episode 6

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This chapter is dedicated to Juneleaf. for guessing the catch phrase that I've been using lately which is MmKay bye so from now on at the end of each chapter I am going to give you guys a question and whoever answers it correctly first will have the next chapter dedicated to them so good luck.

Kana pov
Its been a while since me and kanato got back to the mansion, but as soon as we got back we both went our separate ways. Right know I was walking through the halls with teddy in my arms. I stoped when I heard someone singing.

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?"

"Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme."

"Remember me, to one who lives..."

It was kanato I knew his voice from anywhere I follwed his voice to a door that led to a balkony. I opened the door. And kanato stopped singing. "You sing very beautifully kanato" I told him with a closed eye smile as I held teddy tighter in my arms. He turned and looked at me "oh, kana... Isn't it a nice night?" he asked with a slight smile on his face. I walked over to where he was stittimg on the ledge. I didn't worry because he was a vampire after all so if he falls it won't hurt him. But for some reason I can't help but worry about him no matter how hard I try not to. "Yes it is a very beautiful night kanato" I told him as we both watched the moon high in the sky above us. "Kanato can u sing again please, if you sing I will sing with you?" I asked him as I turned my head to look at the purple haired vampire. He look at me and smiled and nodded his head. I started to hum the melody of the song.

Are you going to Scarborough fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
He once was a true love of mine

Tell him to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seam nor needlework
Then he'll be a true love of mine

Tell him to find me an acre of land
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between the salt water and the sea strand
Then he'll be a true love of mine

Are you going to Scarborough fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
He once was a true love of mine

As me and kanato sang the last note I closed my eyes enjoying how our voices sound together. After a moment of silent I spoke. "Kanato I can't help but ask but can you please get down from their I can't help but worry you will fall. I know your a vampire But still"I asked him. He looked at me for a moment then looked forward again. "Do you want me to get down from here that badly? He asked. I squeeze my teddy in embarrassment but nodded anyway. "Okay, then give me a kiss." he said like it he did not just ask me to kiss him I blushed slightly and used my hair to cover my face a little to hide my blush. "If you give me a kiss, I will be happy to get down" he said as he turned his head to me with a big smile on his face. Then he turned forward again. "If you can't do that, then leave me alone."Kanato said his smile gone and was replaced by a frown then he turned to me again with a fake smile on his face "Okay" he asked. Then he bursted out laughing. "What's so funny kanato?" I asked him with my head tilted to the side. " you took me seriously." he said with his laughter calming down. "I'll get down now." kanato said, I felt a little relief but in a second It disappeared as I saw kanato stand up on the rail. "Kanato?" I said in a questioning voice as I held my teddy tighter to me in worry. "Well, so long." kanato said as he leaned back and fell. I froze in shock as I heard a thud hit the ground. I ran down the stairs and out to the garden. Their I saw kanato on the ground not moving. I ran over to him and got on my knees with teddy held tightly in my arms and for some reason I felt water in my eyes (am I crying). I was about to touch him when his eyes flew open, " did you believe a tiny fall from the second floor would actually harm me?" kanato asked as he sat up with his teddy in his arms. I didn't say anything. "I only wish I could die so easily." kanato said with closed eyes. (he wants to die to) "I do to kanato" o whispered with my head down but I could tell he was looking at me shocked at my words. "But maybe, not right now." I said as me and kanato both stood up kanato looked at me like he wanted to ask me something but didn't. "Kana their is a place I am find of. I would like to take you to see it today." he told me. I smiled " me and teddy would love to see it kanato-kun" I told him. He smiled and grbed my hand and staged me some where. We stopped at a bulied and enerted, in side was full of beautiful women statues I could tell by just looking at them that they were not dolls but dead women who are now dolls.(hehe reminds me of my secret collection men statues that I had back at the church. I had found a large secret room when I was exploring and then with my sadistic mind I killed men and made them my dolls, I was never caught but I did get a name which was " killer violet" I got the name because the only thing you ever see is my purple hair "these are my wax figures" kanato said well more like lied as we walked down the Isles of women. "Even teddy perks up when we come here. Isn't that right Teddy" kanato said the last part to teddy. I could feel my teddy also perk up at the dead women statues. I didn't say any thing as I studdied the women.
"You look like u are enjoys it why is that?" kanato asked. "I like it because it reminds me of my dolls that I have or well had." I answer. "You would be so beautiful as a silent corpse." kanato said. I turned to look at him and see him standing right behinde me. "Say, would you like to become a figure right here right now?" kanato asked.
I looked at him and smiled. "I would love to but i am enjoying to much time with you, when I am older or u do not wish to down time with me anymore thrn u can turn me into a doll." I told kanato, but it seems my answer was in heard as I saw the sadistic look in his face,when I saw his sadist if look my sadistic said took over. "Wait kanato how about this insted, u become my doll, oh I would keep you displayed so carefully." I told kanato. "You become my doll because it would make teddy so happy to have a new friend." kanato told me. "It would also make my teddy so happy to see You as my doll it would be a win-win situation for you!" I said my sadistic smile growing bigger if that was even possible

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