8. favors

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"So why do we need their help?" Isaac asked as him and Erica followed Derek through the train and out through the door.

"Because it's harder to kill than I thought, and I still don't know who it is" Derek answered.

"And they know?" Isaac rose an eyebrow.

"They might, which is why I need one of you to get on their good sides" Derek announced.

"Scott or Stiles?" Erica asked with a smirked.

"Either," Derek answered. "Isaac, keep talking to Margo maybe she knows something, or they'll tell her."

"That would be a good idea if we were talking" Isaac replied, biting his lip. It was true Isaac went to her house afterwards and they argues for a little, Isaac claiming that 'he wasn't going to kill her.' Which freaked her out because she didn't think him and his leather jacket wearing posse were going to kill Margo and her best friend. She pushed him out of her house telling him that 'she got what she wanted from him which was sex, and she didn't want him anymore.' That did hurt Isaac, because he could've sworn that they liked each other, which he did assume correctly.

Margo freaked out, it hurt to find out that the boy she liked was going to potentially kill her and her best friend, so she does what Margo Woods does best when she scared about getting hurt, she pushes people away. Like she did with Jackson, they did hook up a lot, and she started to like him, but she knew that two things would happen. One, she admitted her feelings and Jackson broke up with Lydia, and they dated which would hurt Lydia deeply. Or two, Jackson would hurt her. That's when she decided to not date, because in the end everybody in high school relationships end up hurt, besides for those forty year olds who say they married their 'high school sweetheart.'

"Okay, Erica just you then" Derek replied.

"You know, the full moon's coming, Derek" Isaac stated.

Derek turned around. "I'm aware of that" Derek replied back, which only made Isaac roll his eyes, Derek turned back opening a wooden chest, he pulled out some chains.

"These look comfortable" Erica remarked pulling out a set of chains, with bolts all along the outside.

"You said you were going to teach us to change whenever we wanted" Isaac added.

"There hasn't been time" Derek simply replied.

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means you're alone against the Argents" Isaac stated, Derek closed the chest and started to walk away.

"They haven't found us" Derek shrugged.

"Yet!" Isaac exclaimed. "So how about we forget the Kanima?"

"We can't!" Derek shouted turning around. "The way Gerard looked at it, he wasn't afraid, at all. I don't know what he knows or what he's planning. But I'm sure about one thing we have to find it first!"


Margo scrolled through her twitter, she's had a headache all day and she's been freaked out, because of the fact she's been seeing a little boy with blue eyes everywhere. She looked up and put her locker combination, when she opened it she spotted a flower on her books. She picked it up, and rose an eyebrow. "Margo!" Stiles exclaimed. She jumped and dropped the flower.

"What the hell do you want?" Margo snapped.

"You owe me a favor" Stiles stated.

"No I don't" Margo rolled her eyes, grabbing her binder.

"Yeah, I saved your little ass from getting killed, you remember?" Stiles told her, Margo sighed and closed her locker, leaning on it.

"What do you want?" Margo asked.

"I want to know about Jackson's real parents, I know how close you guys used to be, you have to know" Stiles announced.

"Really that's your favor, I thought you were going to ask me to take your virginity" Margo remarked. Stiles' eyes widened, he shook his head.

"No, I'm okay I'm waiting for someone, and you totally like Isaac," Stiles told her, and she rolled her eyes at the mention of his name. "So about Jackson's real parents."

"I'm sorry Stiles but I wouldn't know, he never would tell me that stuff" Margo told him, Stiles rose an eyebrow, something was different, it was how she was acting, and her aura. Or maybe she actually called him Stiles instead of spaz.

"You called me Stiles, what's wrong with you?" Stiles questioned, Margo looked up, and rolled her eyes, adjusting her purse strap.

"Nothing spaz, now fuck off before I kick your ass" Margo snapped.

Stiles gave her a smile. "There's the Margo I know" Stiles patted her shoulder, he walked away. Margo smiled and walked down the hallway.


Margo pulled up in her drive way, and when she got out, she felt something on her heel. She looked down and saw the purple flower that was in her locker. She looked up and there was a little boy with blue eyes standing there.

Follow me, Margo.

She nodded, and followed the boy who followed the trail of flowers. He led Margo to a house, a big beautiful house. She stopped and admired the house, when she looked over to find the boy she found him running into the house, she started walking fast towards the door. When she opened it she was greeted by white, everything was white. She rose an eyebrow looking around.

In the closet.

She turned her head to see a small dresser, she walked over opening the door, and she gasped when she saw the man that bit her. She backed up to the walked and he walked over to her, he was burnt to a crisp, she closed her eyes shaking her head hoping to see the little boy, she was greeted by him again, but the house no longer white just black.

"I was really hoping you and Lydia would be here at the same time, but sometimes you can't always get what you want when you look like this," He remarked, Margo shook her head tears rolling down her cheeks. "Pay attention!"

"No" Margo cried.

"I guess I'll have to bring out my friends" He said wickedly, Margo only knew what he meant when she heard all the voices come back in her head, only very loud. She let out a cry of pain and fell to the floor.

"Stop!" Margo cried.

"You see sweetheart they're my back up plan, just like you and Lydia are," Peter smirked sitting down next to her, the voices stopped and she looked up and turned her head towards him. "You and Lydia's immunity makes you both a perfect plan B, I honestly wasn't expecting you two to both be immune but, it's great the more the merrier, you see you both wouldn't turn from the bite, you wouldn't die, but you would be able to do one very important thing, do you know what that one thing is Margo?"

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again he was gone and the little boy was there, he handed her the flower before running off, Margo looked at it and a smirk formed on her pink lips.


This is episode seven, so I thought she couldn't fit in anything of episode six, and yeah Lydia got the hot teenager Peter and Margo got the little kid version of Peter, and yep poor Isaac he's all upset about not having Margo, and in season 3, Stargo is going to be Brotp.

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