7. home invasion

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Margo twirled her brown hair around her fingers, she sat alone at her table in chemistry. Margo turned when she saw Isaac walk in she smirked, and then she saw Erica next to him, she rolled her eyes. She felt someone sitting next to her, Margo expected it to be Isaac but she saw Scott sitting next to her, Scott gave her an awkward smile. "You're such a freakin' weirdo" Margo rolled her eyes.

"Einstein once said, 'two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity" Harris remarked patting Stiles' shoulder.

"So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one, or in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one, Erica take the first station." Everyone raised their hand, Margo rolled her eyes, a girl decides to invest in a push up bra and everyone wants her. "I didn't ask for volunteers, put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. McCall" Harris announced.

"Alright next two" Stiles ran over to Margo's table before anyone could sit down, and Allison sat next to Lydia, she rolled her eyes.

"Sup Margo" Stiles greeted, she sighed and started the experiment, the bell dinged and Margo sat next to Lydia, while Allison sat next to Erica and Scott sat with a random kid.

"Do you know why everyone is acting so weird? Like weirder than usual" Margo remarked, as they kept working on the project.

"I have no idea, and personally I don't really care," Lydia rolled her eyes, Margo smirked putting in the chemical. Margo looked up, and Isaac was looking back at her, he winked at her and Margo smirked. "What is going one between you two?"

"What? Nothing?" Margo shook her head.

"Oh my God you like him" Lydia gasped.

"No" Margo rolled her eyes.

"Alright Mar, whatever you say" Lydia sighed. The bell rang again, and Margo moved and Isaac sat next to her, while Lydia sat next to Erica. Margo continued on with the project, Isaac placed his hand on her thigh.

"You buy a leather jacket and now you have enough courage to put your hand on my thigh" Margo teased.

"I'm feeling risky today" Isaac told her, she smirked and continued with the project, Isaac was feeling risky today, if Margo passed he had to take a risk to protect her, he couldn't let her die. So all hopes were on her being paralyzed, and he'll carry her somewhere, so she's safe.

The bell dinged, and Margo looked up and over at Harris, that's when Isaac put the venom on the crystal. "If you catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal," Harris announced, Isaac grabbed the tongs pulling the crystal out. "Now for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy, you can eat it."

"Here you go" Isaac handed it to Margo, both Lydia and Margo were going to eat the crystal.

"Margo! Lydia!" Scott shouted, they both turned and looked at him.

"What do you want weirdo?" Margo snapped.

"Nothing" Scott sat back down, they both ate the crystal, and Isaac internally groaned when nothing happened, he had to do something now, something to protect her.


Margo and Lydia were being pulled out of the library, they were told that there's a study group. "If we're having a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?" Lydia asked.

"Because we're meeting up with somebody else" Stiles added.

"Why didn't they just meet us at the library?" Margo questioned.

"Oh that would've been a great idea, too late" Stiles replied.

"Okay hold on-" Lydia began, Jackson groaned grabbing both the girls arms.

"Margo, Lydia shut up and walk" Jackson snapped, Margo groaned pulling her arm out of Jacksons grip, and they all got into Stiles jeep.


"If we're studying at Scott's house, where's Scott?" Margo shot.

"Meeting us here, I think," Stiles replied, Margo sighed not wanting to talk anymore with the weird spazz kid. "I hope."

They got inside and Stiles locked all the locks, and looked out the window. "Uh there's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood" Stiles stated, and then he grabbed a chair. Lydia rose her eyebrows, pointing her finger at the chair. "And a murder, yeah it was bad."

"Whatever where's the bathroom?" Margo questioned.

"Up the stairs third door on your left" Stiles answered, Margo sighed walking up stairs following the directions, she looked in the mirror and fixed her hair, texting back Danny. She sighed and decided to head back down stairs.

"Yeah, so this 'study group' was fun I'm going to go" Margo announced heading towards the front door, Stiles blocked the door, making Margo jump back, at how he unexpectedly moved.

"No! You can't leave we're waiting for Scott" Stiles stated.

"Well, you guys will survive without me, and honestly I don't care that much about my grade to stay here, so move spaz," Margo snapped, trying to push past him, but he kept pushing his body towards the handle so she couldn't leave, she pulled away, with a groan. "You and McCall are acting weirder than usual what the hell is going on here spaz, don't lie to me."

"Margo trust me and if you stay here you'll be okay?" Allison told her.

"Sweetie, I love you but I don't feel like staying in this dusty house" Margo stated.

"Ugh, you're in trouble" Stiles blurted.

"In trouble how?" Margo questioned crossing her arms over her chest.

"The people outside want to hurt you and Lydia" Stiles answered, Margo scoffed and looked out from the window, she saw Isaac, and rose an eyebrow.

"I don't believe you, Isaac wouldn't want to hurt me" Margo shook her head.

"I don't know about Isaac, but the rest do, so please Mar, do me a favor go upstairs lock yourself in a room, please for me" Allison begged grabbing her hands, Margo looked into her brown eyes and saw the worry and concern in them.

"Alright," Margo nodded and hugged Allison. Before walking upstairs and locking herself in a room which she guessed was the guest room. She looked around before sitting on the bed, she was surprised that the bed was a lot comfier than she expected, she played with the edges of her skirt. She jumped when she heard the sound of thuds and grunting. She heard glass shattering and that's when she got up, she ran down stairs. Isaac was standing in front of Stiles and he was trying to get away from him. "Isaac!" Margo shouted.

"Margo, go upstairs and hide, don't come down stairs, go!" Isaac said, Margo gasped. Allison grabbed her hand running her upstairs, Lydia was in the hallway.

"Lydia, get back. Someone's trying to break in go, go with Margo!" Allison announced, Margo grabbed Lydia's hand and ran into Scott's room, and they ran into the bathroom locking the door. Margo put the lid down and sat on the toilet. She put her head in her hands.

"I don't think Isaac is who I thought he was, I thought he was-" She stopped her sentence, and shook her head, she didn't want to get upset but how could she when Isaac was one of the people going to hurt her and Lydia. Lydia started talking on her phone and the lights went out, Lydia hid in the corner, and Margo walked over towards Lydia and hugged her. She was crying and honestly so was Margo, this was scary she didn't know what's going on. They waited a little more until all the noises stopped. That's when Margo opened the door and walked down stairs, Lydia holding her hand following. "Well this has been fun, but I'm going to have to cancel every single study groups in the future, peace out." Margo pulled Lydia's arm and started walking down the road.


Wow hey here's this, probably shit chapter but Margo doesn't know that Isaac was going to protect her soooo. I can't wait till Marsaac in season three ncdnifa.

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