laito x Lilly after the dream

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3rd person

Lilly was in her bed facing the Windows with tears streaming down her face and her knees to her chest. She was thinking about laitos past could have been She prays that it was nothing like hers. What lilly did not know was that laito had teleported to her room and was watching her with dad eyes. He walked up behind her and sat on the bed so that she was in between his legs with her back to his chest. Laito wrapped his arms around her and laid his head on her sholder. Lilly knew it was Laito and cuddled closer into him even though he was cold he always brought her warmth. Slowly her tears stopped. "Little angel"? Laito asked. "Hmm" Lilly responded. "Can u tell me what happened to you before You came here"? Laito asked. Lilly froze and was thinking should she or should she not. "Ok but you have to tell me your past to" Lilly said moving around so that she was facing him. Laito looked into her beautiful green eyes that were slightly red from crying. "Alright". Lilly took a deep breath and began

Flash back

Lilly was just a young girl trying to find her way in the world. She did not have many friends because she was never aloud to. If she made any friends she would get hit and beaten by her father. Lilly was 8 years old when her father started to do THINGS to her THINGS that no other child should ever have to deal with. Her father even let his friends have their way with her. If she disobeyed him she would be beaten to almost death. Her sister's helped in any way they could they cleand her wounds when she was to weak feed her when she could not feed herself Sing to her when Her father left. Lilly hated her father with her while being she swore she would get revenge on him for what he did to her sisters and herself. Lilly never knew what to do with her life after Her and her sisters ran from that home which they called hell for all she knew was what her father did to her. But as she free older she and her sisters did get revenge on their fathers.

Flash back over

Lilly had New tears streaming down her face as She told Laito her past she clutched in to his shirt as she cried Laito held her as close as he could hoping and wishing he could take her pain away. After Lilly calmed down she let Laito tell her his past. after Laito told her his past a single tear ran down his face. "I was blind I thought of her as a lover but I was nothing more than a tool to her but when You came to the mansion you showed me what true love is. It is not just pleasure no no no it is much more it is what you feel for a person not in lust but you feel like you are nothing with out that person that you want to protect that person from anything that could harm them, and that's how I feel about you Lilly you make me feel alive more than I have ever felt in my time of being here. I can't help the way you make me feel." Laito said to lilly. Laito got closer to Lilly's face he took 1 of his hand and cuped her face with it. Lilly leand into his cool hand with a smile on her face





















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