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Margo walked down the hall reading her ticket that she got from Danny, he bought it for her so she could go, and she paid him for it, she bumped into someone and hoped that it wasn't Isaac, but of course it was him. "H-hey, you're going to the rave?" Isaac grinned.

"Yeah and I hope you aren't" Margo remarked walking past him.

"Well, it looks like your prayers aren't answered" Isaac joked, walking up next to her, he had a small laugh but when he saw her face he stopped.

"Awesome, so I guess my trips to church didn't pay off," Margo shot. Isaac sighed he grabbed Margo's arm and walked into the coaches office. "What the hell, graveyard boy?"

"You're back to calling me that?" Isaac questioned, Margo rolled her eyes moving towards the door. Isaac blocked it, Margo groaned. "Margo, I'm sorry."

"I don't care, alright it's over. We're over, we made out, we had sex, and I'm done" Margo snapped, but Isaac heard her heartbeat fasten, she wasn't done with Isaac, she felt safe with Isaac and she had a crush on him. Whenever they weren't together she went through that thing with Peter, she felt like if Isaac was with her that never would've happen, and the voice wouldn't have gotten louder.

"You're lying" Isaac smirked, Margo rose an eyebrow, Isaac walked forward cupping her cheeks, he heard her heart picking up pace. "Baby, I want all the strings attached." Then within a secod, she realized what was happening and scoffed, she walked through the locker room door to get out, not caring that boys were changing around her. Isaac walked into the room, he had a sly smirk on his face, she wasn't done, he still has a chance.


"How about this?" Margo asked Lydia, she wasn't going to the rave, due to the fact that she didn't get a ticket and she didn't want to go.

"It's slutty, but slutty like party at my house" Lydia commented, Margo sighed these two girls have this secret language with fashion, they categorize every type of dress and clothes, that's also why they so many outfit changes on their birthdays. Which happen to be a day apart, and they just share a birthday party, because why not. Who else would these two spend it with? Margo came out in a blue dress.

"So?" Margo rose an eyebrow, holding her arms out.

"Answer me this, are you doing this cause you want to hook up with a guy, or make one jealous?" Lydia rose an eyebrow.

"Both, maybe?" Margo muttered sitting on the bed, she put her head in her hands.

"Oh my God, this is for Isaac isn't it, this is just like what happened with Jackson and I, and he had me acting like this all the time, you so like him. Mar stop fighting it, go after him" Lydia smiled, moving over sitting next to Margo, wrapping and arm around her.

"It's different though, he was going to hurt us" Margo said, leaning her head on Lydia's shoulder.

"Oh yeah, but I'd rather see you happy, but whatever go do what you want, I have to go love you, party planning leave it up to me, but come over and make the punch tomorrow" Lydia kissed the top of her head and walked out of her room.

"You never answered me about the dress," Margo muttered, she sighed getting up looking in her mirror. "Oh, I look fucking hot." Margo sat down at her vanity doing her makeup. And when she felt like she was ready, grabbing her ticket, and purse she walked down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Woods asked looking up from her book.

"Out" Margo snapped.


Margo danced in between two guys she assumed to be fuck boys, which made the situation better one of them would agree to a quickie in a closet or something, she was already high, from eating a brownie one of the two she was in between was selling. But she could already feel it start to wear off, since she got only a tiny ass part. She rolled her head back because the guy in the back of her kissing her neck she saw Isaac walk in with Erica, he was staring right after her. She winked at him before kissing the guys in front of her. Isaac went to moved towards her but Erica grabbed him. "We have to do the mission first, after that you can talk to her" Erica told him, he nodded, and they looked around for Scott.

Margo got tired of them, she pushed them away walking away but since she took drugs, she stumbled a little bit, then she started laughing. She spotted Allison, she skipped over to her pulling her into a hug. "Yay you're here!" Margo grinned, she let go and turned towards Matt, and crinkled her nose. "Ew, you're here with this freak show? Alright you're really going downhill in boys, well Scott was okay."

"Margo, are you okay?" Allison asked, giving Matt an apologetic look.

"Yeah, it's a rave, and I'm doing what most people do during raves, getting drunk and drugs, and people, if I find the right guy" Margo shrugged.

"Alright do me a favor and find Isaac okay?" Allison asked, Margo sighed rolling her eyes, Allison put her hands on her shoulders shaking her.

"Ugh fine, stop trying to literally shake sense into me" Margo groaned, she hated that method Allison does, but Allison knew if she did it, Margo would get so pissed off she would just do it, so she wouldn't have to deal with Allison shit, especially if she got Lydia on board, which Lydia was on board. But this was more of a fine Isaac so he can settle you down and then you can talk.

Margo walked through the crowd, she bumped into Mr. Harris with a lady attached to his hand. "Margo" He nodded.

"Ew, that's so gross, you're like forty-five," Margo rolled her eyes, and kept walking till she stopped, she saw Isaac dancing with Erica, and Jackson in front, they we're kissing, and Margo bit her lip, shaking her head. "Fuck it." Margo muttered, she walked up to the keg filling up a cup and she chugged it down. She grabbed some dude and started making out with him, not really giving a shit who it was.


Alright, so party girl Margo, and I feel like people are starting to lose interest in this story, but oh well shit happens, lmao. Oh I feel like the song Stings by Shawn Mendes aka my baby, fits these two crazy kids perfectly.

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