Chapter Four

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"Sir, we are still in the process of looking for the three wanted criminals. They still have yet to be found."

"We are guarding all entrances and exits, making a perimeter around the QZ zone—"

"Mayday! Code red! Boss is dead!"


"We just found him dead in his office! Last to come in his office and leave out was Fangs! Find him! He could be helping hide Sam and the daughter along with Coop."

Sam turns the volume of the radio more down as he listens, his eyebrows furrowing a little. "Had a change of heart, didn't you comrade?" He murmurs to himself, him looking back through the scope of his gun.

"Anything on the daughter?"

"Other than her killing so many of us...nothing."

"And Coop?"


The two officers standing guard at the end of the perimeter both fall down on the ground limp when Coop shoots them with his silenced handgun, him continuing to scope the outer perimeter out for more of the officers.

Max goes to take away the knife away from the man's throat upon recognizing his face under his gas mask. "Jake?"

Jake groans lowly while holding his crotch area, him going to crouch down slowly. "I just...I need a minute."

Max crouches down with him, her peeping her head around the wall to see the officers still across the way slowly looking around, her looking back at Jake as he takes deep breaths, Lovely getting between him with her tail wagging. "Sorry."

Jake just slowly nods. "You kick hard." He comments, his eyes widening as soon as he looks at her. " are you breathing in this stuff?"

Max's eyes widen lightly in realization.

"Max you need your mask—"

"Shh!" Max hushes, her finger going over her mouth, both of them hearing the sound of more clickers coming.

"Shit, clickers."

"Just keep quiet."

Max looks around, Jake going to put a rock in her hand. Max goes to take it and peep her head around the wall, seeing how they get closer to them, the clickers being behind them shambling about. Max goes to slowly put the rock down, her bringing out her bow and pulling out her arrow, closing one eye and going to shoot one of the FEDRA officers in the knee.

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