chapter 4

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Chapter 34 She Raised a Beast Husband in the Beast World (4)

  The entire Beast World was still in its primitive period, without any technological inventions, and there was no lighting at night.

  Before dark, Lin Ran returned home.

  The wolf tribe occupied more than a dozen hills and large grasslands around them, and the stone caves were allocated to families.

  The stone caves were large and small, similar to the houses in which modern humans live. There were single-room stone caves, two-room, three-room, and even four-room stone caves.

  If a family had too many people, the number of stone caves could be allocated according to the number of people.

  The stone cave where Lin Ran lived now also had several brothers and sisters who were not yet adults or had not found a partner.

  Lin Ye was one of them.

  Therefore, when Lin Ran returned, she happened to run into Lin Ye who was about to go out.

  He seemed to be in a good mood. Even though there were many fine red scratches on his body, it did not affect his satisfied mood.

  [Ah~ This female is so damn sweet! 】

  【She is actually different from us, she has no hair on her body...】

  【It is white and slippery, and it smells like milk, lick it...】

  Is this something she can listen to without paying? !

  Lin Ran hurriedly spoke up to stop her thoughts.

  "Brother, where are the female and that... that bipedal beast we brought back today?"

  Night fell, and the light was dim.

  Lin Ye seemed to have just noticed Lin Ran and looked down.

  【Did you go to Feng Yao again? You came back so late. 】

  【But you came back just in time, let her help take care of my female, so that no blind thing will come in and disturb her. 】

  "The bipedal beast has been locked up, it can't run away, so just keep it for now, and it won't be too late to kill it when it's fat. When you come back, help your brother with something. It just so happens that your sister-in-law is hungry, go get her some food, and take good care of her until I come back."

  Lin Ye's order was as matter of course.

  The thoughts hurriedly——

  [I have to go find the tribe leader quickly, I already have a partner, it’s time to assign me a new home! ]

  Lin Ran: “…”

  This trick of getting on the bus first and buying the ticket later is really cool.


  In the stone cave that is not very ventilated.

  Lin Ran walked into the room belonging to Lin Ye and smelled a lot of strange smell.

  I don’t know how Lin Ye had the nerve to let her come…

  But forget it, orcs are actually animals, and the instinct of animals is to reproduce. There is no shame in this regard.

  Lin Ran couldn’t help but cover her nose, and fanned her nose with her other hand. After meeting Fu Yan’s gaze, she was a little embarrassed.

  “Hi, my name is Lin Ran. Lin Ye is my brother, he asked me to take care of you, are you okay?”

Quick Wear: The soft waisted female partner is sweet and flirtyWhere stories live. Discover now