me, ok?"

but Kan didn't respond,

"ok?" Kiri asked again,

"yes ok, Kan said finally and Kiri drew him into his arms,

"don't ever, ever do this to me again Kan, I don't know what I would fucking do if I had to go through another night like last night"

"I won't, I promise" Kan replied and they both just held onto each other tightly.

Kan trusted Kiri, he really did but he didn't think that they would be able to make such a long distance relationship work and what would happen with Pang once he was out of the picture and back in the UK?

Kiri had spent the last several day's setting so many plans in motion, he just needed Kan to trust and believe in him and as for Pang, he knew just what he was going to say when he saw him again!


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