chapter 12

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Chapter 42 She Raises a Beast Husband in the Beast World (12)

  Yangxun glanced at the straw mat, his eyes flickering unnaturally.

  "Well, these fruits are for you, you can eat them all."

  It seems that he picked the fruits for her because he was afraid that she would accidentally eat the wrong things again.

  "Thank you, Yangxun," Lin Ran smiled at him and said slowly, "Please put them on the table for me first, I will eat them later."

  After asking Yangxun where to throw away the garbage, Lin Ran went to throw it away and came back to see that a clean straw mat had been laid on the bed in the wooden house, with a strong and fragrant smell of grass.


  He is also good at doing things, so he doesn't need her to pay for it.

  The weather is still good today.

  Lin Ran sat under the eaves of the cabin, facing the breeze, biting the fruits one by one.

  By the way, listen to the voices that come from different directions from time to time -

  [She is a wolf that eats meat, is it okay to eat only fruits? ]

  [Should I let her go? What if she encounters danger outside again? What if I accidentally eat the wrong thing again? 】

  【If I let her stay, where should she live? What if she wants to eat meat...】

  【Can I believe what she said when she was unconscious? Maybe she had forgotten it when she woke up...】

  【I don't know how long I have left to live... Alas, I really shouldn't get involved in the cause and effect. 】

  Lin Ran was stunned.

  She looked in the direction where she heard her inner voice.

  Why did he say that he didn't know how long he had left to live?

  Is he sick?

  This is a very serious question!

  Lin Ran wiped her hands and walked over, parted the grass, and accurately found the white rabbit lying in it.

  【Huh? How did she know I was here? ! 】

  Lin Ran ignored his shock, bent down to hold his neck and hips respectively, and carefully carried him out.

  "Keep your claws, don't hurt me."

  Lin Ran's voice was soft and tender, showing weakness.

  Yang Xun wanted to struggle to jump out of her arms, but he didn't dare to move again after hearing her words.

  He lay in her arms with his body stiff, almost curled up into a ball.

  Lin Ran sat back under the eaves, put the white rabbit on her smooth legs, and reminded him again to put away the sharp nails on his claws.

  Yang Xun completely softened his claws, not wanting to hurt her accidentally.

  All the injuries on her body before were healed by his spiritual power.

  Yesterday, he saw that her old wounds had healed, and he had new wounds. He couldn't help but feel distressed.

  How could he bear to hurt her?

  Seeing Yang Xun so cooperative, Lin Ran happily touched his soft claws, and then touched his furry rabbit fur, her eyes curved into beautiful crescents with joy.

Quick Wear: The soft waisted female partner is sweet and flirtyWhere stories live. Discover now