episode 5

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Kana pov

Me and teddy where sitting in the rose garden watching as the sun was setting and the moon was rizeing. "Miss kana please gather those roses and fallow me and be quick about it because I don't like it when you make me waiting." I heard kanato voice say from behind me. I gave him a closed eye smile that was fake.
"Ok kanato-kun" I told him and begain to collect the roses. After I picked enough roses I put them in a kind of bokay. I then fallowed kanato down a dirt road till we reached a grave yard. Me and teddy looked around the old grave yard with excitement. "Why are we here kanato-kun?" I asked him. "I'm drawn to the grave stones, in posses a profound darkness and the purfume of death and decay that lingers amung them. I love graves so much don't you? Their so COLD and quiet and their uteraly inderferent to terror." he told and asked me. "I also love graves and the smell of death and decay." I told him as I looked at the grave he was looking at. He looked at me but said nothing. "My mother lies in this grave" kanato told me. "Your mother passed away. How?" I asked him wondering if his mother died like my father. "I killed her" he said. (i guess we are more alike then I thought) "do you believe that. Oh it hardly matters what you believe" he said. "I do believe kanato because u see I killed my father also" I said to him as I hugged teddy closer to my chest as I remember my father begging me not to kill him. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes I could see that they held shock. "Please place the roses here" he told me. I walked to the grave and placed the roeses on it. I stood up, and turned to kanato. I'll be going now kanato teddy says she's Hungary" I told kanato. "Your so self serving but you leave the second it displeases you. You have a lot of nerve!" kanato yelled at me as he picked up the roses and started to hit his mother's grave. (i did not mean for him to feel like that, teddy and I just wanted to go back so we could surprise kanato with sweets that we like to make) I ran up behinde kanato and draped my arms around him with teddy sitting on one of the close graves. I felt him tense and then he pushed me back I tripped on one of the graves that was low to the ground. Kanato turned around and saw me in the ground. I could see a little guilt in them, but it soon disapered. "Hahahahahahahah you should see how pathetic you look! Now crawl around in the dirt some more and cry like the little girl you are. Then I may forgive you." He yelled and laughed at me. I looked down kind of hurt by his words. "Your so sweet kana." kanato said as he walked towards me. Kanato then pinned me to the ground with him self on top. I blushed big time. "Kanato?" I whispered turning my head to hide my blushing face. My back was open and I New what was coming next, he leaned down towards my neck, but then stopped. "I forgot. If mortal women aren't given a kiss before being pleasured, do they become angry?" kanato questioned the last part. As soon as I heard kiss I blushed as red as Annie's and Lilly's hair. "What-what do you mean kanato?" I asked him Still blushing. Kanato then leaned down and connected our lips. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed his cold lips against mine. I kissed him back As I felt our lips move NSYNC. After a moment he pulled away and he eat down to my neck and bit into my skin. He pulled away only to bite me again. "Kanato please to hurts" I whispered to him. "Oh I guess I should make it feel good, shouldn't I?" he asked as he ran his fingers through my purple hair. Then he traced his hand over my neck and to my shoulder. He leaned down and bit me again on my collar bone. As he sucked my blood He kept on mumbling "your so delicious". After a little while I started to feel faint. "Kanato if u don't stop I'll faint" I whispered to him. He finnaly let go and he looked at what he did. He held me close to him. "I won't ever let u go" he said to me. I weakly draped my arms around him and whispered back. "U don't have to let me go because I'm not going anywhere' I told him he held me tighter as we sat on the ground in the grave yard. (I dont know what to think about how I feel with kanato But I like it)

