2. Night of the formal

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Margo hated formals, especially when all she did was sit at the table because the dumb lacrosse player that was her date felt like feeling her up under the table. Usually, Margo wouldn't mind that some guy was feeling her up, but this guy she couldn't stand. The only reason she said yes to going with him is because Lydia had a date with some kid she only knows from being Allison's ex-boyfriends best friend. "Stop grouping it's not going to happen" Margo snapped. She pulled out her phone scrolling through Instagram, rolling her eyes at all the formal photos that are being posted.

Margo got up, fixing her tight blue dress, she walked over towards the snack table pouring some punch into her cup. Isaac's eyes followed her all the way, he was sitting on the bleachers, trying to build up the courage to ask Margo to dance. He didn't like how her date was feeling her up, it made him upset, very upset.

Margo turned and saw Isaac staring at her when he noticed that she caught him, he immediately looked down and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. "Hey, graveyard boy, you've been staring at me all night, you wanna dance or what?" Margo asked Isaac's eyes widened, he nodded and got up.

"I um-here," Isaac pulled a corsage out of his pocket and handed it to Margo. "It was j-just in case someone a-asked me to dance."

Margo looked down and smirked. "Cute," She remarked, she looked at the one already on her wrist, she pulled it off and threw it on the ground, stepping on it. Putting the one Isaac gave her on. Margo grabbed his hand moving him out onto the dance floor, a slow song played. She wrapped her arms around his neck, he hesitantly reached his hands up. Margo grabbed his hands placing them very low on her waist. "What's your name graveyard boy?" Margo rose an eyebrow.

"I-Isaac Lahey" Isaac answered, he never believed that he would actually be dancing with Margo Woods, this was something he imagined never actually happening. Now she actually knew his name.

"Margo Woods" Margo nodded, she was putting the bitch act for aside for a little bit to talk to this puppy dog in front of her.

"I know we've had classes together since the sixth grade," Isaac remarked quietly.

"Really?" Margo rose an eyebrow, Isaac nodded in reply. "Oh oops."

"Margo" Lydia pulled her, Margo rolled her eyes, signaling Isaac to wait a minute.

"You need something?" Margo snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Come with me to find Jackson," Lydia said, grabbing Margo's hand pulling her off.

"See ya later curly sue" Margo waved. The two girls walked around looking for the places Jackson could be until they found themselves on the lacrosse field. Margo was on her phone not paying attention to Lydia. Her head only snapped up when the lights on the field started turning on one by one.

"Jackson is that you?" Lydia asked as a figure emerged from the fog, Margo locked her arm with Lydia's. He started coming closer.

"Lydia! Margo! Run!" Stiles shouted they shot their heads towards him, and when they turned back the man opened his mouth, and there traveled huge fangs. Margo started pulling Lydia backward but he bit Lydia's side and then took a bite out of Margo's shoulder. They both fell to the ground and everything went black.


This is a small first chapter, but it's the first chapter and I'm not gonna write the whole winter formal all you need to know is that she danced with Isaac and Peter bit her. Sorry for any errors I wrote this on my phone, bc my laptops in my room and I'm in my living room and I don't want to get up to get it.

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