episode 3 part 2

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I hope u guys like my story

Subaru pov

As I left the dining room I grabbed scar's wrist and dragged her to her room. As soon as we entered her room I pinned her to the wall.

"Why did you not eat, and don't you dare lie to me" I hissed through clenched teeth. She didn't answer, she just turned her head so she didn't look into my eyes.

I grabbed her chin and turned her to face me. "Talk now" I growled. I could see that she shivered.

"Please Subaru not now I...I don't think I can tell you yet. It's just too painful to talk about it. But I do promise you I will tell you soon, ok. Please just give me some time"scar begged me.

I was slightly saddened that she was practically begging me not to force her to tell me.

(oh scar what has happened to you, to make you like this) I sigh and used my hand that was still on her chin to trace her jawline (she was so beautiful and she made me feel not like a monster, oh what has this human done to me)

I traced my hand down to her neck where I held it while starring intensely into her eyes.

(i can't help it, I must kiss her again I want her to know im here for her and always will be, even if she doesn't want me there)

I smashed my lips with hers in a rough kiss pouring all my emotions into it.

Sadness, anger, worry, and but most of all love. As we broke away for air I pressed my forehead against hers as we caught our breath.

Then she whispered something I never thought I would hear someone say to in my life












I love you. She whispered to me. I was shocked she loved me just like I loved her.

Scar pov

As soon as I said those's words my whole face turned red. I---- I have never told anyone this in my life.

(Subaru what have you done to me? You broke down my walls that I put around my heart and make feel like I'm worth it, and I don't regret telling you I love you).

"I love you too scar and I will always even though we have just met I feel like I've known you all my life. So scar I'm not really good at things like this but will you be my girlfriend" Subaru asked me with pink cheeks.

I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Does that answer your question?" I asked him.

His face turned a darker pink and he pulled me into his chest and he buried his face in my hair.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest.

(i hope you don't break me Subaru because once I'm broken I can't be fixed)

Annie pov

After I left the dining area I walked back to my room. Because I wanted to see if I can find any new kind of takoyaki recipes on my phone.

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