chapter 4

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Chapter 54: Accidentally Provoked the Dark Guards, Begging for Mercy Every Night (4)

  Oh, then Lin Ran began to understand what Lin Shu was so excited about.

  Lin Shu was 100% likely to conceive a heir to the throne.

  But if a concubine had faked pregnancy in order to gain the position of empress, or if she had cheated on the emperor to confuse the heir, when Lin Shu was truly pregnant with a heir to the throne, the emperor would have first suspected whether it was his own child, and would no longer be as happy as he was today when he learned that the concubine was pregnant.

  Alas, this was not something Lin Ran should consider.

  Let Lin Shu worry about it alone.

  Lin Ran only needed to think about how to avoid serving the emperor in the night!

  As the Spring Festival approached, the emperor's affairs became even busier.

  Concubine Lan was pregnant again, and the emperor did not strike while the iron was hot and continue to visit the harem. Instead, he kept a close eye on Concubine Lan's baby every day, staying in Fule Palace every night, fearing that something might go wrong.

  Lin Shu's birthday was exactly two days before the Spring Festival.

  When she entered the palace, she imagined that she was favored by the emperor alone, and her birthday was lively and exciting, earning everyone's envious and jealous eyes.

  But the reality was that except for her own blood sisters, no one congratulated her on her birthday, and the whole day was cold and deserted.

  However, Concubine Lan, who was favored by the emperor alone because of her pregnancy, lived a lively life like her birthday every day. All the good things were sent to her palace like water every day, and it became Lin Shu who envied and envied others.

  Lin Shu couldn't stand it anymore! She

  secretly made up her mind to expose Concubine Lan's true face and couldn't let the emperor be kept in the dark anymore!
  So on the day of the Spring Festival family banquet.

  Lin Shu spent a large amount of points and exchanged a skill of "speaking out of the heart" and threw it on Concubine Lan's head.

  At this time, in the spacious and luxurious hall, all the concubines who could rank were sitting there eating, drinking, chatting, and enjoying the music of stringed instruments, singing and dancing.

  Pregnant Concubine Lan was even more honored and sat next to the emperor, which was a position that only the queen could sit!
  Feeling that her position was taken away, Lin Shu silently clenched her fists under the table, waiting to see a good show.

  Soon, three rounds of wine were served, and the singing and dancing ended. When

  the hall returned to silence, the concubines who wanted to flatter the emperor toasted to the high position.

  When talking about congratulating Concubine Lan for being favored by the emperor and having great blessings, and that she would definitely give birth to a prince, Concubine Lan looked happy, but her words shocked everyone as if the air was quiet for several seconds.

  "Hehe, what I'm pregnant with is not a dragon seed at all. I just borrowed a seed from a man!
  And that man has committed suicide voluntarily, and his body has been cut into pieces and thrown to feed the dogs!

  All the people who knew about it have been killed. The dead will not reveal the secret. As long as I don't say it, can you think that I'm not pregnant with the emperor's seed?

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