7 the past is known

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I sm so so so so so sorry for not updateing. Ive been in Pennsylvania for the last few weeks and staying with my grandma
3rd erson

Right now at the samaki mansion it was pooring rain, the sky was dark and covered in lightning.

Scar pov

I jolted awake at the sound of lightning coming through my window. (it's raining so hard outside) I stood up from my bed and walked over to my window but when I looked out my window i saw the same women with the long purple hair that I saw the first day I was here at the mansion. Their she was standing in the rain looking over some roses. (who the heck is this lady) she then turned her head in my direction and gave me this creepy ass smile that sent shivers down my spine.(ok purple hairs lady very creepy) then I felt this horrible pain in my chest again (what is...this) Then every thing went black as I felt my body but the floor.

3rd person

All the sisters We're in their room. All of them We're asleep even kana for having to much blood drained from her body. The sisters were in for a shock for tonight they all will find out something. Each sisters past will be reviled to the brothers just like their past will be reviled to the sisters.

Sisters pov if it is in this type of writing it's the dream they have

"Where they heck are we!" Annie yelled looking at her sister that were their to. The sister looked around they seemed to be in the mansions garden in front of the founten but it was no raining instead it was night and sunny. For once rose was actuly up and not sleeping."I don't know but I do intend to find out." rina said as she pushed her glasses up. Then they heard young but familiar voices. "Hey over here""haha""wait for me". The sisters turned to see a young ayato, laito and kanato running towards them. "Aww look at my little laito"Lilly coed watching young laito. (Dame it, why does ayato have to look so cute as a kid) Annie though with a small blush on her face. "Kanato looks cute as a child doesn't he teddy?" kana asked her teddy. The three ran past the sisters as they chased after bats. "Awhu I worked so hard to catch those bats but they got away" Kanato cried. (i want to give Kanato a hug and so does teddy) kana though as she was about to walk towards young Kanato. But was stopped by a gloved hand of her older sister rina. "Stop kana, this is only a memory not real life we are nothing but an illusion we can't been see and we can't be touched." rina told her younger sister. Kana looked away saddened that she can't helped Kanato. "Don't cry kanato it's no big deal at all it will be supper easy to catch them again"young laito told going kanato. "Ya really stop blubbering like a baby, I'll go catch them for ya. Just watch me." ayato told kanato. (yup even as a child he is still full of himself why do I even get my hopes up) Annie thought while shaking her head. "Ayato" a women's voice was heard. The sisters turned their heads to see a women with purple hair and green eyes. (it's her it's that women) scar thought with clentched fist. "So this is where you've been All this time, I need you to come with me right now" the women told ayato walking towered Ayato and laito. (ok so she's a bitch, but she reminds me so much of my father) Kanato then ran over to his 2 brothers. "Come in Kanato let's go" laito told him then they ran off leaving ayato with the women that the sisters think is the triplets mom. "Lisen your going back inside and study" the women commaned ayato. "But I don't want to. Give me a break it seems like all I do is studdy" ayato need to his mom. (man this women is just like my father except if I disobeyed his I would have gotten a punishment) Annie thought as her and reached over her back where some scars were.(maybe I could be a little nicer to ayato). "I don't want to hear any excuses return to your room this instant." she demanded young ayato with no emotion I'm her face. "Its not fair kanato and laito always get to play while I ever get to do is study." laito told her. "That's because your not like other children your special." she told his starting to get annoyed. The sisters watched in saddness at the scean unfolding in front of them. (maybe were not so different after all) Annie thought as she watched. (this kind of reminds me of the triplets father and how he treated them but he was way worse than this women what a bother) rose thought. "No I'm not I just want to play some more" ayato argued. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, YOU ARE THE SUCCESSOR YOU DO UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS DONT YOU. Now tell me ayato what is it that you must do." the women yelled at ayato. Ayato seemed startled bye his mom. Scar and Lilly were holding back a fuming Annie who was trying to attack the purple hairs women. Ayato got a sad look in his eye "I must become number 1. I must..be the best, better than my brothers better than anyone" ayato said giving up into the women in front of him. "What if you fail to do so?" the women question already knowing the answer.
