5. hookups

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Margo got out of her car, she came back from the salon and dinner with Lydia, when she walked up to her front porch Isaac was standing there. "Hey fugitive" Margo smirked.

"Hi Margo" He smirked, he had on a leather jacket, and she had to admit that he looked extremely hot.

"Shouldn't you be hiding in a sewer somewhere?" Margo rose an eyebrow.

"Shouldn't you be running off and calling the cops, telling them that there is a fugitive in your presence?" Isaac remarked.

"Nah, cause I don't think you have the balls to actually kill someone," Margo smirked, looking him up and down. Margo took a step closer till her body was pressed against his. Her fingers played with the cool leather on his chest. She peered up at him through her eye lashes and bit her lip. Isaac gulped silently, or at least he hoped he did. This was his plan all along, get the confidence and get the girl. He knew Margo's reputation, she wasn't the one who had relationships, she had fun with no strings attached. Isaac always hoped that he would be the one to get her to change her ways. His old naive self snickered, he would drop dead at the sight of Margo pressed up against him, staring at him like a predator would a prey. In this case he actually was a predator. He wanted Margo and if this was the way he could get it then so be it.

"Frankly I don't think you have the balls to make the first move." Margo opened the door, taking her jacket off slowly, looking back over her shoulder with a smirk. Margo was always okay with hookups, and she didn't question the fact that Isaac suddenly got a makeover. She's just thinking that a holding cell and being named a fugitive really changes someone. Isaac's heart started racing as he watched Margo, as she began to undress he couldn't believe he was ever in this situation. She kept walking into the house taking off her skirt and shirt. Isaac closed the door, following the trail. He saw a door that said Margo on it, it was closed. He knocked, and Margo opened the door only in her bra and underwear.

Isaac looked at her before taking off his shirt, he walked up pressing his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, Margo jumped wrapping her legs around his waist. Their lips moved in sync. Margo had to admit he was a good kisser for a boy who used to look like he'd never kissed a girl before. He placed her on her bed, then crawled over her, she moved her hands up his chest before attaching her hands in his hair. He kissed down her neck, she let out a small moan. She grinded her hips on his.
Isaac let out a throaty moan.


At first Margo would've ignored it, assuming that it was Isaac moaning her name. Except this voice felt like it was inside her head. She sat up, Isaac gave her a weird look, she looked around seeing a large number of people in her room, they were staring at her, but somehow she heard them all calling her name. Tears started brimming her eyes. "Margo?" Isaac asked running a hand through her hair.

Margo, over here.

Margo turned her head seeing the man who bit her in the crowd. She started crying moving towards the corner of her bed that was against the wall. "Make them leave Isaac, please make them leave, make him leave" Margo begged, bringing her knees up to her chest.

"Margo, it's only you and me in this room, okay look at me. Just me" Isaac told her, moving in front of her. She slowly looked up at him, she looked at him for a couple seconds, and she grabbed his hand. And then she looked around and they were all gone.

"Maybe you should leave" Margo told him, she let go of his hand, and wrapped her arms around her legs, not looking at him.


"Please, I'll talk to you another time" Margo muttered.


"Leave before I stop talking to you in general!" Margo shouted, he slowly got up and grabbed his shirt.

"I care about you Margo, and I'm not going to tell, I just want to help you" Isaac told her, before leaving. She started crying, and put her head on the top of her knees. Isaac sighed as he heard her crying, it broke his heart hearing her cry. But he didn't want to push her, she needed to be alone and he understood.


Margo and Lydia sat in biology, they were watching a movie, but Margo and Lydia both didn't give a shit, she was on her phone, shopping online with Lydia giving her approval. The bell rang and the two best friends got up walking out of the class, suddenly the two were pushed up against a wall. "What the hell is wrong with you both?"

"What the hell are you going on about?" Margo snapped, pushing Jackson off of her.

"Show it to me, both of you!" Jackson ordered, trying to pull up Lydia's dress up, then he looked over at Margo trying to pull her jacket off her shoulder. She pushed him back.

"If this is your way to get some action, then you're totally going at it the wrong way" Margo growled.

"Jackson are you out of your mind!" Lydia snapped.

"It's like nothing happened to you two, it's like you two are immune" Jackson said, Margo rose an eyebrow, wanting to just punch Jackson in the face for being such a God damn idiot.

"What are you talking about?" Lydia asked in a low whisper.

"Whatever it is, blood, saliva. Whatever soul killing substance is running through your veins, you two did this to me. You ruined it for me, you ruin everything! You Margo, you're a cold hearted homewrecker!" Jackson yelled running off, his words hurt, but she shook it off, like Margo Woods always does. But Lydia was about to start pouring out tears, Margo sighed wrapping her arms around Lydia, bringing her to the bathroom.

Lydia sat in the stall crying, Margo rubbed her back, and handed her toilet paper. Margo may not seem like it, and yes she may do stupid things to hurt Lydia, like snapping at her, hooking up with Jackson while they were dating, insulting her. But when push comes to shove, she loved Lydia to death, she would give up her favorite pair of boots to save Lydia's life. That says a lot, the two had been friends since they were in diapers, they used to play princess, Lydia was Ariel and Margo was Rapunzel due to the fact that Margo used to hate haircuts and she grew out her hair. "Lydia, don't listen to him okay, you didn't ruin everything, he ruins everything, he's got mommy and daddy issues, so he takes them out on you."

Lydia only nodded, Margo bent down wiping her tears away. "You'll be okay babe, I'm right here," Margo smiled. Then the door opened, Margo groaned. "Hi, hey get the fuck out of here before I ruin your entire existence."

Then two feet were shown in front of the door, they were men's feet, Margo and Lydia looked at each other with a questioning look. "This is the girl's room," Lydia announced. Then he just left, Margo stood up grabbing her bag and walking out of the stall. "Mar!" Lydia got up following after her.

Margo saw the back of him walking up the stairs, she growled before following after him, Lydia following behind her. She chased him down the hallway. "Hey midlife crisis, stop!" Margo shouted, Lydia grabbed her hand stopping her, as she watched him stare at the trophy case before walking off. Margo and Lydia walked down the stairs towards the case.

Margo sighed when she spotted a name.

That's him.

A lady said, she turned seeing an older women, with brown hair. She was just giving her a small smile, Margo stared at her for a while, she felt good feelings from her, and Margo could really use that right now. "Come on, let's go to lunch, and forget about this."

Margo and Lydia walked into the lunchroom getting lunch, she started putting the food she wanted on her plate. When they were walking to their table, they stopped seeing a girl walk in, she bent down slamming her tray down onto Scott and Stiles' table. "What the holy hell is that, in that last season skirt?"

"Erica" Scott replied, then he got up running off after her.

"That's the seizure freak show?" Margo scoffed.

"That skirt is last season" Lydia remarked, Margo nodded and they sat down at their table.


You're probably thinking hey, this is too early for them to make out, one it was just a hookup, Margo does not have feelings yet, only Isaac does, so hip hip hooray for Isaac getting to make out with his crush. But yeah, later on she will get feelings, but now she's starting on to notice Isaac.

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