11. the truth

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The party had begun, but there was at least seven people there at the moment which truly upset Lydia. Margo was not at all feeling the big celebration, yet she decided to act like it for the sake of her best friend. Margo also could not forget whatever Peter Hale wanted the brunette to do.

She held the tray of drinks and walked over to Stiles, Scott and Allison who had their phones in their hands typing away. "Hello," Margo greeted and handed the two boys drinks. "So Scott I have a quick question."

"What is it?" Scott replied bringing the drink Margo and brought him to his mouth.

"Do you know where I could find Isaac? 'Cause I think you guys are friends, I don't know I rarely pay attention to who you decided to befriend. Anyway, do you know where I could find him, maybe tonight?" Margo trailed of once he saw the alarmed face of the two boys. "Why are you looking at me like that? Will you stop looking at me like that you freaking weirdos?"

"Sorry, I—uh I mean we don't know where he is, and trust me you don't want to see him tonight," Scott told her, Margo went to open her mouth. "You don't want to see him tonight!"

"Damn fine" Margo snapped she went to turn away but Scott grabbed her wrist.

"Sorry, but when I see him I'll tell him you're looking for him" Scott smiled.

"Alright, thank you," Margo walked away putting down the silver platter, and then sat on one of the pool chairs, she picked at her nails, which was a bad habit, "This party is super freaking boring." She leaned forward and took a drink and chugged it down.

It wasn't till about fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang and Lydia ran to the door, about thirty seconds later the backyard was filled with hormonal teens ready to get drunk, Margo handed people drinks and smiled at them, and then rolled her eyes right after.

"Hey," She called and walked over to Scott and Stiles, "Did you get all these people here?" Margo rose an eyebrow.

"Nah, they were originally coming and yeah" Stiles replied scratching the back of his neck, Margo narrowed her eyes at him, before rolling her eyes.

"Don't bullshit me, nobody was going to come," Margo added, "But anyway, thank you this party means a lot to Lydia, and if you tell anyone that I was nice, I will kill you," Margo grinned, she held out two drinks for them. "Here are some drinks, get drunk make bad choices, you two are always stressed." They took the drink and turned on her heels, she walked back towards the punch and she watched as Jackson walked in, she brought the cup up to her lips. "Uh oh."

Lydia turned her head and walked over to him, while Margo walked around and pushed off any random guys trying to dance with her. A hand grabbed her and pulled her, Lydia pointed to the clock on her phone it was time for their dress change, and they quickly walked up stairs and changed dresses.

They walked back and Allison was standing by herself, "Hey Margo" Allison smiled.

"You need to go up to him, and just dance with him, because you guys just need to date or whatever" Margo rambled.

"Margo I think you're a little drunk" Allison laughed, Margo just shrugged and took another sip of her drink, she looked over and saw the top of Isaac's head.

"Will you just—" Margo didn't finish the sentence because she walked away trying to find Isaac, she looked around the crowd and she saw him again in the corner breathing heavily. "Isaac, I've been trying to reach you," Margo stated as she got closer, but he didn't turn around her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Isaac." She put her hand on his shoulder, he turned around quickly, he had golden eyes and fangs, he had claws, and she let out a scream. He went to lunge for her but it was like he was chained back.

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