10. filled with isaac

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That's what Margo did for the rest of the night, she danced around with random guys until she got bored and moved to someone else, but soon she gave up feeling absolutely bored, Margo headed out of the rave, she groaned when she saw Isaac and Erica, she rolled her eyes and walked past them, Isaac ran a hand through his hair, debating whether or not he should go talk to her, but he knew how they talked. It was sassy comments from her and pleading from him, but maybe he was over it. He wanted her back.

Margo was almost to her car, stumbling a bit since she was a little tipsy. Isaac ran over to her, he grabbed her hand. She turned around and sighed when she saw Isaac. "Margo, I said I'm sorry so many times, and I was always going to protect you. I'm done with this whole chasing after you thing, either you forgive me or I'm really done" Isaac snapped.

Margo bit her lip, she was processing everything, and if he was done then nothing was bound to happen between them, because she says that they're done but she knows that they aren't. She knew he would be begging on his knees for another chance. She always would knew if she wanted to go back he was right there. "But what were you going to do if Scott and the police didn't show up to stop them, were you going to go against them, fight them off?" Margo asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes! I wasn't even going to do hurt you, and by the way Allison and Stiles were going to protect you," Isaac told her. Margo sighed, she leaned against her car. Isaac moved forward standing in front of her. "Maybe we just be friends for a while, start over, and then if we want to go into a relationship. Because I know that you feel the same why."

"That could work" Margo nodded.

"I also know that, being friends with you is a lot better than not having you at all," Isaac said, Margo's heart fluttered, she smiled, looking up to Isaac smiling as well. "Maybe I should drive you home."

"That would be a lot better than me driving" She tossed Isaac the keys and walked over to the passenger side, Isaac got into the front, starting her car.


Margo had fallen asleep on the way home, that didn't bother Isaac one bit. He picked her up bridal style and carried her into her house. Good thing her mother wasn't home he definitely didn't want to explain what was going on. He sat her on her bed and took off her shoes, he took off her tight dress and put a baggy T-shirt on her, and he gently laid her back and pulled the blankets over her. He ran a hand through her hair and kissed her forehead. "I'd do anything for you Margo. I screwed up so bad with you, I got a chance with you and I blew it. I used to wish you would talk to me, smile at me, even look in my direction, my dad would tease me about it, he would tell me that I would never in a million years have a girl like you, be interested in me."

Isaac bit his lip, "Well, I proved him wrong, but then I lost you. I lied I'm never done with the whole chasing after you thing, I could wait for you for days, weeks, months however long it takes till I can hold you in my arms and call you mine. Goodnight Margo."


The next couple of days Margo knew she needed to find Isaac. She had woken up that night of the rave, whenever he had changed her and heard every word Isaac Lahey had told her and that somehow in a very cliché manner motivated her to kiss his brains out. When she got ready she opened her door and gasped when she saw Peter Hale standing there.

"You do everything I ask, or my friends come back" Peter growled, Margo nodded and he grabbed her handle and shut the door. She let out a whimper and opened her door and jumped when she saw her mother.

"Hi mom, I have to go" Margo told her and kissed her cheek, she ran out of her house and sat in her car not quite sure where Isaac would be exactly, she could ask Scott but she didn't know for sure.

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