15. puzzle

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"What are you doing?" Allison asked looking at her grandfather.

"He's doing what he came here to do" Scott spoke up, Isaac and Margo watched the interaction from their spot on the ground. Isaac no longer was in his werewolf form and he held his arm out in front of Margo incase the Kanima turned around and tried to hurt her.

"Then you know."

"What's he talking about?"

"It was the night outside the hospital, wasn't it? When I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could smell it couldn't you?" Gerard rambled, Margo and Allison had no idea what was going on.

"He's dying" Isaac spoke up, Margo looked at Isaac then back over at Gerard.

"I am, I have been for a while now, unfortunately, and science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet," Gerard explained, and Margo's mouth dropped, if he was dying couldn't they just lock him in a room and have nature take its course? "But the supernatural does." Jackson's grip tightened on Allison's neck.

"You monster" Margo snapped, he manipulated everyone, he was evil to the core and she hoped that karma would come his way. Gerard snapped his head over towards Margo and he smirked, she clenched her jaw.

"Not yet Margo" Gerard chuckled.

"What are you doing?" Allison yelled. Gerard's gaze moved from Margo to his granddaughter, tears rolled down her cheeks as Jackson held her tighter. Scott and Chris watched her in complete and utter fear.

"You'll kill her too?" Chris asked while tears formed in her eyes.

"For survival, I'd kill my own son!" Gerard screamed, no one was getting any sort of free pass tonight, if Gerard was going to want you dead, you were going to end up dead. "Scott." Everyone's eyes turned to look at Scott, he was breathing heavy, he looked down and when he looked up he was out of his werewolf form. He slowly walked over to Derek meeting everyone's eyes. He picked Derek up off the ground and started to drag him over to Gerard as Derek begged him not to.

"Scott, don't. You know that he's going to kill me right after, and he'll be the Alpha" Derek stated, Margo watched in shock at the interaction.

"That's true, but I think he already knows that don't you, Scott? He knows that the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me, and they can be together. You and Isaac are the only piece that doesn't fit, Derek."

Margo looked between Scott and Gerard, the beta's eyes went from looking at Allison to Margo, as her eyes glazed over. She didn't even think about what Gerard would do with Isaac. She clutched onto his arm harder. She shook her head at Scott, to tell him not to do it.

Margo! Please don't let Scott do it! Try to stop him!

Margo looked at the brown haired ghost who was crying, she looked over at Derek than back to the lady, she could see the resemblance to Derek, when he's not looking like a werewolf of course. She was elated to the Hale's in some way. "Scott! Please don't do this" Margo begged, Scott couldn't look her in the eyes. He had never seen Margo this emotional, this helpless.

"Shut up Margo!" Gerard snapped and Isaac found himself glaring at Gerard, "Derek, in case you haven't learned yet, there is just no competing with young love." Gerard took off his jacket as Derek started begging Scott not to.

"Scott" Margo whimpered.

"I'm sorry! But I have to" Scott replied, Margo didn't want to watch what was about to happen, so she hugged Isaac, burying her face in his chest. He tightly held onto, he soothingly rubbed her back. If Gerard was going to go after Isaac next, he was going to fight. Nothing or no one was going to have him leave Margo. Gerard screamed in pain and Margo hugged Isaac tighter.

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