part 2 to episode 1

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3rd person

All the brothers look at the sisters shocked, well just not Shuu but he is still shocked.

"Well since you are going to be staying here might as well tell you what we are," Reiji tells the sisters.

All six sisters look at each other and say at the same time, "Vampires "

This shocked the brothers (how do they know?!) ran through all their heads.

Scar tsked, "how stupid, Yes we know you are vampires, were not dumb, your fangs show, and you all aper out of nowhere, and that brat over there" Scar pointed to ayato.

"Licked Annie's neck, so if no one got that then they are idiots". Scar told them really annoyed.

"Well at least not all humans are stupid," Reiji said to himself. Rina sighs, she turns to Reiji.

"Reiji if you may, could you show us to our rooms, please," She asked.

Reiji looked at her and nodded. "Brothers, please show the sisters to their rooms, while I show Rina to her's," Reiji tells his brothers, he turns to Rina.

"Please follow me and stay close I don't want you to get lost," Reiji told her, to which she nodded and followed Reiji as he walked away from the brothers and sisters. When the 2 were out of sight the brothers looked to the sisters.

Laito looked at Lilly and smirked. "Well, my little minx why don't I show you to your room."

Lilly looked at him and smiled seductively. "Why I would love for you to show me to my room, Mister Laito." she coed the last part.

Laito and Lilly stood up, as soon as Lilly was standing, she was picked up off her feet and was now, being held bridal stye in Laitos arms, she looked at him.

"I can walk on my own, you know", she said as she looked at him innocently while putting her arms around his neck. "Well, little minx I don't see you complaining". He said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face. Lilly looked at him and brought her face closer to his just enough for her breath to hit him"Who said that I was complaining." She said just above a whisper, at this a shiver ran down his spine again.

Laito started to walk away from the rest of the siblings and into the hall, Lilly still in his arms.

When they were gone Kanato looked at Kana who was talking to her teddy.

"Kana, can you fallow me and teddy to your room," he asks while burying his face into his teddy. Kana looked away from her teddy and looked to Kanato, and giggled.

"Thank you Kanato-Kun, teddy, that would be lovely," She told him as she hopped off the couch and walked over to where he stood.

When she was in front of him they smiled at each other and start to walk down the hall to her room.

"Oi, melons follow yours truly to your room, and when we get there give me some of your blood". Ayato yelled to Annie who was sitting on the couch with an annoyed expression on her face.

She looked at Ayato and rolled her eyes, but stood up anyway. "Fine let's go but I am not giving you my blood", she told him, and stuffed her hands into her pockets, and started to walk away towards the hall with Ayato by her side.

Now the only people in the room were Scar and Subaru. Scar looked to Subaru.

She pushed herself off the wall and walked over to the albino vampire. Subaru looked at Scar as she stood in front of him. "Hey are you gonna show me to my room or not," She asked the vampire.

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