Chapter 5 - College threats

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Few days passed by, teju was managing her dance class escaping from her body guards. She was trying to mingle with others and succeeded with that as well. Anvi was teaching her basics and she was practising to do it properly.

Latha ma was busy with anvi and her practice and she was taking her to stadium where it happens and make her rehearse there at times. 

Karan reached sanjana college to pick her up and planned to go together to pick anvi from the academy. 

Sanjana came out with her friend and she was quiet and dull, she looked at Karan and he gave her a big smile, she smiled softly and he took the bag from her and she hugged him, while her friends tried to flirt with Karan, he totally ignored them and made her sit in the passenger seat. 

Karan sat on the driver seat and looked at her " what happened baby Jaan, y r u quiet, did someone said anything to my baby, y r u upset jaana"

Sanjana " Kuch nahi dada, just headache "

Karan " not convincing, you know right, u can't lie to me and dada can easily find out that, please tell me what happened. You are scaring Dada janaa "

Sanjana looked at him and her eyes welled up with tears, he got panicked but composed himself to listen her first and stopped the car in the sideways.

Sanjana " Dada, there... In class... Our... Our professor, he.. He is always targeting me, he.. He is insulting me in class even if I answer... Answer his question.. He... He... He make me do silly punishments, the whole class is making fun of me..first, I... Thought was unintentional.. gave us test papers and I... I got high marks.. But.. He.. He accused me.. Of saying, I copied and he will cut my internal marks... I didn't do anything dadaaa..he said I can't clear this year "

He pulled the water bottle " shhhh shhhh, relax baby.. Nothing will happen.. No one can do anything.. You r a brilliant student and no one can stop you from achieving things you deserve. You are My strong baby right, I will deal with that bastard"

Sanjana nodded no hysterically
" no no.. He will detain me. I can't waste one more year, please aap kuch mat Karna.. I will.. I will bear all this, only few more days for the exams. I will handle dadaa "

She wiped her tears in fear and Karan got worried, he cupped her cheeks
" you don't have to bear anything when I m here jaan.. I wont let you bear this anymore, y didn't u tell me all this before. "

Sanjana " I didn't want to be childish, I tried to be positive but today it felt very low "

Karan hugged her from side " don't worry from now, I will take care of this, please don't hide anything to yourself.. It hurts to see you cry jaana"

She nodded " okay, I wont hide.. Aap please.. Don't go physical on him, just warn him "

He nodded " you don't have to worry about it baby girl, I will handle it "

She nodded cutely and he smiled, he was raging from inner but didn't say anything. He got the details of the professor from her and immediately forward them to Jake.

To jake " Grade 3 treatment to him. He is a trouble to princess "

Jake replied "  okay boss "

He parked the car beside her favourite shop and both had her favorite sandwich , she was better and he was relieved to see that.

They reached Leo academy and sanjana ran inside to see her sister, she was doing her final rehearsal and everyone were silently watching her. Karan stood beside sanjana and watched his sister, she held so much grace in her dance which made everyone stunned. The performance ended and everyone clapped for her.

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