Chapter 16 ~ leaving Thailand ~

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Kiri managed to get a few hours sleep once he had Kan beside him and when they woke they ate lunch before Kiri said he had to go into the office to see Pang. He told Kan he could either go with him or he could take him home and Kan decided to go home, he didn't really want to see Pang after the night they had both endured because of him.

Kiri drove Kan home and told him he would call later and perhaps they could go to dinner? Kan said he better spend the evening with his grandparents and took a raincheck until the following day even though he would miss him terribly and after saying their goodbyes Kiri drove to his office. 

This was not a meeting that Kiri was particularly looking forward to but it could not be put off. Pang was right when he said he had been by Kiri's side for many years but as an assistant, nothing more and if he couldn't accept that then it was time for him to move on.

Kiri strode into his company building and greeted his staff in passing as he made his way up to his office then when he arrived on the top floor he walked out of the elevator and towards Pang's desk.

Pang was busy with some documents when Kiri approached,

"I'd like to see you in my office now Pang" he said with no greeting just a cold command.

"yes sir" Pang replied as he stood to follow Kiri with some mail in his hand.

Walking around his desk Kiri told Pang to take a seat and Pang, delaying the inevitable gave Kiri the mail.

Kiri sat behind his desk and leaning back he quietly observed Pang while Pang was beginning to feel like a bug under a microscope, he knew he had fucked up bigtime!

"We've been working together for many years haven't we Pang?" Kiri said.

"yes sir" Pang responded.

"as a personal assistant, you have been the best, I've never had any complaints with your work or how you have stood by my side and supported me"

Pang looked at Kiri, tears beginning to form, this was it, the big axe ...

"I hope you appreciate the position you have placed me in because of your behaviour last night?"

Pang looked down at his hands folded in his lap, "yes sir, please forgive me"

"I'm sorry Pang but I can't, I knew you had a soft spot for me and I thought that if I ignored it you would eventually get the picture but last night you revealed a side of yourself that I have never seen before. 

Not only did you invade my space but you took it upon yourself to discuss my past relationships with my current partner, someone who is very important to me and for that I can not forgive you, I'm finding it difficult to even look at you right now to be perfectly frank"

With that, Pang broke down and sobbed and Kiri pushed a box of tissues towards him then waited until he calmed himself.

"I've thought about this carefully and this is what I've decided and it's only because of the years we have worked together that I'm putting this offer on the table. You can either resign with immediate effect or you can relocate to Paris to work beside the newly appointed manager over there. 

If you choose to relocate I will be monitoring you closely and if there are any signs of further transgressions your employment will be terminated" Kiri told him and continued,

"I am very disappointed in you Pang, you have ruined our working relationship and for that I may never be able to forgive you but whatever you choose to do I hope you don't make the same mistakes again. 

I'm giving you the rest of this week to decide where you want to go from here. I will be away from the office until you are gone so you will take direct order's from Lon for the rest of your time here"

Kiri rose from his chair and moved round the desk to walk out of the office, stopping to turn back and speak,

"goodbye Pang, and good luck" and then he was gone.

Pang sat down again and sobbed then after a while he stood to return to his post, he had to finish the documents then report to Lon when he arrived back from the UK, he had already made up his mind to go to Paris, there was no reason for him to remain in Thailand anymore.

Meanwhile Kan was at his grandparents and he was helping his nan in the yard with her plants.

"are you looking forward to seeing your mum and dad next week Kan?"nan said.

"I am nan, it will be good to see the footy squad and Champ too" he smiled.

"what about Kiri?" nan asked.

"I don't know nan, I guess we might keep in touch?" Kan said.

"I think he is very fond of you Kan" nan spoke and Kan felt himself blushing.

"I don't know nan, we've enjoyed spending time together while I've been here but he has his life and I have mine back in the UK" I don't suppose we will see each other again after I leave" Kan replied looking a little sad.

"hmm, I guess we'll have to wait and see, if the will is there you'll find a way" nan responded and then carried on pruning her plants.

Over the next several day's Kan managed to spend more time with Kiri and he knew that Pang was relocating to Paris and after thinking about it he felt that even though Pang had behaved badly he could understand to a degree.

Kan's feet didn't touch the ground during those last few days, he spent time with Kiri, his nan and grandad and Phak and Klem and he was alsopacking and making sure everything was in order.

On the second to last evening he went out for a meal with Kiri and was presented with a small trinket box and when he opened it he saw two custom designed platinum bands encrusted with tiny diamonds. Kiri picked out one of the rings and held Kan's hand and spoke,

"Kan, were going to be apart for a while so I want you to wear this ring and think of me by your side when you look at it" and he slipped the ring onto the third finger of Kan's right hand. Kan repeated the action for Kiri and then Kiri lifted Kan's hand up to his lips and kissed the finger with the ring.

After dinner they went back to Kiri's apartment and made love all night. Kiri thought it was best to say his goodbye's there because he wouldn't be able to hold and kiss him the way he wanted to in the airport.

They tried to make every second count but the time inevitably came when Kiri had to drive him home and when they said their final goodbye's, Kan's heart was breaking. The ring was a beautiful gesture but Kan truly believed there was no way they could make this work.

They hugged and kissed and hugged some more until they could not delay any longer and when Kiri drove away he took Kan's heart with him.

That afternoon, Phak and Klem came round and they all had tea together and Kan spent his final evening with his grandparents. No one could miss the sparkling ring on Kan's right hand but no one dared to mention it, they waited for Kan to bring it up but he never did.

The big day arrived and Kan lugged his bags downstairs, he had a taxi coming for him at 11am. It wasn't fair to drag his grandparents to the airport so they all said their goodbyes at home and when the cab arrived, Kan jumped in and giving the best smile he could muster he waved at his family. 

As the cab drove by Phak's house, Phak and Klem came to the gate and waved as he passed and he couldn't hold back the tears.

Arriving at the airport, Kan climbed out of the taxi and got his luggage, he took a last look around and then walked inside. He checked his bagsin he then had a quick look round the duty free shops before going through to the departure lounge to wait for boarding.

A short distance away a man was silently watching him ... "wait for me baby" he said to himself as a lone tear slid down his face.


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