Scar Komori

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Published October 10, 2015

Scar Komori

Age: 16

Look: pic above

Personality: she is cold, loner, silent type,  violent, will break anything when angered, tsundere, sadistic, can be sweet

Likes: roses, being alone, gardening, reading

Dislikes: People, school, being social

Hobbies: being alone, gardening

Birthday: November 4th

Blood type: A

Bio: Scar Komori is the youngest of the sisters she is a tsundere, she is a delinquent type, kind of violent and loves to damage things. she's also an extreme sadist, but despite all, can occasionally be sweet. She considers herself filthy and ignorant because of her past and how her father treated her. She is also not close to her older sisters at all.

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