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"Revenge is a fools game, leaving a domino effect that one cannot stop once it starts."

- DareTooDefyyyy

                                              - DareTooDefyyyy

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(Manhattan, New York - Summer of 2024)


Susan hums softly to the music playing in the kitchen on her speaker, her wiping down the counters and going to put the casserole in the oven.

She smiles while staring at the family portrait of her, Sam and Max. Sam smiling while his arm is around Susan, his other hand flipping off the camera. Susan smiling with her arms on top of his, Max being beside them smiling with her tongue out with both of her middle fingers up showing off her nails.

"Oh Max, how you are just like your father." Susan shakes her head.

She looks towards the front door when the doorbell rings, wiping her hands off on her half waisted apron before she opens the door, smiling at seeing her two neighbors. "Hey Bert and Deb."

"Hey Susan." Bert and Debra both smile at her.

"Come in." Susan holds the door open for them, going to stand to the side as they both enter. "I'm sure the girls are upstairs playing video games or something."

"Okay. It's almost time for our Bible Study." Bert says.

"Max! Em!" Susan calls out. "You guys want something to drink?"

"Water is fine." Debra replies, her and Bert looking over at the portrait. "New portrait?"

Susan looks up at the picture before looking back at them. "Yeah....just my husband and daughter playing around as always."

Bert and Debra both give nods with tight smiles, Susan smiling awkwardly while going to give them bottled waters.

The two controllers rest on the floor of Max's room, the TV being on a paused screen of the video game, Max being on top of Emma on the bed as they both kiss.

"Max! Em!"

"Max..." Emma gets out, her blonde hair being on the bed like in a halo, her head turning to the side as Max kisses down her neck. "I have to...go."

"Your Bible Study can wait."

Emma breaths, Max nibbling softly on her skin. "No don't give me a hickey." She laughs while raising up. "My parents would kill me if they found out that we were doing this."

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