chapter 5

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Chapter 35 She Raises a Beast Husband in the Beast World (5)

  Why do women who act like a spoiled child have the best fate?

  Because it is really hard to refuse a woman who acts like a spoiled child! When

  a beautiful woman acts like a spoiled child, whoever listens to her will be attracted!

  If she lived in modern times, Lin Ran would be willing to cook for the spoiled woman herself, or take her out for a good meal.

  But this is the primitive beast world, where there is nothing to ask for. Lin Ran could only ask her:
  "Now there is only raw meat and dried meat. Which one do you want to eat?"

  Fu Yan had a sad face, and her brows were furrowed so much that they could almost pinch a mosquito to death:
  "Ah? Can we only choose between these two? Isn't there rice, sweet potatoes, or something like that? Or cooked meat is also fine?"

  Lin Ran nodded, her eyes affirmative: "Yes, we can only choose between these two, or you can have both."

  "Then... then I'll choose dried meat..." Fu Yan still had a sad face, and she struggled for a long time before she said it.

  Lin Ye had his own collection of dried meat in his room. Lin Ran found it and let Fu Yan take as much as she could eat.

  These dried meats were longer than Fu Yan's arms and smelled of meat. Fu Yan picked up one of them and took a bite silently with tears in her eyes.

  "Oh, so hard..."

  Ouch, can these two words that are easy to cause misunderstanding be said directly?

  In order to avoid being deleted by the review, Lin Ran quickly added:
  "Yes, dried meat must be hard and difficult to chew. Eat it slowly, don't be in a hurry, you can also eat it with water."

  After that, Lin Ran took out the stored water.

  Fu Yan took a look and couldn't help crying again: "Is there really nothing else to eat? I'm not picky, oo..."

  Lin Ran shook her head honestly.

  If there were, she would have eaten it long ago!

  "There are wild vegetables or wild fruits outside, but it's getting dark outside now. If you want to eat those, go pick them tomorrow."

  Fu Yan heard that she really had no choice and could only bury her head and work hard on chewing the dried meat.

  There is no fire in the beast world, and no farming. It is not easy to satisfy human eating habits.

  However, Lin Ran was more or less dominated by

  her animal nature after she was transformed into an orc. At first, Lin Ran could not get over it, but later, she was dominated by her animal nature and could even eat raw meat with great flavor.

  She has now integrated into the life of orcs and has no worries about diet.

  She drinks raw water and eats raw meat every day, just like all wolf orcs.

  As long as she is not killed by the food or the drink, she will stay alive tenaciously!

  Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to cook for every meal by drilling wood and making fire.

  Moreover, Lin Ran also extended to another question.

  If she were to be transformed into a zombie, a vampire, or some kind of animal, such as a cat, dog, cow, sheep, or dung beetle, what would she eat?
  Oh no!

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