Chapter 4 Never Trust a Snake Part 2/3

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*your pov*

“Make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your spinjitzu.” Sensei Wu said.

“What’s the best way to defeat an enemy?” Cole asked, walking over to the weapons bin. “It could be anything?” he said, pulling out a wooden staff.

“Come on guys, we’re smart. We can figure this out.” Jay said, as one of the training wheels came up in front of him.

“Yeah, but let’s hear more about this dream.” Kai said, walking up to Zane, putting his hand on his shoulder.

“Let me just say, the Green Ninja is awesome.” Zane explained.

*     *     *

“...With his fist on fire.” Zane finished.

“Whoa…” you heard them all say, as you trained. You had stopped listening a while ago.

“So I’m the Green Ninja,” Kai said. You decided to take a break, and listen to the boy's conversation.

“What are you talking about?” Coel said. “He had incredible strength to lift the cargo and save his life. It’s me.”

“No, no. Did you miss the part of the story where the guy pulled out nunchucks? I Have Nunchucks!” Jay yelled, pulling out the Nunchucks of Lighting.

“I think you’re all missing the point of this dream.” Zane explained, “the point is the falcon flew on his arm and it was my dream. So naturally, it’s me.” Zane said, making you facepalm.

“I think we can cross Cole off the list.” Jay said, “I could have lifted-” He started, but was cut off, by Cole.

“Whoa, cross me off the list?” Cole complained. “Anyone could hold nunchucks.”

“Since you are not training, you must have already found the answer to my riddle.” Sensei Wu said, appearing out of nowhere. “What is the best way to defeat your enemy?”

“Uh, the best way to defeat your enemy is to train, Sensei?” Kai asked.

“Feeble and incorrect. Maybe more training will help you focus.” Sensei Wu said. “Remember what happened to your vehicles when you lost focus.” he said, walking backwards, down to the underside of the Bounty. “A razor sharp weapon is an extension of a razor sharp mind.”

 You all groaned out of impatience.

“How am I supposed to focus, when we don’t know who the Green Ninja is?” Jay complained.

“I don’t want to be training all day. Let’s work together on the riddle. We can figure it out.” Cole explained.

*     *     *

You all ended up giving up on the riddle, shortly after starting.

“Anyone got a solution to Sensei’s question?” Cole asked, as you and the ninja trained.

“It can't be that hard.” Jay said. “What’s the best way to defeat an enemy?” 

“Zane, you’re smart. What is it?” Kai asked, punching a training dummy.

“I do not know, but I sense that Sensei is going to keep us here if we don’t work together, to find the answer.” Zane explained, as he did the Swooping Crane.

“That bothers me, because while we’re here working, that means the enemy is playing.” Cole said, twirling a wooden staff, and hitting the ground.

“Hey, Y/n. you’ve been quiet this whole time. What do you think it is?” Jay asked, as you swung your kusarigama around, hitting a training dummy.

“Umm… Teamwork?” You asked, as you shrugged. 

“That might be right!” Kai said, before getting wacked by the training dummy, “Aw!”

“Well? Are we going to tell Sensei?” Zane asked.

560 words

I think I’m going to stop putting these little questions at the end, I might add one or two here and there, but that is it.

IK this is a short one, but trust me, the next one will be longer, I promise. 

Please leave some feedback in the comments, and again, I hope you enjoyed this part.

The next part will be out, when ever I can get to it. But it will prob be out on thursday. if not then friday.

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