6. ice rinks

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Margo rolled her eyes as Stiles unlocked the door to the ice rink, but she was okay because Lydia was there, but then she felt like it was a group thing. She kinda wished that Isaac was here, but you know the shitty life of the American fugitive. She grabbed her skates and put them on, she looked up and over at Lydia, who was eating a reeses, and Stiles was rambling about something. "Lydia, come on" Margo sighed, Lydia got up and she walked over, they started skating, Margo and Lydia spinning like figure skaters.

They started skating towards Stiles. "Well, come on" Lydia smiled as the two best friends skated off, Stiles right behind them. Margo had to admit that it was pretty fun, she spun again when she stopped, her eyes widened when there was people surrounding the outside of the rink.




Don't be scared.

Her eyes started watering, she held her head, wanting the voices to get out. When she looked up she saw him walking towards her, she kept moving backwards until her back hit the wall. He was then in her face, she squeezed her eyes shut and looked away. "Please go away, please!" Margo cried.

"I wish I could do that Margo, but I need you" He ran a claw through her hair.

"Please! Go away!" Margo screamed, as the voices got louder. "Leave me alone!" Margo screamed, the man was gone, but the crowd of people got closer, and the voices kept getting louder like they were yelling. "Stop yelling at me!"

Allison and Scott rushed over to Margo, while Stiles tried to calm down Lydia, Allison gently grabbed Margo's shoulders. "Margo hey you're okay" Allison soothed, Margo looked over at Allison, until she looked around and saw that everything was back to normal. Margo removed her hands from her head, Allison pulled her into a hug.


There was a knock on her window, she looked over and saw Isaac a smile formed on her lips. She looked down at her outfit, she had no makeup on, due to the she didn't even go to school today and she's been binge watch 90210 on Netflix. She opened the window, she didn't care that the last time they we're together she freaked out and told him to leave, she was happy he was here. She hugged him, he was shocked but hugged her back.

"I'm not in the mood to fuck" Margo told him.

"That's not what I'm here for," Isaac replied, he sat down on her bed, she sat down next to him. "I care about you Margo, and I want to help you with whatever is happening." Margo couldn't help but smile.

"Could you just lay with me?" Margo questioned, Isaac nodded they both got under her covers, they were spooning, Isaac as the big spoon, he wrapped an arm around her, she put her hand over his arm. He pressed a gentle kiss to her neck.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you Margo, I'm going to protect you" Isaac whispered, and he meant it.


When Margo woke up, Isaac wasn't next to her but there was a note on the pillow where Isaac was sleeping.

I had to leave, didn't want your mom to see me, and take me to jail. I'll see you later, I promise.

Margo smiled, she crumpled up the paper throwing it in the trash, Isaac has been plaguing the young girls mind lately, he was different and Margo could tell, usually they probably would've had sex by now, and she would've dropped him. But she wanted to keep him, she felt like she needed him. Margo got dressed and did her hair and makeup walking down stairs towards her kitchen. "Margo sweetheart, I talked to the guidance counselor, and she said you haven't been going to the sessions I scheduled."

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