chapter 8

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Chapter 58: Accidentally Provoked the Dark Guards, Begging for Mercy Every Night (8)

  Lin Ran suddenly lost all sleepiness.

  She lifted the bed curtain with her bare hands, and looked at him with clear eyes:
  "Are you sure? Why is that car coming so late?"

  It's already 10 o'clock
  in the evening! You're still thinking about having someone to sleep with you so late, so you don't need to sleep?

  Without any obstruction in his sight, Xie Fengye's excellent night vision ability made him see the person in front of him more clearly.

  The soft and charming woman was wearing a thin nightgown, with impeccable facial features as delicate as if drawn with ink, and her fair and immature face had a little baby fat. At this moment, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was obvious resistance in her eyes.

  Xie Fengye hid his face in the darkness.

  With his back to the light source, he answered respectfully:

  "The emperor is diligent in his work and has a lot of things to do every day. This time is just right for him.

  The emperor and the queen mother are worried that you haven't slept with them yet, so tonight you must--" As soon as

  these words came out, the air seemed to be still for a few seconds.

  Lin Ran curled her fingertips and scratched in the quilt in embarrassment.

  Did everyone in the palace know that she hadn't slept with him yet?

  It was a bit strange for two people who were not familiar with each other and the other party was of the opposite sex to talk about this topic.

  "How do you know... that they are worried about it?"

  "I knew it when I was on duty."

  Lin Ran's eyes became surprised.

  Can you tell her this as a matter of course?

  "So you are here to inform me to be ready?"

  Lin Ran lay back on the pillow with a sense of despair.

  The hero obviously knew that he was no longer capable and was only capable of the heroine, so why did he want her to sleep with him?

  Did he think that if he changed to a woman he had never slept with, he would have a chance to stand up?

  As expected, a smile flashed across Xie Fengye's eyes. "Yes, Concubine Lin can be prepared for "sudden death" just in case."

  "What else can I do?" Lin Ran sat up again and lifted the bed curtain again.

  The palace she lives in now is not too far from where the emperor lives. Even if she knows now, there is no good way to deal with it perfectly. Moreover,

  in this world where imperial power is supreme, unless it is a god descending to earth, who can compete with imperial power?

  Xie Fengye took out a small white porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it over with both hands.

  "Here is an antidote and a tortoise pill. The antidote can cure all poisons, and the tortoise pill can make you pretend to be dead for three days. Three days is enough time for me to help you leave the palace and arrange a new identity."

  The other party's performance was too submissive, which made Lin Ran inexplicably feel that she was his master.

  And he was very loyal and reliable.

Quick Wear: The soft waisted female partner is sweet and flirtyWhere stories live. Discover now