chapter 2

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Chapter 52: Accidentally Provoked the Dark Guards, Begging for Mercy Every Night (2)

  The Empress Dowager said that the row of beauties in front of her were all good.

  Emperor Si Zhan was handsome, with deep facial features that showed the charm of a mature man. He was intimidating without even getting angry, and his whole body exuded an innate nobility.

  With just a glance, he could scare the beauties below so much that they dared not even breathe.

  His cold eyebrows swept over the row of beauties one by one.

  When his eyes stopped on Lin Shu, he frowned slightly.

  It was the first time he saw such a turbulent emotion on a woman who had just come of age...

  Si Zhan was not a person who was obsessed with women's figures and beauty. He frequently participated in the selection of beauties only to give birth to an heir and complete the task of passing on the family line.

  When he saw Lin Shu's figure, he only thought of big breasts and no brains, which was the most fatal.

  He was about to say that he would give Lin Shu a name card and give her flowers, and the rest would keep their names.

  But suddenly, Si Zhan's head was dizzy for no reason.

  When his eyes regained clarity, he found that among the row of beauties, the woman named Lin Shu had a straight back, a dignified posture, an elegant and beautiful face, and her skin was white and delicate, as if it was glowing, like the goddess of the sky descending to earth.

  She boldly looked at him, and the gentle and shy smile on her lips attracted his spring heart, and even his lower abdomen began to feel an impulse.

  "Well, leave your name!"

  The emperor finally nodded, and the empress dowager also smiled comfortably.

  Lin Ran couldn't laugh.

  Because she was still selected.

  "Sister, congratulations, I knew you would be successfully selected."

  On the way home, Lin Shu said softly.

  But she didn't mention that she was also selected.

  If she didn't mention it, Lin Ran would help her:
  "Then I also congratulate my sister for winning the emperor's favor. Just now in the inner palace, the emperor's eyes were always on you."

  Lin Shu sighed softly:

  "Alas, in fact, the prosperity and wealth of the palace is nothing but a passing cloud to me. I value lovers getting married.

  It's a pity that I don't have someone I like, so let's enter the palace. This is also our obligation as Lin family girls."

  Seeing that Lin Shu was still pretending, Lin Ran treated it as a performance, but she had something to remind her: "It's okay to say this kind of thing in front of me, but you can't say it casually after entering the palace."

  Lin Shu smiled slightly: "I know, I'm not stupid."

  Lin Ran chose to remain silent and didn't say anything.


  They are just tools for giving birth to children. The selected girls were soon sent to the palace.

  Because Lin Ran and Lin Shu had the support of the empress dowager, they were named nobles as soon as they entered the palace and lived in the side hall of the palace of Concubine De, the eldest daughter of the Lin family.

Quick Wear: The soft waisted female partner is sweet and flirtyWhere stories live. Discover now