Chapter 14 ~ it's over ~

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Dinner was a splendid affair, the menu was a combination of thai and western cuisine and afterwards coffee was served then everyone settled down to listen to the speeches. Kan found them quite interesting and made a few mental notes of tips and tricks that could hopefully nurture his family's small business. 

He had even managed to hand out a few business cards to people who were travelling to the UK in the coming months, he didn't really believe they would visit their modest bed and breakfast but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Kiri listened intently while lounging in his chair, his arm resting across the back of Kan's chair as if marking his territory. He had noticed many of the female guests and a few men ogling Kan and even though he knew Kan was his, he didn't like it. 

There were only a few day's left before Kan had to return to the UK, he would have to confess his feelings soon and hope that Kan felt the same way but he was confident that he did.

He had only ever dated out of convenience, a night or two here and there, someone to accompany him to functions like this or a one night stand for sex. He was always quite open with them and told them that he had no intentions of anything long term and most of them were happy to go along with that but if they weren't then Kiri found someone else.

When he had met Kan again at the barbecue he was instantly attracted, his looks were captivating and his fun personality was contagious and he remembered thinking about what he would be like in bed. He'd had no idea at that time that Kan was a virgin but of course nothing happened. 

Fate had played a hand in them being thrown together again on the flight home and after spending more time in his company Kiri knew that one night would never be enough to discover all that was Kan.

Soon it was time for Kiri to make his speech and standing up he gently patted Kan's back and leaned in to whisper in his ear,

"I won't be long, be good"

Kan looked up in to Kiri's eyes and smiled, the champagne taking effect and Kiri disappeared with Pang who had materialized at the far end of the room then within minutes he reappeared on stage. Kan was struck by how handsome and powerful he looked. He captured everyone's attention and spoke in a confident and commanding voice and when his speech ended the crowd erupted in applause.

Kiri left the stage shaking hands as he went and Kan decided to use the restroom and then go to find Kiri. He completed his toilette and after smoothing down his tux and straightening his tie he left the room and went in search of his lover. 

Kan looked across the function room and couldn't see Kiri at their table so he went through the door he had seen Kiri enter earlier, it was there he found Kiri with his back to him, he was talking to Pang.

"you know how I've always felt about you Kiri" Kan heard Pang say,

"I've been in love with you for years and I've had to watch as your lovers have come and gone, don't you realize how painful that has been for me" he continued.

Pang heard a tiny gasp behind Kiri and following the sound he saw Kan watching the scene unfold. Pang knew it was now or never so he grabbed Kiri round the waist pulling himself forward and tucking his head into Kiri's chest then began sobbing. He peeped over and saw Kan quietly exit the room and smiled but then Kiri grabbed both of his shoulders and forcefully pushed him away.

"what the hell Pang!" he snapped, "how many times do I need to tell you, I don't see you that way"

"I can't help it Kiri, I can't help loving you" Pang's fake tears turning to real one's.

"this is NOT acceptable Pang, I need to get back to Kan but this" Kiri said waving his hand between the two of them, "this is not over, we will discuss this at work" and he stormed out of the room to go back to the table and Kan.

Kiri approached the table but he could not see Kan anywhere. He scanned the room, went to the rest rooms, looked down the halls but Kan was nowhere to be found so he decided to call him to get his location.


Kiri was getting extremely concerned,


he kept trying to call as he frantically retraced his steps,


Going back to the table he was intercepted by a waiter who was collecting empty glasses,

"excuse me sir but are you looking for the gentleman you were with earlier?" the waiter asked.

"yes, have you seen him" Kiri asked in a state of panic.

"yes sir, he left in a taxi" the waiter replied.

"did he say anything, did he leave a message for me?" Kiri asked again.

"no sir, he just left and he looked quite upset"

"ok, thank you" Kiri said while thrusting some notes into the waiters hand to which the waiter bowed and left to continue his work.

Kiri rushed out of the venue and over to his car, what had happened to make Kan leave, had someone upset him? why didn't he just wait outside near the car, why wasn't he picking up? would he go to the apartment or to his grandparents? Kiri brushed his fingers through his hair not knowing where to go next.

It was quite late so he couldn't telephone Kan's grandparent's and cause them concern. He had no choice but to go home and see if Kan was there but if not he would just keep trying to call him until he could find him. He slammed his hand down onto the steering wheel, his anger was starting to replace concern now. 

How could Kan just leave like that and cause him so much worry, when he found Kan he was going to punish him so bad ... though deep down he knew he wouldn't, he just wanted to have him in his arms and to know that he was safe.

If he hadn't found him by morning he would have him traced.

Meanwhile a taxi pulled up outside Phak's house. Phak still lived with his mum after his dad had passed away several years ago. Fortunately Phak's bedroom was accessible from the outside with it's own external staircase so Kan didn't need to disturb Phak's mother.

He wearily clambered up the steps and tapped on Phak's door then watched as a light came on, he heard the key turn in the lock but before Phak could open the door he felt himself sliding down the wood as darkness engulfed him.

Kan opened his eyes and realized he was lying on Phak's bed, his friend dabbed at his forehead with a damp cloth,

"what the hell Kan, what happened?" he asked full of concern.

"it's over Phak, I guess it's over ..." and he burst into tears as Phak gathered him up into his arms and patted his back.

"it's ok mate, let it out"

Kan sobbed until there were no more tears left then he fell into an unsettled sleep with Phak by his side watching over him.


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