Rina pov

I was walking down the halls with my book in hand as i read. I stopped at a door because I heard gasping coming from behinde it. I put my book mark in the page I left off on and pushed up my glasses as I opened the room. As I entered the room I saw a lot of books and many other things. My eyes wondered the room till they landed in rejij who looked to be asleep in one of the chairs with a book in his lap but as I walked a little closer I saw that his glasses where off. (he looks cute when he's asleep, but I wonder what is he reading?) I walked over to him and was about to pick up the book when I heard rejij. "What are you doing here?" he asked me as I pulled away from his book and stood up strait trying not to blush as he had his glasses off which made him even more cute(what is going on with me I never get crushes or even think people are cute, I must be coming down with something ya that's it I'm getting sick) " my apologies rejij I did not mean to intrude" I told him not looking at him because I knew that I would blush. "I can't believe I was actually woken up by the smell of your blood" rejij said as he looked at me. "I'm sorry rejij I did not mean to wake u up" I told him with my head down. "Its far preferable to the nightmare I was having." rejij said as he closed his book and rubbed his right shoulder as if it hurt. "So can I help you?" rejij asked me. "I came because I heard noises come from this room, I just wanted to make sure things are ok" I said "please wait a moment. I will make rea." rejij said as he put his glasses neck on and stood up. A few minutes later he came back with a tray that had one cup of tea. "Um i" I was about to ask him something but he cut me off. " I have completely neglected to inform you of your own position. However, I did not imagine that it required explanation. did you honestly believe that I would make tea for you? Please stop being so conceited. It is very presumptuous. I will allow you to enjoy the aroma." he said (ok the gentlemen I know is now gone and replaced by a doush bag) I looked around the room again so this must be your laboratory it is very lovely"I said as I walked around the large room. "Rejij may I ask you a question why do you hate shu so much?" i asked him. " I could ask you the same question why do you hate Rose so much and for my answer you do not need to know" rejij said and walked over to the rain covered window. As he asked me why I hated rose I got a flash back it was when I was young in the days of my youth my father only ever paid attention to my sister never to me the flash back was to when I watched out a window as my father paid attention to rose and never to me I tried every thing to get him to noticed me but it never happened ad unknow to me rejij had a smiled flash back to when he was young and he watch as his mother was only with shu for he was the eldest son and the heir to throne. After a few moments rejij spoke "I will make an exception and I will share my tea with you" rejij said as he pores me a cup of tea. I got a bad feeling from the tea. "Be my first" rejij said. (a/n haha beauty and the beast moment) as he handed my the teacup "thank you rejij"I thanked him. But i knew something was up. I sighed and did not want rejij to get mad I sucked it up and took a sip of the tea with rejij watching me closely. All of a sudden my body felt like it was going lip I dropped the tea cup it got the floor and shattered. I put my hand over my mouth and tried to hold my self up from falling. "I-i kn-knew it" I stuttered out. Rejij was over by his desk looking at a book. "There is no need to worry. It will not endanger your life. however, I don't like how much it has made you numb. I will have to make it all over again"rejij said as he walked over to me and opened my mouth. "Now drink this" he instructed me. He poured some weird liquid down my throat and made me swallow it. It sent me into a coughing Friendzy which made me fall out of the chair and cut my hand on the broken teacup that was on the ground still. "It is impolite to cough so openly" rejij said as he looked down at me. "What is wrong with you?" he question me. "Things that have been broken must be cleaned up immediately" he told me as I sat up. I looked down at my hand that had I very large cut on it and it was bleeding a lot. Rejij saw my bloodied hand and grabbed me by the wrist. Rejij looked at my hand " I don't want you to have the wrong impression much like this cup I have no interest in things with imperfections that is true however you infuse the air was such a sweet aroma." Rejij said as he leaned on towards my wounded hand. He licked some of the blood off my hand. But froze and stood up and turned his back to me but I could see that he took of his gloves. "I have soiled myself with your blood" rejij said. "On your feet" Rejij commanded me. I stood up but as soon as I did i could see rejij's eyes and his eyes held hunger I started to back up into the bookcase. While keeping my I've connected with his. In a blink of an eye I was pinned to the book case by my shoulder with rejij right in front of me. "Rejij" his name came out in a whisper. He stared at me and I knew what he wanted he wanted my blood. I lean my head in a Direction so that my neck was visible to him. He kept his eyes on my neck as he spoke. " I wish to give you more pleasure than anyone. Here" he whispered as he leaned into my neck and bit into my skin. His other arm that was not pinning my shoulder caged me in. I could here him gulp down my blood. Then he grabed my injured hand and pinned it above me tightly. I tried to tell his He took to much but I was to weak he let go of my shoulder and I fell to the floor but the still head my injured hand. then they both all of a sudden got a flashback to when rejij killed his mother and when Rina killed her father and their last words. Then rina started to see black cover her vision and the last thing she sees is rejij with guilty eyes and a small frown on his face as he leaned down and picked her up and that was it as she saw darkness.

Sooo howed i do I hope u guys like my story and I wanted to see if you guys like it so far. So please comment and how my story is 1/10
1 being the worst and 10 being the best and don't be afraid to comment on anything if I should fix anything or add anything for the next chapter in future chapters as well

MmKay bye

P.s whoever guesses where I get MmKay bye first I will dedicate the next chapter to them and as a hint to you. They are YouTubers so good luck and stay awesome

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