14. unknown plans

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After they got advice from Derek and were told to bring Jackson to Derek and Peter, the three managed to sneak out of the hospital, trying to avoid people and workers. If they got caught with Jackson's dead body they could have a law suit, or they could just be left in utter humiliation, named as the town nut jobs. Margo was the one ushering them to stop and go, Margo looked around the brick wall and held her hand up, the two werewolves stopped waiting for the people to walk into the hospital. Once they did Margo looked back at Scott and Isaac, "Okay go" They started quickly walking towards the parking lot, Margo jogging in front of them.

Margo saw someone walking out of the parking lot, so she halted and before she could warn them to stop Scott bumped into her not only knocking her to the ground, but dropping Jackson while doing it. Scott gasped, Margo smacked his leg as she sat up, "Sorry Margo" Scott apologized, Margo rolled her eyes as a car sped into the parking lot, Scott quickly helped Margo up and out of the way of the car. The bright headlights shinned in their face and they shielded their eyes. Chris Argent got out of the car, and Margo took a few steps back so she was closer to Isaac.

There was a moment of silence between the three and Chris, so Margo leaned forward and nudged Scott to say something, "You're alone" Scott spoke up, Margo was expecting more of a hello, but Scott was very unpredictable. Chris nodded his head, as Margo and Isaac shared a confused look.

"More than you know" Chris mumbled, and Margo realized he meant more than he was alone right now in this moment, he was alone emotionally too, and it made Margo's heart hurt a bit, but she wasn't ready to give him a hug. She was weary because currently the three in front of him, were on his supernatural hit list at the moment.

"What do you want?" Margo asked and he looked over at her, she noticeably looked frightened, as she stood next to her boyfriend. Chris didn't know if it was because of him, the body bag containing her friend, or if it was because of everything that happened tonight. All of it is pretty scarring for a teenage girl.

"We all might not have a lot in common, but at the moment, we have a common enemy" Chris explained looking at all the teenagers, and Margo didn't know if he meant Jackson or Gerard, because both of them are both evil, and complete assheads.

"That's why we're trying to get him out of here" Scott spoke up, Margo nodded in agreement, if they could get Jackson in a contained and control environment, then that meant less lives were in danger. And if that meant people wouldn't get hurt, that also meant Margo wouldn't get hurt, which was best for Isaac and Margo.

"I didn't mean Jackson" Chris shook his head, and the teenagers now knew he was talking about Gerard.

"Gerard, right?" Margo asked, all the boys looked over at her, she shifted on her boots fidgeting with her hands, Isaac was pretty amazed with how well she caught onto this supernatural stuff, she figured out and guessed things faster than he could have. She was way more than just absolute beauty, she was smart. Not as smart as Lydia, but still smart. As much as he didn't want her in this supernatural world. She had to be in it, for her survival and safety, not to mention she was some supernatural creature.

"Yes, Gerard has weaseled his way into Allison's head in the same way he did with Kate, I'm losing her, and I know you're losing her too" Chris explained, Margo didn't want have her best friend turn into some psychopathic bitch like her Aunt. She was hoping Scott would march in and saved the day. Margo knew he was good at saving the day, a true hero.

"You're right," Scott admitted, "So can you trust me to fix this?" Chris's mouth opened a bit like he wanted to say something but he quickly shut it, sending a slight nod in Argent's way, "Then could you let us go?"

"No" Chris replied, and Margo let out a groan and threw her hands up in annoyance, she shook her head and put her hands on her hips, looking up at Isaac who had a sad look on his face, "My cars faster."

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