episode 1

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No one pov,

The six sisters right now are sitting in a taxi on their way to the Sakamaki household. the whole car ride was shared with no words. The taxi just pulled up to a large mansion all six girls get out and stand in front of a large gate. Quite the house don't u say teddy a young girl with purple hair says to her teddy bear as she looks at the large house in front of her. the sisters push open the gate and start to walk to the door. It starts to rain so some of the sister run to the door when all six stand before the door Rina knocks but no answer.

Rina's pov

(How rude they should know we are here.) She sighs irritated. Annie pushed Rina out of the way and opened the door and all the sisters fallow. (Uhh Annie what am I going to do with you, I really should punish you.) Rina thought as she entered the house the sisters walk in and see a young man with short red hair sleeping on the couch. (How rude sleeping on the furniture.)

3rd person

Annie walks over to the couch were the young man layed, (he is pretty cute) Annie thought to herself when she reached the couch. "Hey wake up," no answer, Annie starts to get annoyed and said in a ticked voice "HEY YOURS TRULY IS TAKING TO U", with that she heard a voice. "Dame your noise,..... this isn't even your house could you please try to keep it down." The young man says to Annie which she returned with a glare.

Next thing she knows she is on the couch with the young man above her look at her. "Hey what are you doing," Annie yells at him?! All the sisters froze. "What am I doing? Why I think you already know...... I'm about to take you of course," he said and leaned down and started to lick her neck which made Annie and the rest is the sister think vampire.

As this was happening Rose was leaning against the wall not caring what happens to her younger sister, Lilly was watching and thinking very perverted thoughts as she watched her twin and the guy, Kana was just playing with teddy. Scar had her eyes closed trying to keep her anger in check so she would not have to deal with another one of Rina's lectures. And Rina was thinking of how unwell mannered this young man was. Then a voice called to the young man.

"Ayato what is all the commotion down here." A new male voice said "Damit it's Reiji" said ayato "Need I remind you, this is our entry hall we use this area exclusively to greet and receive our guests I must ask you to take your activities to your private room." The new voice said aka Reiji "Oh what such, your such a buzz kill." With that said, Ayato got off of Annie who got up straight away and glared at her sisters.

"Thanks for the help sisters," Annie said sarcasm dripping from her voice. *sigh* your such a bother Annie if we helped you, you would have ranted on and on about how you did not need our help." Rose said as she lazily opened her eyes and looked at her little sister. Annie just rolled her eyes and muttered a whatever. Reiji turned around and looked at the six sisters but his eyes mostly stayed on Rina "And who might you all be". Reiji asked? Rina being the responsible one went up to Reiji and said,

" I am very sorry about my sister's, my name is Rina Komori and these are my sister's Rose the eldest, I am the second eldest, the triplets Annie, Kana, and Lilly, and the youngest of us is Scar our father told us that we would be living here but he never told us why. Rina said in a polite tone which surprised Reiji. "Why was I not told about this ........ Ayato explain it to me at once," demanded Reiji. "Hu how would I know anything about it, this is news to me too," Ayato said this while looking at the sisters but mostly Annie. "You never told me you were moving in with us melon," Ayato said while looking at Annie.

"That's because you attacked me out of no we're and I did not have a chance to tell you anything, wait did you just call me melons? Were you talking to"yours truly" Annie ask clearly ticked? In the back, Rose was annoyed with all the noise, Scar not giving a care, Lilly quietly laughing at her sister, Kana just watching smiling while burring her face in her teddy, and Rina clearly not amused at this childlike behavior coming from Ayato and her younger sister. "Of course i was stupid, seriously if you have not noticed your as big as two Mellon's," Ayato said looking right at Annie who looked like she was going to kill him very slowly.

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