Chapter 19 ~ Kiri's surprise ~

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Two hours later, Kiri was in Kan's cottage sitting at the kitchen table next to Kan. The guest's had been catered for and Sheila had made herself scarce by popping to the shop for a few bit's but not before clipping Kiri round the ears and making him take his work boots off in the back porch then ruffling his hair in a tender manner and telling him it was good to see him again and to make himself at home.

Kan had made Kiri a cup of coffee and they spent a while just talking and catching up whilst holding each other and kissing and after about an hour, Sheila returned from the shop with Kan's dad not far behind.

"what are you doing home so early honey?" Sheila asked.

"my afternoon lectures got cancelled so here I am" Sucharit answered, "oh, we have company" he continued after seeing Kiri.

Kiri wai'd to Kan's dad and said hello then continued to speak,

"I'm so glad your both here anyway, I would like to talk you you both if that is ok?"

Kan's parents sat at the kitchen table, Kan got up to pour them both a hot drink and when he sat back down Kiri took his hand.

"Mr and Mrs Thiwat, I'm not sure if you are aware but Kan and I, well we spent quite a bit of time together when he came to Thailand several months ago" he began,

Sheila looked at her husband then Sucharit looked at Kiri and nodded for him to continue and Kan just looked at everyone confused as to what was happening.

"there is no easy way to tell you this but ..." he paused.

"son, just say what you want to say" Kan's dad told him.

"I'm in love with your son and I want to marry him?"

Kan's chin hit the floor as he stared at Kiri and Kiri looked at Kan's parent's waiting for their response. Sheila who was quietly sobbing, tears running down her cheeks just kept looking at her son but he was still staring at Kiri. Kan's dad however had a stern look on his face.

"and how long are you here for this time young man?" Sucharit asked him.

"as long as it takes sir" Kiri spoke then added "if you could all come with me for a while I have something to show you" he said while looking at Kan and smiling.

They all looked at one another confused but agreed to accompany Kiri. He encouraged them to dress in pants and sturdy footwear and they all left through the back door, Sheila left a message on the door in case a guest came looking for her. Kiri led them though their own gardens, past the guest cottages, over the stile and on to the back lane where they walked down to Kan's old football field.

When they approached the entrance, Kiri opened the massive gate and beckoned them through. The construction guys looked on curiously at the people walking in but it was nothing to do with them so they got on with their work.

The grassy field was still intact if a little messy because of the heavy traffic but at the top end of the field they could all see that a property was being constructed and was almost completed. Kiri led them towards the property handing them safety helmets as they entered and then led them through the house itself.

There was a large rustic style kitchen with a brand new aga covered in polythene to protect it from dirt and decorating materials and a host of other modern kitchen appliances all shining and new, a dining room beside it There was a large hall and beyond that was a spacious lounge and a breakfast room facing the football field.

The main entrance which was just off the hall overlooked a newly constructed drive which would exit on to the main street of the village. but there would still be high fencing around the perimeter for privacy until the hedges which were being planted had grown sufficiently.

There were shower rooms on the ground level and a barbecue area where beside the built in grill were two aprons still in their packaging and Kan could see that they were the same novelty designs as his hunky guy one at home.

They ventured up the stairs and could see that there would be four bedrooms and two bathrooms, the master bedroom with an en suite had a large balcony which also faced the field.

On the balcony was a brand new jacuzzi waiting to be plumbed in. Kiri told them that a swimming pool may be added at a later date if desired. Finally above the first floor was a flat area that they could access by ladders where there was a helipad and a helicopter with the logo KJ holdings.

By now all the construction guys had gone for lunch so there were just the four of them on the roof. Kan's mum and dad looked around in amazement but Kan looked at Kiri confused.

"what does this all mean Kiri? I don't understand why you are showing us this place?" Kan said.

Kiri looked at him and smiled then spoke softly,

"I didn't want it to be like this, I wanted to take you for a romantic meal with soft music" ...

Kiri got down on one knee in front of Kan and his parents and continued,

"Kan, I love you so much, please will you marry me and live in this home I am building for us?"

Sheila squealed turning and grabbing hold of her husbands hands, Sucharit watched his son and saw the happiness in his eyes and when Kan looked back at his dad, he nodded his blessing. Kan looked back at Kiri, his bottom lip wobbling as he replied,

"yes, I'll marry you Kiri, I love you too"

and Kiri took out a small black box from his pocket and opened it revealing the contents. There were two matching diamond solitaire wedding bands which had been designed to perfectly compliment the bands Kiri had presented to Kan back in Thailand.

Kiri took Kan's hand and removed the platinum band from his right hand and slid it onto his left and added,

"this is where it should have been right from the start" then he held his own right hand towards Kan so he could do the same.

There was a round of whistles and clapping as Lon and Champ walked out onto the rooftop and Kiri gave the wedding bands to Lon and asked his best man to take care of them.

Kan's dad patted Kiri on the back and shook his hand while Sheila hugged her boy and they both cried together. 

After much weeping and hugging they all went back to the bed and breakfast where Lon produced a bottle of champagne and they all raised a glass to Kiri and Kan on their formal engagement.

Sheila and Sucharit found out that Kiri had been staying in a nearby hotel while he was working on the house so they insisted he move in with them, he was their future son in law after all but they wouldn't let him sleep with Kan until after the wedding. They also invited Lon to stay but he had to fly to Europe.

That night they all went out to dinner to celebrate, it was a wonderful evening and while Sucharit and Sheila both reveled in their son's happiness, he only had eyes for his Kiri.


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