Chapter 11 ~ the night before ~

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After Kiri had poured them both a glass of wine he led Kan to the kitchen and invited him to sit on a stool at the bar while he finished preparing dinner, he had a pasta dish baking in the oven and was making salad to go with it. 

Kan asked if he could help but Kiri thanked him and said he was good so Kan sat and watched as Kiri tore up lettuce, diced cherry tomatoes, cucumber and green pepper. He made a simple dressing then added it to the salad bowl and tossed everything together.

Kan was impressed and said so and Kiri replied that it was nothing and that he had learned to cook from an early age, it had been a needs must kind of thing then carrying the salad bowl over to the dining table he invited Kan to come and take a seat. 

He went back to the kitchen to take the lasagne from the oven and carry it over to the table before carefully placing it on a heat proof mat. Removing the oven gloves and throwing them on the kitchen counter he went to sit across from Kan and smiled.

"I hope you like it"

"I'm sure I will, it smells amazing, thank you Kiri" and after taking a bite he confirmed that it was delicious.

There was a period of silence while they both ate which was broken when Kan commented on the apartment and how lovely and spacious it was. Kiri replied that he would love to have a proper home outside of Bangkok but he hadn't found anywhere suitable yet, he then went on to enquire about Kan's idea of a dream home to which Kan responded that he would love to be able to live by the sea because he found it so calming but other than that he didn't really know.

After dinner, Kiri made coffee and they went to sit outside, they spent a while indulging in small talk and Kan complimented Kiri once again on his cooking then Kiri said that next time he would cook him something Thai.

"about that" Kan began, 

"this is probably the last time I'll see you Kiri, I only have a few week's left before I return to the UK so perhaps we should just enjoy this evening and ..."

"no", Kiri interrupted before continuing,

"we still have plenty of time before you travel back home, tonight doesn't have to be the last night"

"I don't know what you want me to say Kiri" Kan said, "I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than to keep ferrying me around and entertaining me"

Kiri stood and walked around the patio table to where Kan was seated and taking hold of him by his shoulders he gently pulled him up to face him. Placing the palm of his hand against Kan's cheek he spoke while staring intently into his eyes.

"I want to spend time with you Kan, I know we didn't exactly hit it off at first but I want to get to know you more, you must know that I am attracted to you?"

"I'm confused Kiri, you were right, I've never dated before, I don't even know if I am gay? "

"why worry about if you are this or that? did you like it when we kissed?

"I ... " Kan looked down in embarrassment, the tips of his ears turning red.

"then let's try it again shall we" Kiri replied.

He moved forward, his lips seeking out the warmth of Kan's, his other hand moving around Kan's body to hold him close. Soon the kiss deepened and Kiri kept nipping at Kan's lips, harder and harder until he gasped allowing Kiri to thrust his tongue inside.

🔞 ~ mature scene ahead ~ 🔞

Kan's heart was beating rapidly, he couldn't think, he could only feel. Kiri's fingers were in his hair massaging, his tongue penetrating and his other hand pulled Kan's hips forward grinding their most private parts together through the four layers of thin fabric.

Kiri continued to kiss Kan, the hand at his waist moving up a little so he could slide his fingers down the back of his pants. He stroked and caressed the soft flesh of Kan's buttocks all the while pulling him forward to grind against him and Kan tried to push him away,

"if you don't stop I'm going to cum" he gasped.

"cum then, cum for me Kan, let me see the face that you make when desire consumes you" and he continued to tongue, taste, grind and massage until he felt Kan's body tense up.

"look at me Kan, open your eyes" Kiri demanded while Kan gasped out his orgasm, his hips thrusting forward now without any pressure from Kiri's hand then spent, Kan's head fell forward on to Kiri's shoulder.

"beautiful" Kiri said as he dropped light kisses on his head then scooped him up to carry him bridal style into a changing room where he helped him to change in to swimwear. Kiri quickly followed suit then taking Kan's hand he led him to the jacuzzi and they climbed in. Kan seemed to have lost all sense of self, his brain had become mush.

Kiri pulled Kan onto his lap and continued his oral onslaught, his hand once again reaching in to Kans shorts to massage, caress and fondle. His fingers reaching lower to circle around Kan's opening, one digit dipping in, then two, then three until Kan was writhing against him.

Kiri quickly moved Kan off his lap to remove both of their shorts and pulling him back he positioned Kan above his erection. then he slowly thrust upwards until Kan's body was breached and Kiri continued pushing until he was where he wanted to be.

Kiri waited a moment until Kan felt comfortable with the intrusion then he began to move, slowly at first and then speeding up until they both came together in an explosive release of sexual tension then they held each other while they both fell back to earth.

🔞 ~ end of mature scene ~ 🔞

When realization dawned, Kan quickly pushed himself out of Kiri's hold and clambered out of the jacuzzi rushing back to the changing room to dry himself and dress in his clothes excluding the soiled underwear. Kiri climbed out of the jacuzzi and wrapped himself in a robe then knocked on the door of the changing room calling out to Kan,

"Kan, are you ok? please just come out and talk to me" he called through the locked door.

The door swung open and Kan walked out without looking at Kiri's face,

"Kan, Kan, look at me damn it!" Kiri snapped shaking him by the shoulders.

"I need to go home Kiri, I'm ... "

"don't go, stay with me Kan, please" Kiri was practically begging, he somehow felt that if he let Kan leave he would never see him again.

"I have to go Kiri, my grandparents will be worried" Kan replied still looking at the floor.

"I'll call them, I'll tell them your sleeping over, will that be ok" Kiri was clutching at straws.

"I don't know? I ......"

Kiri, deciding to take matters in to his own hands told Kan he would call his grandparents then he led him up the stairs and told him to take a hot shower. He found him some shorts and a vest to sleep in and while Kan was showering, Kiri kept his promise and called him grandparents to tell them he was sleeping over because it was so late and they thanked him and wished him a goodnight.

Kiri quickly showered in a guest bathroom, dressed similarly and went back to find Kan sitting on his bed. He pulled the covers back and drew Kan beneath them with him taking him in to his arms and gently comforting and stroking him until he fell asleep.

Kiri knew that Kan was confused by what had occurred, perhaps he had rushed things but time was something they didn't have. He thought of what they had done and the feelings it had incited within him. One night with Kan would never be enough, this beautiful, precious boy had somehow found his way into his heart and he could not and would not let him go.

Tomorrow would have to take care of itself but right now he was here in his arms and nothing else mattered.


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