16. the happy ending

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The next morning Margo had pulled herself from Isaac's arms and walked over to her computer desk, before looking back to make sure Isaac was still sleeping, which he was. After the two had left the scene they went back to Margo's house, they had gotten cleaned up and before they could talk about them, and their relationship. They had passed out on Margo's bed, which it was they needed. They just needed to sleep off the night they just had, they were tired, disoriented, emotional it wasn't the right time to discuss their future relationship.

She opened up her laptop, and went to her search bar. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard for a bit, something was bothering her. The girl with brown hair that Margo kept seeing, she always appeared when she was in trouble. Margo was grateful for that, Margo realized that she was good, and only wanted to help her. That being said, she also appeared around Derek, she looked like Derek and now she was going to put a name to the face. She began typing 'Hale Fire'. And a whole article popped up, she read through it and when it showed the pictures of the victims, her eyes traveled to the brown haired girl. "Talia Hale" Margo muttered.

"Why are you looking up the Hale fire?" Isaac asked from behind her and she jumped, putting her hand over her heart. She turned to look at the sleepy shirtless Isaac standing behind her, he let out a yawn as he looked at the computer screen, "Why are you looking at Talia Hale?"

"You know the brown haired ghost lady I've been talking about?" Margo questioned, as she got up and went to her bedside table and grabbed her water bottle. She walked back over to the computer and sat down.


"That's her, Talia. She's always randomly appears to warn me when something bad happens. She's not like the other ghosts who just scream and make my head want to explode" Margo rambled, Isaac just nodded taking in every word of her rant.

"That's good?" Isaac questioned, as he rubbed his eye. Margo stood up and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Yes that's good, it's like she's my guardian angel!" Margo smiled, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled down at her and wrapped his arms around her. Right when he was about to lean in to kiss her, she pulled back, "Maybe I should figure why I keep seeing ghost, what I am." Margo let go of him and turned back to her computer.

"No, no, no," Isaac groaned and he pulled her away from the computer, he tucked some of her brown hair behind her ear, "We already solved one mystery today, you can solve another one tomorrow." Isaac walked over to her bed and laid down on his side, he patted the bed. Margo giggled and walked over to her bed and got under the covers. She laid on her back and put her arm over her eyes, "You know what I was just thinking about?"

"Do I want to know?" Margo removed her arm from her eyes looking over at the boy, he put an arm around her waist. She moved her hand towards his curly hair and ran a hand through it.

"Well, when we were in the locker room you referred to me as your boyfriend" Isaac stated, Margo snickered and rolled her eyes.

"Isaac calling you my boyfriend was easier than saying. The-guy-who-I-like-but-I-don't-know-exactly-what-we-are-because-I-recently-found-out-about-werewolves-and-I-ignored-him—"

"Margo, I get it," Isaac interrupted her and Margo giggled, her right hand tugging playfully at his curly locks, "Does that mean you want me to be your boyfriend?"

"Isaac, of course!" Margo replied, and Isaac smiled widely, he pressed a kiss to her right arm, "I mean you don't really have to ask me in this cliche manner,  from now own you are my boyfriend and I am your girlfriend." Isaac pouted and Margo furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "What?"

"You're just not being very romantic right now, I've been waiting awhile for the perfect way to ask you out at I don't even get to do that" Isaac grumbled, Margo giggled at his pouty manner.

"Isaac, we almost got killed by a lizard and an old man yesterday, there is no romantic way to ask someone out after that" Margo giggled, Isaac sighed and cuddled up to her, resting his head on her chest. She continued to play with his hair, and that almost made him fall right back to sleep again.

"I guess you're right."

"I can't believe you envisioned how you were going to ask me out, and you probably were thinking about it when I was bitchy Margo," Margo rambled, Isaac lifted his head up and stared at her. He traced patterns on the exposed part of her skin, and that made a shiver run down her spine. She loved his touch, quite frankly if he stopped she would crave it, "I can't believed you liked me, I was so mean and rude and not a good person. Not deserving of a guy like you, or his attention."

"I noticed the real you Margo, I noticed things that no one else noticed. Margo who you are right now, is who you've always been, that's the girl I started liking. And this is the girl I still like. You've been hurt and shaped into the mean Margo, but this girl right here is the real you" Isaac explained, Margo's heart fluttered at every word he spoke. She pressed a long and passionate kiss to Isaac's pink lips, and he kissed back. They pulled away, Isaac kissed her forehead and then laid his head back down on her chest. She started scratching his back. When she pulled her hand away he groaned in displeasure and she began scratching his back again, a small smile dancing on her lips.

Margo Woods got lucky, she did not deserve Isaac Lahey. But yet she got him, she finally ended up with the good guy. The type of guy Margo Woods dreamed of having. The guy she was always looking for, but always got douchebag lacrosse players who broke her heart, and then let her heart turn cold. Isaac was going to be the guy hopefully in the future to give her the white picket fence dream, with the perfect husband. The same dream her mother had. But the dream was cut short for her mother when her husband left her and her daughter in the white picket fence house. Margo Woods lost sight of having the perfect guy, until Isaac handed her that corsage at the winter formal. Until Isaac carried her all the way to the hospital from the graveyard, until Isaac made all the ghost disappear by one touch. Until her and Isaac kissed for the first time, and until she found out about the supernatural and found out how much she cared for Isaac Lahey. These thoughts were constantly running through her mind, even though they were only still teenagers and they hadn't even graduated high school. This was what Margo thought about as Isaac Lahey cuddled her and drifted back to sleep.

It might've been way too soon to think about those things, but you can't deny the power of young love.


Wowowoowowowowow!! I've finally finished Bubblegum Bitch! Margo is no longer (that much of a) bitch! And season 3 Marsaac is going to be so cute, plus a bunch of brotp between Stiles and Scott!! I'm v v v excited!


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