Just in case

40 3 1

Dear readers this is a just-in-case post. Recently wattpad has decided to start deleting my stories without any reason or telling what violation I did. I do not get any kind of notice until it's to late and my story is deleted.

I have submitted appeals but I don't believe Wattpad will do anything to fix this. I have been on this app and loyal for a long time. I remember when everything was free and you didn't have to pay for anything and there was no ads. This app has slowly changed and unfortunately not for the better.

I will continue to post and update but incase the books you are reading gets deleted I have posted all of my stories on Quotev. Its a free website very similar to wattpad and its free.

My username is the same Kyxgarra21
And all the story's names are the same as well.

I hope Wattpad stops deleting people's hard work without warning

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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