Chapter One

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(4 years later - Minnesota QZ zone- Autumn of 2028)

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(4 years later - Minnesota QZ zone- Autumn of 2028)


Sam puts the water against his face as it rinses it, him running a hand through his damp dirty blonde hair that comes down to the bottom of his neck.

He pulls up his pants and buckles his belt, tucking his muscle shirt under the pants and putting on his combat boots. He stares at himself in the mirror, his eyes just holding a guarded and reticent expression, him going to stare down at his gold wedding ring on his finger.

He plays with the ring softly around his finger, looking back at himself and the necklace around his neck that holds Susan's wedding ring, him closing his eyes while releasing a long deep sigh.

He opens the bathroom door when he hears the front door open, Max coming inside alongside with Lovely...the 4 year old German Shepherd going over to her water bowl scooting it towards Max, Max closing the front door while pulling off her backpack.

"You were gone?" Sam questions.

"I went on a smuggling job while you were sleeping." Max sets down her backpack.

"You went on a smuggle alone?!"

"Relax yourself father I can handle myself as you very well know, plus you needed your rest. And the guys didn't want to wait, they wanted the pills and miracle powder right then and there. Man I love how the drug trade is still going strong in the zombie apocalypse."

Max goes over to the kitchen, getting out some water and pouring it in Lovely's bowl, Lovely beginning to loudly drink. "Plus look." She sets down the square green cards. "Ration cards, now this is going to last us for some months, and we can give Coop and Fangs some if they need too. We all know how FEDRA doesn't like to play fair. How can they deny those? We can actually fall asleep on full bellies now."

"Even still they can still stock pile rations and give us little." Sam goes over to the ration cards, him looking as Max downs a bottled water. "You finished your tattoos?"

"Yep." Max smiles, her holding out her arms that holds tattoos on her shoulders going down to her upper arm and her forearms, covering her two bite marks.

"Remember if anyone asks you anything—"

"It's just because I wanted tattoos and wanted to look like a badass I know, Dad. I know." Max interrupts.

Sam goes to put food in Lovely's bowl before rounding the counter to stand in front of Max. "I know I sound like a broken record, but I need for you to be okay."

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