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Isaac and Margo found their way onto the lacrosse field, well it was more like Isaac dragged her to the lacrosse field. Margo was trying to obey Scott's rules but Isaac heard something Margo didn't. And that someone was hurt on the field and the person was Jackson.

The two showed up behind Scott, Margo put her hand over her mouth when she saw Jackson on the ground and Lydia crying next to him, "He's not breathing," Melissa McCall informed, "No pulse."

"Nothing?" Coach asked.

"Nothing" Melissa shook her head.

Melissa lifted up his shirt, and everyone's mouth dropped, "Oh my god, there's blood, there's blood!"

"Look" Scott got the couples attention, and the two looked at his hand in utter confusion.

"He did it to himself" Isaac announced.

"Why?" Margo muttered looking between the two, "Why would Gerard want him to hurt himself? It doesn't make sense."

"Get down here," Melissa told Lydia, "Get down here and hold his head, tilt it up!" Lydia did as asked when Mr. Stilinski busted through the group.

"Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?" Mr. Stilinski screamed looking around in panic.


Margo sighed and leaned her head on the concrete wall, she was waiting outside for everyone to leave the locker room so Scott, Isaac, and Margo could play detective so they can find Stiles.


"No," Margo shook her head, she turned to see the brown haired women again, "What do you need?"

Your friend is in danger

"I know that, it's why we're trying to find him."

All of your friends are in danger Margo.

"Guys, can I come in now? Creepy brown haired ghost lady is back trying to talk to me" Margo called.

"Yeah everyone is gone" Isaac told her, she walked in as Scott pulled the locker door off.

"I don't like creepy ghost lady" Margo sighed as Scott started pulling out Stiles stuff.

"You're going to find him by scent?" Isaac quizzed.

"Yeah, we both are and Margo you're going to have to see if creepy ghost lady knows anything" Scott told her and Margo pouted, and Scott handed Isaac a shoe.

"How come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac whined looking down at Stiles' shoe. Scott looked over Margo's shoulder in confusion.

"Please don't be bad" Margo whispered to herself and turned only to find Derek, she shrugged, it was alright.

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