"Then I am not worthy of being my mother's child and I deserve only to be sunked to the bottom of the lake" ayato told the women in front of him. (ok this bitch is dead I don't give a duck anymore no one and I mean no one hurts ayato but me and I can't stand seeing him like this it hurts my heart and I don't even know why. Maybe just maybe I - I. Might like like ayato) Annie thought as she clenched the part of her shirt that was over her heart. "Exactly that's a good boy, your utterly worthless to me. unless your number 1 so you better work harder what happens to worthless boys? They spend eternity cold and drentched at the bottem of the lake all alone where no one can here you scream if you don't want that to happen to you the go to your room right now" Cordelia told her son. (my heart feels like it's breaking at this as words she has told him. I can't take it, next time I see ayato I'm apologizing for being so mean to him He can even have all my blood I don't care. I finally realized that I love him. And even though I have a worse past then ayato I don't care. Because I love him I don't care if he returns my feelings or not I just want him to now) annie thought with a blush on her face as her heart felt pain of the thought of rejection. Ayato then ran off to where the sisters think is his room. The sisters then saw a different scean but this time it was Cordelia sitting on a bench. They saw a young kanato run up to her. "Mother" hehe said as he stopped next to her. "Oh no please no. Me and teddy saw how she treated ayato I hope it's not as bad with kanato) "what is it kanato my precious little Songbird. Sing for me. I want you to sing me that beautiful song of yours" Cordelia told her. When kana heard Cordelia call kanato Songbird she froze because that's what he called her. "Yes mother as you wish"kanato did as asked. The sisters saw laito run up to kanato and their mother with a smile on his face. Before anything happened the sisters heard a bark of a puppy. The sisters turned their heads to where the sound of the bark was heard. The walked till They saw a women with long blonde hair and blue eyes sitting at a table hand-stitching something with a young rejij who was reading a book. And not to far away was a man who seemed to be a butler. (rejij looks so cute as a child) rina thought. They heard the barking again along with a giggle of a child. (o...m..g is-is that shu he-he's so cute as a kind and with a smile on his face) rose thought as she got a faint blush on her cheeks. When the women with blonde hair saw shu she stood up with a not so happy face. "Shi what do you think your doing with that mongrel" the women asked him. Shi had a smile on his face as he ran up to her with the puppy on his arms. "Look. My friend just have him to me isn't he cute?" Shi asked as he held the puppy to his mother." realise that vile thing at once" the women demanded. Shu just looks at the puppy and giggles. The puppy than started to lick shu's face causing him to giggle more. (wow I never seen shu like this... Its ...cute) rose thought. rina looked over to rejij who was watching the scean in front of him. "Shu you mustn't forget that your the eldest son and will be the head of this family one day there for you must condust your self proporly at all times" shu's mother told him. The butler that was their walked forward and tried to take the puppy. "No. What do you think your your doing! I said no" shu shouted trying to hold on to the puppy that the butler was trying to take. Shu's mother stepped forward and shu immediately quieted and let go of the puppy. Shu got a sad look onnhis face then ran away from his mother. (Oh shu....i know how you feel. Maybe i can get him something to chear him up a bit) rose thought as she watched shu'a retreating figure."mother look i finished memorizing this entire book" rejij told his mother hoping to get her attention. His mother just ignored him and went back to sewing. Rejij his mother do nothing so he went back to reading with a sad look in his eyes. (Oh rejij) rina thought as she watched him. Annie felt something next to her foot she looked down and saw a white rose that was not their before. She picked it up only to be pricked on her finger which made her drop the rose then evert thing changed to what looked like the top of the mansion. The sisters looked around before all their eyes set on annie with a glare. "Hey dont look at me. All i did was touch a rose" she yelled with her hands up. All the sisters sigh at her. Then they saw subaru as a child. (Oh no. Not subaru, please dont be so bad) scar thought as she clenched her Fists. The sisters fallowed subarus gaze which lead to a window covered in bars on a high tower with a women standing behind the window. (That-that women looked just like my father) scar looked down at subaru who was clenching a silver knife in his hand the same knife that he gave her then the knife fell tothe floor with a clank. Then the scean changed changed to that women with purple hair and green eyes but she was not alone but with a man with long darkgreen hair. They were sitting at a tale together. " Cordelia You by far are the most beautiful elegant creature that walks this Earth all worldly things that exists only to love you and to kneel adoringly at your feet" the man said while holding cordelias hand. Annie made a barfing sound. Cordelia giggled "oh Richter how I wish i could always keep you by my side Whispering Your Sweet Nothings in my ear" she replied to him. Annie felt sick to her stomach at the scean in front of her she turned her head only to see ayato hidding behind a piller watching his mother. The everything turned grey and froze. "Oi what the hell is going on"scar shouted looking around but when her eyes landed on cordelia her head moved to face the sisters. Then scar felt the pain in her heart again and new it was the women cordelia doing this causing her pain. Scar fell to the ground in pain clutching her heart. "Scar!"her sisters shouted in concern for their youngest sister. "Scar whats wrong" "are you ok" "whats happening"scar dont close your eyes" the voices of her sisters shouted. Scar closed her eyes then every thing went dark even for the other sisters.

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