3. hospitals

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When Margo woke up, she moved her fingers across her bandage. She turned her head, whining when she saw the blood on the bandage. This had been the first time she actually decided to look at it since she first woke up. She sat up and looked around her hospital room, there was a balloon and a bouquet of flowers. Margo grabbed the card, opening it. 'Get well soon Margo, graveyard boy.'

"Cute" Margo smirked tucking it back into the flowers. She reached for her phone, looking through whatever she missed while she was sleeping. A red-haired nurse walked in, she smiled at Margo, which Margo gave a bitchy smile back, which made her smile fade. Margo's attention turned back to her phone, scrolling past the comments telling her to get better soon.

"Alright, Lydia it's time for your shower," she said. Margo's hazel eyes lifted up from her phone to to the nurse standing at the edge of her bed. Margo scoffed and rolled her up, as she pressed the lock button on her phone.

"You have the wrong girl sweetheart, it's sort of unprofessional that you're mixing up the patients, I already took my shower, I'm waiting for my meal. If you wouldn't mind could you get a nurse with an actual brain to be my nurse" Margo snapped.

"Oh I-I think the-"

"Thanks for your not so service not get out of my room," Margo bitched, the nurse just opened her mouth. Margo pursed her lips in moved her head in a movement to get out. The nurse ran off. "Stupid bitch."

Only a few minutes later another nurse walked in. "Alright Margo, here's your dinner. I'm Melissa, your new nurse," Melissa smiled putting her food on the table, moving it towards her. Margo started eating. "You made that nurse cry."

"I make a lot a people cry" Margo rolled her eyes.

"I can tell, so I'm going to check on Lydia, then I'll come right back and change your bandage" Melissa smiled at her, just Melissa's smiled gave Margo the sense that everything was going to be okay.

"Hey Melissa," Margo called as Melissa was about to leave. "Thanks."

"I get the feeling you don't say that a lot," Melissa remarked.

"I don't, so appreciate it," Margo shot back, her phone buzzed she moved to grab it causing her fork to accidentally fall. "Oh screw me." She got out of bed and bent down to get her fork, she reached back up to get a napkin trying to wipe it off.

"Margo," She heard a whispered voice say. She rose an eyebrow looking around to see if anyone was in the room. "Down here." She slowly bent down lifting up the sheet that was covering the under of the bed. It was dark, her bottom lip was trembling and her hands were shaking. There was nothing, she let out a sigh of relief. She stood up, but that's when a hand reached out and grabbed her leg she screamed kicking the hand off. She ran into the bathroom somehow managing to climb out the open window and running out of the hospital.

She ran into the woods until she stopped just outside the graveyard, she was surrounded by people. Margo. She heard in her head, she kept hearing multiple things she couldn't focus on one single one there were way too many voices in the blonde girls head. "Get out of my head!" She screamed. Which Isaac Lahey heard from his machine, he jumped down walking towards where he heard the scream. He was a little anxious after the digger he was on was tipped over and he met an interesting man asking about giving him a gift. Isaac kept walking. "Stop!" Margo screamed, placing her hands over her ears, falling to her knees. When Isaac saw her, he ran over to her, bending down next to her.

"Margo?" Isaac called, he hesitantly touched her shoulder, she looked up and there was Isaac.

"Graveyard boy make it stop make them go away" Margo begged holding onto his forearms. The voices were getting louder, and she was crying. Which only a few people have ever seen her cry.

"Margo, what are you talking about? It's just me and you" Isaac told her. She looked into his eyes and the voices stopped, she looked around and all the people that were crowding her disappeared.

"I-there was people everywhere-and v-voices," Margo announced, Isaac rose an eyebrow looking around. "I'm not crazy, please, believe me, I'm not crazy!" She cried, Isaac felt it was a good idea to hug her, so he did. She held onto him. "I'm not crazy."

"You're not crazy Margo," Isaac reassured. "I should get you back to the hospital." He picked Margo up and started walking towards the hospital. Margo felt too weak to walk anyway, so this was a good idea on Isaac for her. Good thing that the hospital wasn't that far. When he walked into the hospital, Margo's mother turned and let out a sigh of relief.

"Margo," Mrs. Woods smiled, she ran a hand through her daughter's hair, Melissa brought a wheelchair over and Isaac placed Margo in it. They wheeled her off to her room. Margo's mother smiled at Isaac. "Thank you for bringing her back." She patted his shoulder before walking off.

Isaac sighed, turning around and heading back to his job at the graveyard.


Short chapter again, the next one will be longer hopefully. But that Marsaac though.

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